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Guest Suicide King

How are you all Fucking?

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Guest Suicide King

Seriously, how come the Clusterfuck matches kiddos? I am curious to see how they are progressing, any difficulties that may have arisen, etc.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I'm about half done and chugging along fine. Really enjoying it actually. My only worries is writing an overlong match or short changing myself on time as Sunday morning rolls around.

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Guest midnight_burn

Well, i'm only up to entrant #4. Perhaps i should start writing some more of this damn match so i don't end up having to write over 10,000 words in one sitting again.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Well I've got the whole thing plotted out to the last detail, it's putting it into words that has been challenging considering an overload of homerwork this week. I've completed the intro, and I'm up to entranant number six. My worry is maintaining an interesting writing style over the course of the match, If I get it done at all.

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Guest HVilleThugg

I'm not writing the CF, therefore, I have none of it written. HAHAHAHAHA!


I do, however, have news about MY match...which...uhhh...hasn't been started.


Shut up!


I wrote the opening promo though...yeah!! Gimme some credit dammit!


Don't yell at me!!


Da "has a problem" H

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Guest Ace309

I've got most of the match noted out, but I'm not very far in as far as actual writing goes. I'm starting to scrounge for 1000 words or so between classes and before school.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I have a 75 word spectacular that involves me declaring myself the winner of the Clusterfuck after the ring explodes for no reason whatsoever.


C'mon, 20-way no-show!

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I'm not....




Oh, you're talking about Clusterfuck.




I'm not...

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Guest Kibagami

I'm just over 5k and on the seventh entrant...


...and I've been there for two days.


Classes starting, work occuring, match is stalling.


Maybe if I was drunk, things would go smoother.



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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Well, I was just talking to TNT, and he's at about 8,000 words, and he thinks it might go 20,000. God, Sunday is gonna be a long day of reading for me.

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Guest Powerplay

Well, I've restarted 3 times and I'm up to about 3,000 with Annie coming in. *Sigh* Gotta pray it just flows once I get more people in :|.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

I'm going to have an emotional breakdown at around 12,000 words on Friday night. I hope that all of you on AIM are prepared for me to bitch about how bad my match is to you, like always.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
Well, considering that I've been working all week straight up until a few hours ago, I haven't written anything. Whatever I can get done, I'm pretty much going to have to pump out Thursday and Friday, 'cause I work through the weekend, too.

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Guest Kibagami

I feel your pain, WC. Can you steal liquor from your job? I've found that it makes me feel better about having to work on Saturday nights.



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Guest Kibagami

No Saturday night for you either, I see. Well, I'm going to go fail to get motivated now, because I've written...sixty-seven words so far today. SMELL THE PROGRESS~!....





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Guest Goodear

I'm chugging right along with a nice 3000 words a night for the last three with just having Z make his grand appearance into CF. So its actually going pretty well as far as pacing and everything and I'm hoping to get the first draft done by Friday. I'm really going to have to go back and do some serious, serious editing though. But the most important thing to me is to get the actual framework down. So far its pretty good IMO with some swank double teaming, triple teaming, nasty tactics, and face rallys of DOOOOOM.

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Guest midnight_burn

I swore today would be the day that i would write the bulk of my match, going from having Annie enter to about entrant #15. So of course, with the whole day free, i haven't even got to Xstasy's entrance yet. So due to my rampant laziness i'm way behind where i should be on the match, if i'm going to finish this match at a level i'm happy with i'm going to have to write the rest of the match in pretty much one sitting, with work being a total bitch (more so) as of late.


Sigh, so very lazy...


EDIT: Oh yeah, and the middle of my match will probably suck ass unless i can come up with something good by the time i go to write it, though at least the end section of my match should be super-awesome if i have the time to write it out like i've envisioned it.

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Guest kelloggs

::scurries in::


My CF match is coming along well. Everything's flowing nicely and writing this match the way I am has been a kick. This has been the most fun 8k I've ever written. I just hope it stays that way. To class I go...


::scurries out::

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Guest Ash Ketchum

I'm at 10K, up to and just past Xero's entrance. I'm definitely going to get this done, so sorry, Ced. :P

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Well, as much as I really wanted to finish this one, it doesn't look like it'll happen. I have 4,000 words and have written up to Stryke's entrance at #6.... I've been there for almost two days.


I'm also out of free time.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Almost 8,000 words so far. I'm planning on stopping in the area of 13,000.

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Guest Goodear

Home stretch = (Y)... I'm 13K in and Frost just decided to kill the entire world, oh yeah he is. Tod is about to come out and then after Mak we will soon be on our way to the triple threat.


Ejiro is tired but happy.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I just got TNT into the match, but hope to finish up late tonight or early tomorrow morning. At this point I have no idea where my word limit is going to top out at, let's just say 'fucking long' as of right now.


Having Frost come in and destroy everything walking is the acceptable and preferred way to finish up. Carry on.

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