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Guest The Amazing Rando

A change of pace for Kanyon

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Well... earlier I was working on some writing and stumbled upon an awesome little gimmick a wrestler...like Kanyon...could use...


Mr. Always Has An Alibi


He could attack people...then claim he wasn't even around, and that he was getting a cup of coffee alone when the incident occured...


or that he doesn't even wrestle.

"no...i'm not undefeated...i don't even wrestle...I thought that stuff was fake...I'm just a popcorn guy"


He would go around always having a fake nametag to throw on to confuse people.


i.e. Getting chased by someone he would throw the tag on and the guy would be like "Where did Kanyon go..." and Kanyon would say "he went that way...want some popcorn?"


He could wrestle on RAW even though he is a Smackdown guy and when confronted with it he can be like "what do you mean I was on Raw...I'm a SMACKDOWN guy..."


and when put in front of visual evidence... "that's not me...I'm not THAT ugly!"


his catchphrase would definitely be "You must be thinking of someone else" with a great big WINK...




Y2J: Kanyon...did you attack me during my match?

Kanyon: what...huh...I just got out of the shower...notice my hair?

J: Oh...well...it looked just like you....

K: Hmm...you must have been seeing things...cause I was out back with the Alliance...

J: I thought you just said you were taking a shower!

K: What? no...you must be thinking of someone else *WINK*

J: What are you winking at!?

K: Huh? Wink? What? What do you mean? *WINK*

*Jericho storms off, Kanyon winks again and heads in opposite direction*



it's GOLD~!

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Guest Youth N Asia

This is almost Just Joe done right. I likes it.


Kanyon: "I want a title shot."

GM: "You had a shot two weeks ago and lost!"

Kanyon: "WHAT?! 2 weeks ago I was with my mother in Jersey, you can call her and ask her yourself."

GM: "The segment was replayed on tv just 5 minutes ago."

Kanyon: "That could've been anybody. That's John Cena."


And when they would have video proof of him doing anything he would just deny the hell out of it.


Good shit

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Guest Downhome

He could have a tag team with someone, turn on him, then the next week claim it wasn't him damnit!

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Guest The Amazing Rando

well I think if the announcers should the fact that the guy in the ring WASN'T Kanyon or couldn't possibly be him due to statements like "I just talked to him backstage" and such...


it could end up with someone finally proving him wrong...with him getting so flabbergasted he goes back to using the Kanyoncutter and then the old "i couldn't have done that to him....."


he could use different finishers on RAW and SD to further make it seem like two different people...even possibly using two seperate ring names....both completely different from "kanyon" as he uses the excuse of his injury...

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Guest chirs3

"What? You say I lost a career match at the Royal Rumble? Oh ho ho! You must have me confused with someone else!" *WINK*

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Guest El Satanico

It's a good idea, but they'd have to be careful and not over expose. It would have to be a low key gimmick that doesn't draw attention to it being a gimmick. Tell him to do it and make it look natural.


I don't think he should use a wink either. Doing a wink would make it look stupid. Kanyon already has the "don't trust this man" vibe and wouldn't need any winks or hands signs.

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Guest Si82

It's not a bead idea. Hell, it's pretty funny actually. I'd like to see it.


However, I do feel that it should only be a part of his gimmick and not his whole gimmick. In fact just add it into his existing one and you're on to a winner in my opinion.

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Guest Bling-Bling Buchanan

I know it sounds stupid, but I really think Kanyon could make it work. I think the people who he's talking to should believe every word he's saying(from Funaki to Vince McMahon), no matter how rediculous his claim is.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

I think we should team up Kanyon with someone, have them continuously start up feuds and plotlines, but just forget about them the next week. Every time they show up, completely new angle, don't even have the announcers mention what happened. Don't explain it to the audience, and never admit anything happens. But that's just me, and my ideas usually suck.

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Guest AndrewTS
I think we should team up Kanyon with someone, have them continuously start up feuds and plotlines, but just forget about them the next week. Every time they show up, completely new angle, don't even have the announcers mention what happened. Don't explain it to the audience, and never admit anything happens. But that's just me, and my ideas usually suck.

