Guest DeputyHawk Report post Posted January 31, 2003 latest episode from WWE's feeder territory, who lost a lot of momentum after that whole 'run for the rumble' debacle was pulled out from beneath them. vince & co really crapped on the promotion and they're fast running out of stars with all the call-ups recently. don't really know where they go from here, neither a dinsmore nor a basham title run fill me with much enthusiaism. OVW TV Taping Results 1/29/03 Aaron "Lurch" Wilson [email protected] -I apologize to all of my loyal readers for not being able to bring my usual full detailed reports, and would like to thank Eric Montgomery for filling in my shoes on my time off, he did a great job. Was a good night of Ohio Valley Wrestling, let's get to the show.... -Orlando Jordan vs. Badd Dogg DARK MATCH -Badd Dogg immediately opened off his offense by jumping the Rocky Johnson trainee at the bell to start off this pre-show dark match. Jordan showcased his great athletic ability pulling off a nice backflip over Badd Dogg and followed by laying Dogg out Jordan showcased some immediate improvement since I last saw him wrestle and has great potential. No man really maintained any defenite upperhand and the Davis Arena crowd saw Badd Dogg pick up the victory after a Double Underhook powerbomb. -Winner via pinfall Badd Dogg -BJ Payne vs. Chris Nowinski -A good opener to get things off on the right foot tonight with the crowd immediately erupting once the Harvard Graduates music echoed across the loud speakers. Nowinski started off taking one half of the "PayneKillers" down to the mat and continued his offense working on the midsection of BJ Payne. Payne eventually countered Nowinski with a drop toe hold and slapped the head of the Harvard grad messing up the pretty boy's hair giving the Davis Arena crowd something to laugh about. Payne appeared he was about to gain the complete offense after delivering two nice armdrags but as he went for the drop kick Nowinski held onto the roped leaving Payne with nothing to hit while in mid air as he came crashing down to the canvas. Nowinski continued to take advantage of Payne delivering shoulder into the midsection of Payne while in the corner and continued by countering a russian leg sweep attempt by Payne. Eventually out of nowhere BJ Payne mounted the offense and went to the top rope to deliver his Frog splash. At this moment Synn came running down to the ring and got involved in the match forcing the referee to call for the bell. As always just behind Synn was Seven and Bane in to attack BJ Payne until Matt Morgan finally made his way down to the ring, only wearing one boot, and cleaned house as the cameras went to the first commercial break. -Winner via DQ BJ Payne -Kattrina vs. Passion DARK MATCH -Both of these women are newcomers to Ohio Valley Wrestling and both are gorgeous. Passion opened off on Kattrina with your basic arm bar chain wrestling in the middle of the ring. Kattrina, the bigger of the two, then managed to take the offense after a solid shoulder tackle in the middle of the ring. But Passion refused to let Kattrina maintain the upperhand and delivered a few armdrags of her own sending this match into a very back and forth pace. The match progress with your basic wrestling with Passion delivering a nice sunset flip but only pulling off the two count. Kattrina then applied a Boston Crab to Passion who eventually crawled her way out to the ropes to break the hold. The match continued it's back and forth pace with some near pinfalls as it was obvious both wanted this win very badly. The match came to and end as Kattrina missed an elbow attempt to Passion who was in the corner. Passion ducked out of the way and rolled Kattrina up with the schoolboy to pickup the pinfall and the win. -Winner via pinfall Passion -Jim Cornette introduced Sergeant Slaughter to the ring who recieved a very huge 'USA' chant from the wound up Davis Arena crowd. Cornette opens of by discussing the happenings with Damaja and Jackie Gayda quitting OVW because they were screwed out of their shot at the 'Rumble' and how they would simply c ollect a WWE paycheck without having to wrestle. Slaughter was here to state otherwise. Before Slaughter could even get a word in Damaja along with Jackie Gayda made their way down to the ring and got on the mic about he was screwed out of his shot at the Rumble and asked Slaughter 'what if he didn't want to wrestle in OVW'. Slaughter along with Cornette basically told Damaja that if either of the two refused to wrestle, that since they were ordered to wrestle here by the WWE, that they would be 'suspended indefenitely without pay'. This was obviously enough for Damaja to reconsider but he made it a point to let Jim Cornette know that he along with everyone else in OVW would be sorry about it. Cornette went to his next order of business and that was of course introducing Damaja's first contender for the OVW Heavyweight Title, that being none other then Mr. Wrestling Nick Dinsmore with Linda Miles. Dinsmore has been waiting in line for this shot ever since he returned from injury and the WWE House show was postponed and will finally get his shot at next weeks TV Taping. Doug Basham then came out, who is very heated with his 'partner of the Revolution' at the moment and complained to Cornette about how he deserved a shot. Basically what was agreed on is that Basham is next in line for the OVW Title. Cornette then went on to Jackie Gayda, who said she was leaving OVW with Damaja. Cornette sets up a tag match for next week's TV Taping pitting Nikita (who was with Basham) and Jackie Gayda (who isn't getting along with Nikita) against Linda