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Guest cobainwasmurdered

the one and only raw thread for march 11,2002

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Guest Vyce

A....clean win?


Fuck, that IS a surprise.


####, that's more surprising to me than any dopey run-in.

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Guest Tony149

It seems like Rock will win at WM. I guess that means Hogan/Rock will be the WM main event.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...the match was pretty darn good.


It gives me hope that Patterson can lay out a winner for Mania.




This match confirmed 2 things to me.


1.  Hall looks real good.

2.  Hogan does not.  All the luster is off Rock vs. Hogan for me.  Hogan is just old.

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Guest papacita

Well I'll be damned! Hogan won...


Match woulda been 10 times better had they given the NWO Razor's and Diesel's old fireworks from 95. And NO WALLS OF JERICHO?!?!?!! I feel so cheated!

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Guest Tony149

Hall looked good. Nash surprised me by moving better than I thought he would. Hogan is...well, he's Hogan. Pretty fun match, in my opinion.

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Guest Flyboy
This match confirmed 2 things to me.


1.  Hall looks real good.

Yeah.. I read at OVW that Hall looked damned good out of the entire nWo (not saying much, but still... he's one of my favorites).  So, I guess this proves it.  ^_^

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

hall and nash defenitly worked a good match especially hall, and i liked how they keeped hogan's in ring work to a minumum but people will go away remembering this as the night Hulk Hogan pinned the rock. easily the best match with hogan in it in ages.

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Guest Risk

A clean win for the "bad guys"?  YAY!  That's new!  When was the last time that happened?

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Guest RicFlairGlory

<<Well...the match was pretty darn good.


It gives me hope that Patterson can lay out a winner for Mania.




This match confirmed 2 things to me.


1.  Hall looks real good.

2.  Hogan does not.  All the luster is off Rock vs. Hogan for me.  Hogan is just old.



Please, you're so fucking pesimistic that you never had any luster in the Rock/Hogan match.



Either way, Hall AND Nash looked really good.  Hogan just had ring rust :(

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Guest Army Eye

Match was pretty good.  Hall was good and obviously carried most of the NWO's offense.  Nash and Hogan were ok.  Hogan winning clean with the legdrop, I love it!  Quite the shocking result.  


I think that's a lot cleaner than any of Hogan's wins in WCW (when he was

Hollywood of course).  I don't remember him ever cleanly pinning anyone there.  Not sure what that means but it's interesting.

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Guest suckfreecomix

And BPS21 gets attacked again.


Apparently all of his opinions are made for him...and then attacked when they differ.

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Guest Some Guy

I liked the match.  Hogan looked pretty old and can't move well, Nash looked better than Smackdown, and Hall looked very good IMO.  Rock bumped his ass off for Hogan and jobbed to the leg drop, the guy is a pro.  Austin actually sold for the nWo guys a little bit which is something new.  Austin vs Hall will be about ***1/2 I think, Hogan vs. Rock **.

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Guest Tony149

Hall & Nash did most of the work, but ####, it was cool seeing Hogan pin The Rock.

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Guest jedisrm

Tonight was the first time i watched in a month, and i quess i havent missed anything good. Hogan was in the ring for 1 minute, did 3 moves and pinned the rock?

total horseshit

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

The main event was the best match for any of the nWo guys in several years. Hogan should have gotten in a bit more offense and spent more time in the ring, especially considering the amount of time Nash was given (although in a way that's fair since Nash isn't fighting at Wrestlemania). Hogan's back suplex looked decent, it obviously was no Benoit or Angle but it wasn't badly blown either. Hogan pinning Rock clean with the legdrop was a nice surprise ending and puts some nice build on the match at WM, especially if they play it up on Smackdown. Hall has looked very good so far and I think his match with Austin will be good so long as the two guys cooperate with each other.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Good gawd - what is this, BPS21 sympathy-heat week?  Let him deal with it, he's a big boy now.


Anyways, I gotta agree with him - though Hall and Nash looked marginally all right, everybody's work looked kinda slow.  Hogan pinning Rock should have felt like a world-changing event (in terms of the wrestling world), but in this case, it didn't seem special at all.  I didn't really mark out when I saw Austin jumping on Hogan and punching him after the match was done...it all lacked something, and that something is what I think BPS was talking about losing on Rock and Hogan.  I mean, I just saw Hogan boot, leg drop, and pin Rock without much effort...what makes me want to see Wrestlemania now?


Once again, Raw wasn't necessarily good or bad...it was just THERE, for about the fourth week in a row.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



I think I've been attacked every day for the last 2 weeks straight.


Always by someone who is popping back up after a month...and then vanishing again.


As far as taking care of myself...this is not a flaming folder.


So I will, as always, ignore the BPS trolls.

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Guest The Man in Blak

*shrugs*  Well, I guess it's better than people not reading your posts at all.  :)

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Guest The Man in Blak

Ah, it just wouldn't be the same.  If people trolled upon my stuff, then that would mean they'd actually read it, which would totally neglect my official title as the new F'N Thread Killer.  ;)

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Guest Rabies

So, was Raw any good? I live on the west coast and I'm trying to decide whether to tape it or not.

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Guest converge241

The main event sucked.

The buildup for HHH-Jericho was good , but too late.


Anytime when Steph's ass becomes one of the highlights for me, its not a good wrestling night.

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