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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

rumors from WWF magazine

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Here are informer rumors from the April 2002 issue of WWF Magazine:


- A certain wrestler with a "lot of hair" and an affinity for cutting hair may be returning soon.


   If Hogan has his way...it's true


- The Natural Disasters could be brought back to the WWF by The Hurricane.


   Just what we need to fix that tag team division


- One or many women could be causing friction between Val Venis and The Godfather.


   More tv time for godfather = ratings


- Booker T could be aligning with Scotty Too Hotty and Albert soon.


   At the pace he's going...yep.  I can see it.


- The WWF will split into two after Wrestlemania.


  Does this mean that it won't happen?


- Developmental talents from the HWA and OVW could be heading to the WWF soon.


  Good news.  So it's not true.


- Terri may be planning to spread her wisdom in a "previously unseen format".


   Because she DESERVES more tv time than Tajiri and Hurricane


- The nWo may recruit Jazz.


   They'll leach heat off of anyone.


- Goldust's dreams may be shattered by a more "patriotic dream".


    And somewhere...Anglesault is crying.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No I took it off of a news site out of boredom.


The Barber will return!


What do you think?  Edge vs. Booker hair vs hair over the shampoo contract and the return of the Barber?


Sounds almost too good.

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Guest Anglesault
- Goldust's dreams may be shattered by a more "patriotic dream".


   And somewhere...Anglesault is crying.



There's another Patriot in the WWF! Right?

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Guest Tony149

That stuff is wrong 99.9999999% of the time. I think only one thing they predicted happened. That was the nWo.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

"- Goldust's dreams may be shattered by a more "patriotic dream".


   And somewhere...Anglesault is crying. "


Poor poor Anglesault.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

poor anglesault indeed, first kurt jobs to val, and then a smoking fued with goldust! oh how the mighty have fallen...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I hope & pray none of that stuff (except the split & developmental talent) happen.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
- Terri may be planning to spread her wisdom in a "previously unseen format".


   Because she DESERVES more tv time than Tajiri and Hurricane

I was thinking more along the lines of Playboy.  Spread...unseen format.....

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Guest converge241

i dont think playboy could handle Terri's mutant adamantium nipples

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Dear god, did the magazine just think of (with the exception of the split) the *worst* ideas it possibly could?


I think they must have been kidding.

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Guest converge241

either they were kidding or they were written by:

Mr X Da SpOoKy SeCrEt MaN


Nothing ever beats the sheer ridiculousness or misleading by Mean Gene's hotline plugs in WCW

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It was right when it said "A former world champion from Harlem will debut soon" in May/June.

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Guest One Bad Apple
- The Natural Disasters could be brought back to the WWF by The Hurricane.

I dunno what kind of sense that makes, WWF Magazine people.


And bps ... you sounded like a cynical ####### with those "too cool for school" comments you was makin'.  Just be yourself, my boy.  S'all you need to be!



X-Pac is pretty patriotic, right?


You're a fucking loser, but that was very funny, you fucking losing baby.


Fuck off, you motherfucking shit.




NOTE:  They edit out "#######" but leave in "motherfucker."  Motherfucking assholes.

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