They tend to do things like that already.

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Guest Scarlet Pimpernel

What would work better is if another person shared this gimmick with Kanyon, and they worked as a tag-team. It would last longer:


Terri: Kanyon, last week on Raw you brutally attacked your partner and sent him to the hospital. We've gotten word that his leg is broken...


***Kanyon's partner walks onto the set***


Terri: What the!?!....but you're injured...your leg...why isn't your leg broken!?


Partner: My leg? My legs fine.


Terri: Kanyon attacked you last week!


Partner: ...No he didn't.


Terri: I'm confused.


Kanyon: What's there to be confused about? We're good friends, and fierce competitors. C'mon, let's gets some coffee.


***Kanyon & Partner walk out***

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Guest RepoMan

I think its a good idea but I kind of reminds me of Just Joe, and we know how that ended up.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I think it's funny as hell.

No have the face announcer play up the fact that Kanyon is full of sh*t but have the heel announcer(if they have one) be like "No man! I just saw him in the back!" or "Kanyon's not even here! You're crazy! Why would you make things about him up!?"

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I think this is the first idea i've had that people actually kind of liked. I feel proud...and it all came from a little place called Fiction... (which I'm probably going to post part of one day)

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Guest Black Tiger

This could be really funny if done right.


Bischoff: Kanyon, I told you that you were barred from ringside.

Kanyon: I was just getting nachos from the concesion stand, I wasn't at ringside

Bischoff: (plays tape) no, that's you attacking Goldust

Kanyon: No it's not, that looks like Jim Ross. Back me up here Cheif

Morely: I don't know Mr. Bischoff, it could be JR

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Guest Goodear
I think its a good idea but I kind of reminds me of Just Joe, and we know how that ended up.

Well Just Joe wasn't really good at anything, where Kanyon has a pretty good history of pulling off goofy stuff like this with Positively Kanyon, Alliance MVP, even "Who Better Than Kanyon" has been used for great commedy moments...


"Who not better than Kanyon?






"It's come to my attention that some of you might be getting response to my question wrong ON PURPOSE...(gasp!)"

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Guest evilhomer

If they use this idea in conjunction with random Kanyon cutters in the back then I'm all for it.


One of my favorite memories towards the end of WCW was a backstage shot of some guy just going about his business and Kanyon comes out of nowhere and hits a cutter.


He'd have to be a Smackdown guy though. Tazz could play the role of the agreeing heel perfectly.

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Guest Black Tiger

If Kanyon goes to RAW then he needs to be a face and put with Booker T.


Kanyon: Who better than Kanyon?


Boooker T: Sorry dog, they don't like you....CAN YOU DIG THAT....SUCKA!


If he goes on Smackdown then with Matt Hardy


Kanyon: "I don't follow Mattitude....I follow Kanyontude"

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Guest EdwardKnoxII
One of my favorite memories towards the end of WCW was a backstage shot of some guy just going about his business and Kanyon comes out of nowhere and hits a cutter.


Yeah mines too. I don't know if this is the one your talking but, I remember this happened on Thunder when Jeff Jarrett was the Commish or Chosen One or whatever. JJ was talking to someone and then walked off. Then out of nowhere Kanyon comes in gives the guy a cutter, does the diamond sign and yells "Bang" to the camera. Then off camera JJ yells, "Kanyon knock that crap off." And Kanyon gives this "Aw man I hate you" look and walks away.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Remember when Mike Sanders debuted? Jeff Jarrett walks up "Hey kid that guitar shot was pretty good. But you need to do it like this!" *BAM!* Then Daffney runs up with a chair "How dare you do that to crowbar!" *BAM!* Then he finally gets up to walk off at the end of the show and KANYON CUTTER!

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Guest Bling-Bling Buchanan

Is Kanyon is the only guy who's still fired storyline-wise from the Alliance losing at Survivor Series 2001?

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