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Guest HBK16

May have extra ticket to Raw in Phoenix

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Guest HBK16

Well, here's the deal. My friend got like 5 tickets. All of them are all over the arena. And I mean everywhere. He got a few floor seats including this one, I think it is section D row 7. Anyway, as some of you may know, i already have good tickets and I wish to keep these. If you are in Phoenix and are looking for a seat, only one, make sure you post here and how much you are willing to pay. And if someone else wants to go higher, please do so. I do not havea set price but if one person is willing to pay more than another than why not take it. If a fight starts over them I will take it down and sell it the day of the event. I don't think that will happen though because we have like what, 3 people from Arizona here?   Thanks.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Dude, just scalp the ticket


and dont say "oh, and I'd love a bidding war" in your post

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Guest Ihatesmarksandmarks

section D sounds pretty good.....u can get 125 for that EASY the day of the show...no need to sell it some smark...

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Guest HBK16

I just want to be able to receive as much out of it as I can. Would you sell it to someone who offered you face value or someone that offered you 3 or 4 times more than that?

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Guest HBK16

Section D is very good and because it is in Phoenix, where most people don't get a ticket, I can for sure get well over $150 for it. I stayed 4 nights last time Raw came in Phoenix and I got section 102 row 7. Those are still really good but this ticket is much closer.

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Guest Ihatesmarksandmarks

if someone offers u 125 or more take it. Otherwise, i dont know. I still think they are a lot of dumbasses who will pay ANYTHING to get a good seat the day of the show.

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