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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Intresting HBK/Marty Jannety trivia

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Other than being tag champs with different partners and former IC champs what other thing have both former Rockers do during their WWF careers (note this is a question about things seen on camera, not delving into their respective self destructive demons)



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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Okay, I should make it A LITTLE bit more clearer. The thing is something that only 2 other men have EVER done in the WWF history


If I give the other 2 guys it will give it away, so there is your hint



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Guest Steve J. Rogers
Both went through windows.

You're begging me to give the answer...

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Okay, the answer, drum roll please...


Both have done the same thing that Brian "Chainz" Lee and Glenn "Kane" Jacobs" have done, that is been seen in Undertaker's garb.


Marty in the infamous "Undertaker Rising From The Dead" sequence Royal Rumble 1994 was Taker when he "elevated" to the rafters.


Shawn was in Taker's garb the Raw after RR 1998 (same Raw with the Austin vs Tyson confrontation) and that prompted the infamous D-X BBQ promo with tons of dick=meat jokes. Case you did not know, Taker lost the casket match to Shawn and the casket was set on fire by Kane afterwards. So on RAW they did a series of vingettes where DX was looking for Taker and so they had "Taker" coming down from the rafters to the ring with Taker's music but it was revealed to be Shawn and DX music hit. Quite a funny series of promos actually. Much better than the one where Marty was Undertaker



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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah. When Austin snuck up on Taker in August of 98 in the ring and whipped him around and he was revealed as Kane.

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