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Guest cobainwasmurdered

the one and only raw thread for march 11,2002

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Guest Vyce

Goddamnit, if "Crossing Jordan" was on tonight, I'd be flipping the channel.


I have to figure the lovely Jill Hennessey is worth watching over this crap.

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Guest Flyboy

Kurt & Booker Vs. Edge (w/ cool shirt) &...


Damnit, he's not hurt enough!  *grumbles*

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Guest Tony149

I think JR just said they got Lucy out from under the car and HHH took him to the vet.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

I dont care what anyone says, but the Chuck/BIlly segments are really good

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Guest Vyce

####, Kane would have been a better tag partner.


And I can't believe that I'm actually saying that.

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Guest muswp1

I was afraid if this.  The absolute last thing I want to see is Big Show getting the winning pinfall.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

hey, Angle Slam on Show, and he taps to the Ankle Lock, now that's how to use Show.  A big jobber.

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Guest Flyboy

BREAK IT, KURT!!  MAKE SURE HE NEVER WRESTLES AGAIN!  Only skits and funny gimmicks.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Wow.  Big Show...Rikishi...all they need now is a Godfather match and I will get to see my least favourite wrestlers tonight.  Good to finally see someone tap to the anklelock though.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

I hate the Big Show.  He should job every show.  I'd like to see Taka squash him and finish him off with a Michinoku Driver.  That'd be cool.

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Guest Flyboy

If JR doesn't say,


"This handicapped match has just turned into a 3 on 2 affair!"


I think I'll be able to handle it.

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Guest Tony149

I'll still be shocked if Hogan wrestles. He'll probably just stand around.

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Guest Vyce

Why is the guy from "The State" and "Viva Variety" doing the Snickers commercials?


Oh well.  At least he's a better pitchman than Carrot Top.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

1 hour segment of Big Show being repeatedly hit by Kurt Angle's milk truck=ratings

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Guest Flyboy

Sex On The Beach... why ain't Jazz there?!  :P


I think the WWF keeps their women in the freezer before they go out...


And, Chuck and Billy's theme always make me chuckle.

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Guest Vyce

Serious question - does Jackie do anything for anyone?  Cause I'm not that big a fan.


Although the Lil' Kim look is a big improvement.


Uh-oh, awkward pseudo-homosexuality coming up...

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Guest Army Eye

hmm we didn't even get Christian's entrance?  I don't care much for that

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Guest papacita

1...I LOVE JACKIE!!!!!!!


2...if they were gonna do the dog killing angle to hype WM, wouldn't it make more sense for Jericho to do it on purpose?

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