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Guest chirs3

Randumb RAW Thoughts

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Guest chirs3

--> Exactly six days before Wrestlemania, and we get the first HHH/Jericho promo package. Bra-vo. NO BUILDUP would have been better! Having JR remind us every show "And don't forget, HHH meets Jericho for the title" and leaving it at that would have been better than the crap we've been getting with what could be a really great match!


On the bright side, HHH gets to nosell the injury that put him out for eight months so he can fight at Wrestlemania and end up getting himself DQ'd.


--> Wow, that Christian/DDP thing happened... early...


--> Quote of the night: "You're not red, white, and blue, you're just... really, really white!" - Edge


--> Flair didn't get a chance to argue his case until after the decision was made? That sounds fair to me. And, as someone mentioned earlier, Vince was the one who injected the poision into the WWF...


--> And now, the reason for the subtitle "I don't fucking believe it": That main event... was good... I didn't expect an NWO clean win, and Hogan did a suplex! I can't remember the last time Hogan did a suplex! And he won with the boot and leg drop of DOOM! What more could you ask for? Nash wrestled on par with the power wrestlers of the WWF, and aside from a botched Lou Thesz Press and a few weak punches, everyone worked pretty well.


Assessment: These people can't get it together. One week the wrestling will be better, the next week the promos will be better, the next week won't have Stephanie. They always do one thing right and ignore everything else... sigh...

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Guest Army Eye
--> Flair didn't get a chance to argue his case until after the decision was made? That sounds fair to me. And, as someone mentioned earlier, Vince was the one who injected the poision into the WWF...

Yeah.  WTF happened there?  Flair could've given almost the same speech before the decision and everything would've actually made sense.

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Guest Some Guy

Watching the main event I couldn't help but think, "#### that Nash guy sure stole a lot of his moveset from the Undertaker." :)


I liked the show, Jericho actually got to get some heat on himself, rather than Steph.

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Guest The Electrifyer
--> Quote of the night: "You're not red, white, and blue, you're just... really, really white!" - Edge

No, no. The quote of the night was something along the lines of: "Darn Skippy is wasn't right, Homie!" - Kurt Angle.


Anyways, one of my greviences about Raw is Mr. Perfect's feud. First, he's wrestling on Heat against Rikishi and now, it looks like if Perfect's gonna have a match at WM, it will be against Rikishi. WHY?? Mr. Perfect has one of the greatest history's in the WWF. First, he shows us he's not perfect anymore and now he's feuding with Rikishi!!?? And why on Heat!!?? It would have been better if Perfect took on Edge in a feud right now or maybe Test after a face change. Anything but Rikishi!! If there gonna ruin Perfect, they never should have brought him back.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Like it was said elsewhere on the board, Jericho's attacking of the quad should have happened WEEKS ago.  F*ck all this Stephanie crap and running over dogs with limos.


The Board Meeting was pretty bad...if board meetings in real life include my boss sneering at me with such ridiculous facial expressions after he bragged about releasing a poison onto the company about a month ago, I'd just shuffle from college into early retirement right away.


As for Perfect, I think I've just resigned to his fate - his ringwork has been spotty, his promos have been scary, and the Mr. Perfect theme being pitched shifted about a step and a half up just makes him seem more like a parody of himself every time I see him.

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Guest Some Guy

Perfect is still perfect, At the Rumble he spit and swatted his gum out while in the ropes and tonight he grabbed his towell while take a bump over the top rope before he hit the ground. :)

He really should have some type of feud, stick him with Saturn or someone and give them ten minutes on Mania or at the very least the Heat before it.

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Guest Army Eye
The Board Meeting was pretty bad...if board meetings in real life include my boss sneering at me with such ridiculous facial expressions after he bragged about releasing a poison onto the company about a month ago, I'd just shuffle from college into early retirement right away.

Yikes you're right.  This is an even bigger plot hole that didn't occur to me.  Vince has stated he wants to 'kill his creation' and basically put everyone on the board of directors out of a job, but they're siding with him since Ric Flair punched a fan.  Sigh

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