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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Storyline Idea

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I had an idea for a storyline, and thought the producers would appriciate me posting it.



I wrote an introduction promo for myself that AS has. It deals very much with my character's hatred of Agnes. But since Agnes is delayed till at least Angle-mania how about this:


After a few weeks of increasingly bizarre promos, I am ordered by BPP to lay off Agnes for my own good. When I refuse, he he sends one of his soliders after me. My character becomes *insanely* angry at being distracted from his target. He and Popick's challenger to me have a series of increasingly bloody and charged battles, usually ending with Popick getting others to interfere for his guy, but occaisonally I get the better of Popick's guys. This culminates in a Cage Match at Angle-mania between Popick's challenger and I with the stipulation that if I win I get to choose my next PPV opponant, and if I lose, I am forced to (Gasp!) abandon the plan. The outcome depends on whether you want my guy face or heel. If you want him heel I win and begin my mind-fuck of AP, if I lose I abandoned the plan, and begin to accentuate the Lone wolf element of my persona to be a badass, mildly psychotic, face.

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Guest Tony149



I know you're new in the OaOast, so let me introduce myself. I'm Tony149, the Executive Producer of the OaOast, and also a Mod for the SmartMarks. I also play Tony "The Body" in honor of Jesse "The Body" Ventura.


If you have an idea, it's best that you tell Big Poppa Popick - one of the Supervising Producers of the OaOast who o.k.'s the storylines/ideas - via private message.


Timothy Dalton? There's actually another person who likes Dalton? At least he was in two Bond movies, right? :) Then again, I liked all the Bonds, so I'll be sure to look out for you when the OaOast Producers are playing politics in our hidden Bookers Only Folder. :)

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Hey Z,


I ready your story idea. It can work, but not in the way you wrote it...im right now at super-uber-mega-face status right now in a heated war with the evil aWo...


or something....


anywho, we can use this idea...i can get concerned over your obsession with angle-plex and ask you to tone it down


i assign opponents *random* and we can run an angle where regardless of winning or losing, you begin to act as if they are angleplex, calling them agnes and mocking/spraypainting whatnot that stuff...


we can finally have this culminate at am2, where there are plans in place for agnes, and we can have you play a roll in them.


ill tell you more over pm...we like to keep some story elements in suprise, but i think a mix of your ideas and my input, we can create a good intro feud for you and maybe help out a story for agnes too

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