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Guest cobainwasmurdered

the one and only raw thread for march 11,2002

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

You know, as much as I like Dork Angle, I kinda wish they would go back to Badass Angle. He's much more legitimate that way.


But the dorkfest promo was hilarious.


LUCY~!  I think the British Bulldogs are coming back.  And Steph's being real mean to that Dog.  I hope she doesn't feed it to a snake.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

HHH will save the dog in an example of hte absolute cheapest heat ever.

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Guest Will Scarlet

That promo was pretty cool.  I always was a mark for dorky Angle.  So far Raw has been looking good.  Well...at least until Stephanie came on.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

I wonder if HHH is going to inject Lucy with steroids?

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Guest teke184

G*ddammit!!! Why can't Vince just buy the McMahons their own soap opera and keep it separate from the wrestling shows?

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

It'd be so funny if the dog took a crap or a p.iss all over Steph or HHH.

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Guest Vyce

I take back what I said earlier.  I don't feel as bad for Booker T as I do for Jericho.


Imagine, you're the world's champ, and you're going to co-main event Wrestlemania, but you're actually 2nd in your own angle compared to the feud between your opponent and the booker's daughter (who's one of the head bookers herself).

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Guest Vyce

I take back what I said earlier.  I don't feel as bad for Booker T as I do for Jericho.


Imagine, you're the world's champ, and you're going to co-main event Wrestlemania, but you're actually 2nd in your own angle next to the feud between your opponent and the booker's daughter (who's one of the head bookers herself).

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Guest InigoMontoya
I have my checkbook out, and I swear, I will sign away my entire life savings to William Regal if he were to snap suddenly and stiff the shit out of every one of those fuckers in the ring.


Well, maybe not RVD, cause I like him.


You hear me, Regal?  You got some green coming your way, just make sure to potatoe the Hardy Boys!


Let me start by saying "that is the BEST POST EVER".

Let me end by saying "that is the BEST POST EVER".

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Guest teke184

This show went from 0 to suck in about 10 seconds flat, between Steph's promo and a Test-Rikishi match...

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Guest Will Scarlet

Yargh!  Test vs. Rikishi.  This show is falling apart fast.  It started off so well too...

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Rikishi v. Test?  And the show grinds to a halt.  But at least they're building angles off of Heat.  That's a real good sign that they're booking ahead at least a little bit.

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Guest Vyce

#### you, double post!


I look at this Test / Rikishi match in an optimistic light - at least we're seeing it here instead of on Mania.


At least, I HOPE.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21







One of these things is not like the others.  One of these things does not belong.


I see Steph is book-ending matches now.  Joy.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

It's pretty funny that the dog seems to like Steph and Jericho better than it likes HHH.

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Guest Tony149

Man, poor Jericho. Steph looks like she'll be all over the show. The dog took a crap.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

poop on the floor.


That's your undisputed champion folks.

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