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Guest Mik at Cornell

Snoop Dogg

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Ok, I know people are probably losing a bit of interest in Jimmy Kimmel Live, but the first 15 minutes tonight have probably ranked up there with the best of the week. First of all, while talking about Lebron James (HS basketball phenom), Snoop says they are trying to "cockblock" him getting his money.


Then they cut to Snoop buying Jimmy a pimp outfit at the Compton Swap Meet and it's one of the funniest video pieces I've ever seen. Snoop trying to bargain down all of the people he was buying shit off was just hilarious, and the "same black bag, different store" part was hilarious.


"Now that I've got 37 pounds of black bags for your ass."


Snoop rules, hopefully next week's co-host is half as good. The rest of the show looks good too.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Ok, the show keeps getting better. Tell me the hip hop spelling bee wasn't one of the greatest things you've ever seen.

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Guest Kingpk

I'm thinking that Kimmel should have fewer guests and more comedy pieces, since that's what he's best at. Once he gets more comfortable interviewing, add more guests.


And I thought it was spelled F-O, S-H-I-Z-Z-L-E too.

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Guest the pinjockey

They are in big trouble if they dont get a funny cohost next week. It is a good crutch to have now while kimmel is learning and they are getting crappy guests.

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Guest GameCop

What? I thought Snoop Dogg was the permanent co-host. If he's gone by next week, I'm not watching the show anymore. He's the only reason I'm watching Kimmel as opposed to Leno or Conan.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I shudder to know what that show will be like without Snoop. Tonight's episode was great, and one thing I notice is that the show FLYS by. Leno/Letterman tend to drag once the guest show up...

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Guest cartman
I shudder to know what that show will be like without Snoop. Tonight's episode was great, and one thing I notice is that the show FLYS by. Leno/Letterman tend to drag once the guest show up...

You took the words right out of my mouth. The show definitely screams by and tonight gavce me and my girl several LOL moments...I will miss snoop ALOT.


Loved the beginning of the show when snoop was wearing the sunglasses and Kimmel was like "Yea Snoop's off the drugs"

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Does anyone happen to have the episodes from Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Friday on tape? I've missed the first couple due to midterms, while Thursday and Friday I missed because of being out at the time they were on.


I have a decent sized list (posted in the Tape Trading forum), and in addition to that, I can get any mainstream video/DVD for free from the video store I work for.


If you can hook me up with any of these, please e-mail me at [email protected].

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Guest Youth N Asia

I caught it last night and Snoop was great.


It'll be hard to find a replacement cause Jimmy and Snoop come off as legit friends when they're doing the show. I also love listening to Jimmy call Snoop out on pot, "why are you wearing those glasses? are you high?"

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Watch the ratings plummet as next week's cohost is listed as Kathy Griffin. Talk about doing a 180.

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Guest bob_barron

Yea- I hope the show doesn't lose its luster with Kathy Griffin as the cohost

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

It's not like I was watching the show before, but Kathy Griffin makes me even less interested now. Oh, how I hate her.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Who the hell is Kathy Griffen?


For a second I thought I was reading Kathy (lee) GIFFORD!!!!...

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Guest Bricks

Kathy Griffin is a "comedian" who co-starred with Brooke Shields on "Suddenly Susan" and is currently on "Celebrity Mole: Hawaii"

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Guest Youth N Asia
Kathy Griffin is a "comedian" who co-starred with Brooke Shields on "Suddenly Susan" and is currently on "Celebrity Mole: Hawaii"

I see you're using the word "comedian" loosly...I'd consider her one if she was the least bit funny.

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Guest Lethargic

I don't think her standup stuff is ever funny but she has usually been pretty good in settings like this where she's not trying to tell jokes. She's such a sarcastic bitch to celebrities that she might be pretty good.

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Guest Choken One

I really think they should just offer Snoop a permanet job...but can ya imagine Disney employing S-n-o-o-p D-o-o-g on their roster?

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Guest TheArchiteck

LoL..I thought it was Kathy Gifford too...(thank god).

So the guest next week is the Andy Dick twin eh?

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Guest Vern Gagne
I hope he gets Andy Richter to co-host one week. That'd be funny.

God, how I miss Andy on Conan. The show just isn't the same without him.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

THAT would be great to see Andy on late-night TV. I second your Conan observation Verne.


"Celebrity Mole: Hawaii"?! That's all I need to know. Oy vey...

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Guest imajackoff?

I also think they should try to get Snoop to be the permenant co-host. He was way better than I ever thought he would be. Most rappers, and musicians in general, act like they are too cool for the room. Snoop was just the opposite, not afraid to joke around and have a good time.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

The thing is Snoop would never agree to be the permanent guest host. He has too much other shit goin' on.

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Guest Star Ocean 3
Most rappers, and musicians in general, act like they are too cool for the room.


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