Miles and WWE's Jazz for next weeks TV program. Overall two big matches were set up for next week's program and was announced that Arn Anderson would be in the house. -Mark Magnus & Chris Cage vs. Matt Morgan HANDICAPPED MATCH -This was your basic two on one squash and sadly a squash. Both Magnus and Cage have shown tremendous improvements over the past few months. Magnus at one point had to jump up in the air to apply a headlock to the seven foot tall Morgan, pretty funny stuff. Throughout the match regardless of what Cage or Magnus tried they both failed at their attempts. Morgan eventually pinned both of them after chokeslamming both of them. -Winner via double pinfall Matt Morgan -Robert Fury vs. Sean O'Haire DARK MATCH -O'Haire opened off on this OVW Trainee with a solid headlock. Fury went for the early school boy roll up, but to no avail as O'Haire kicked out at one. Fury then took down O'Haire with a nice headlock takedown, but didn't last long because O'Haire applied the head scissors. O'Haire delivered a solid kick to the chest of Fury echoing through the arena and followed by nailing Fury with a huge 'Razors Edge' for the three count. -Winner via pinfall Sean O'Haire -Cornette was joined in the ring for another interview segment and graced by the presence of Bolin Services, consisting of Kenny "the King" Bolin, Lance Cade, Rene Dupree, Sean O'Haire and Maurice (Dupree's male valet). Bolin opened off by talking about how Charlie Haas humiliated him last week by tarring and feathering him. He mentioned that Cade was the one who was supposed to be tarred and feathered, but Cade ran off. Cade then got on the mic and stated that last week he was hit so hard by the 'BS' briefcase, that he actually suffered a mild case of amnesia, and didn't even rememeber where he was or what he was doing, as he ran to the lockeroom away from Cade. The topic of conversation then changed to Bolin discussing Sean O'Haire all over RAW TV and talked about how all of O'Haire's fame was due to Bolin himself, along with his list of connections and the financial support of Dallas Maverick's owner Mark Cuban. O'Haire got on the mic, and basically told Bolin he was sick and tired of him, and that he didn't need Kenny Bolin or the rest of Bolin Services anymore. O'Haire went on to state that he was quitting Bolin Services, this lead Kenny Bolin, in typical fashion, to go on and stat that O'Haire wasn't quitting, but he was fired from Bolin Services. O'Haire maintained that he indeed quit on his own, and refused to acknowledge Bolin's claim. He then went on to push Bolin over, but was obviously outnumbered by the other members of Bolin Services who beat him to the ground as the cameras went off the air to another commercial break. Apparently after this, O'Haire will not see any future OVW TV, for the time being. -Kanyon & Doug Basham w/ Nikita vs. Nova & Rob Conway TV MAIN EVENT -By far the best match of the night. Kanyon and Rob Conway opened things off with your basic arm work, as both eventually tagged in their partners pitting Doug Basham against Nova, who has recently cut off all of his long hair. His hair is very short now. Conway pulled off an early sunset flip after being tagged in by Nova, but couldn't take Basham all the way down to the mat, but eventually did after Nova followed up with a stiff clothesline followed by a dropkick to the face, but this pinfall attempt was obviously too early as it only picked up the two count. Conway and Nova continued the tag team work but the steam was taken away from the duo as Nova dove shoulder first into the ring post. Kanyon, who took immediate advantage of this tagged himself in and went and stood on the second rope where Nova dangled with his shoulder on the post and applied a Boston Crab on Nova while he was stuck in the turnbuckles behind the referee's back. Kanyon then slapped his hand so the ref would think that he and Basham tagged and Basham went right after Nova who was still in the same position, very innovative. The cameras then went to a commercial break and eventually picked back up with Basham delivering a vicious leg lariat in the middle of the ring. Kanyon was then tagged in as he worked on the back of Nova. Nova worked his way out of the ring onto the apron and attempted to deliver a sunset flip over the ropes to Kanyon, but the much more experienced Kanyon caught Nova flying over and took him right to the ground with a very nice northern lights suplex. Eventually after Nova made his way back he managed to get the hot tag as Conway made his way in cleaning house finishing off with delivering a very solid DDT to Kanyon. Conway although tried to get the pinfall but the ref stated that Kanyon wasn't legal because he and Basham made a tag. Doug Basham then was perched up on the top rope and went for the diving headbutt on Conway, but Conway managed to roll out of the way in the midst of the confusing leaving Basham to hit Kanyon with the diving headbutt. Conway only managed to gain a two count on Basham. Jackie Gayda then made her way out to the ring and Basham held Conway on the ropes for Gayda to hit. Conway then managed to duck out of the way and drilled Basham right in the face and Conway was able to pick up the pinfall. Jackie Gayda and Nikita then began to brawl ringside as Linda Miles came out to join and everyone else in the ring continued to brawl after the match creating utter chaos until Nick Dinsmore finally came out to make some sort of save as the cameras went off the air to the Davis Arena crowd chanting 'OVW' concluding another solid week of television. -Winners via pinfall Nova & Rob Conway Share this post Link to post Share on other sites