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Guest JMA

Your political beliefs

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Guest JMA

I could've made this a poll, but I opted for the more conversational route. What are your political and/or personal beliefs? Do you lean the left? Do you lean to the right? Are you a centrist? Are you a Democrat, Republican, Independant or a Libertarian? Where do you lie? Who is your ideal political role model (if any)?

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Guest bob_barron

I'm a registered Republican. I leaned that way when I became a teenager and have never looked back. I've campaigned for Gov. Pataki and Rick Lazio.


As a teen I became disgusted with President Clinton and I read up on some issues and came to realise that I seemed to agree more with the Republicans.


I'm sort of a moderate Republican in that I don't go for all their ideas but I agree with most of what my party has to say.

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Guest RobJohnstone

I am an independant conservative. I don't like to label myself as a republican because I do not like the part as it stands now and some of my influences have run under the democratic ticket (Andrew Jackson for one). I am also a nationalist, I cannot stand globalist stances.



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Guest DrTom

I'm a registered Independent, and a small-L libertarian: social liberal, fiscal and foreign policy conservative. I believe the government should be small and unobtrusive, I despise Big Brother, I hate almost all radical leftist philosophies, I believe in a strong miliary and national defense, I'm disgusted by generations of families sucking on the government teat, and I prefer the John Adams school of democracy to the Woodrow Wilson school.

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Guest Ozymandias

Independant Liberal. Have yet to vote anything but 3rd party. Favorite Presidents are FDR & LBJ.


As far as issues go, I am:




>Anti-Murder Penalty


>Anti-Democrat (at least the ones we have now)

>Pro-Affirmative Action


>Pretty sure that, were I in an elevator with Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Satan, and Ronald Reagan; & I had a gun with 4 bullets in it, I'd shoot Reagan in the face 4 times.


>Against virtually ALL U.S. involvement in foreign affairs

>Made physically nauseous by our involvement in Israel

>Frequently called "Anti-Semitic" just for saying so

>Having difficulty deciding who I'm more sickened by for giving us a fucking idiot for "President": Gore or Bush


>Fairly certain that we should lift the sanctions on Cuba & Iraq

>Fucking baffled as to why we even speak to China

>Somewhat of an isolationist

>Pro Campaign Finance Reform

>Pro Gun Control (not banning, control)

>Disgusted that Clinton isn't in prison right now

>Consider George W. Bush a mass-murderer

>Cool with the Libertarians, even though I don't agree with them a lot


>Terrified by the power corporations have over us

>A Scorpio



Sorry for being so vague.... ;)

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Guest bob_barron
Disgusted that Clinton isn't in prison right now


Well we agree on one thing....


A Scorpio


That too

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Guest Ozymandias

^But not this one? :ph34r:


I <3 Bono & Tina as well. The other 2 members of your Kliq can die of gonnorhea. :cheers:

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Guest RobJohnstone

"Pretty sure that, were I in an elevator with Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Satan, and Ronald Reagan; & I had a gun with 4 bullets in it, I'd shoot Reagan in the face 4 times."


You've got some problems buddy. That has to be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.



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Guest Vern Gagne



Apparently worse than Stalin, Hitler, and Satan? Either way, I still like the guy and he's probably was greatest influence politically.

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Guest Ozymandias
"Pretty sure that, were I in an elevator with Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Satan, and Ronald Reagan; & I had a gun with 4 bullets in it, I'd shoot Reagan in the face 4 times."


You've got some problems buddy. That has to be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.



It's a fucking joke, clownshoes.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

In response to Ozy's list of issues -- he/she has a number of good topics -- I'll say how I would answer them.


Registered Republican, voted GOP in every election since '96 (when I first eligible to vote in a state/national election) with the exception of my old PA State House Rep. Consider myself more libertarian when it comes to social issues, but whatever.


Fav. Presidents -- Licncoln, Jefferson. Have great respect for FDR (didn't agree w/ everything he did, but would you rather have someone like him or a poll-driven prez?)


Feel it's a shame that out of all the big-time Kennedys to bite the dust, Uncle Ted is the only one remaining.


Abortion: Generally Pro-Life, although I'm not hanging out Planned Parenthood waving aborted fetuses. I’ve know people that have had abortions, and I never commented to them about their decision, and I listened to them talk about their decision when they needed someone to talk to about it. With that being said, I’d never have a relationship with someone that had an abortion – call it my freedom of choice.


Gays: Could care less what your sexual orientation is. Hate crimes legislation is one of the dumbest things I've ever come across in recent memory.


Capital Punishment – I’ll be against it right after we put Mumia to his eternal rest in Hell. I figure there are so many other fun things to do with killers and rapists. However, since scumbag lawyers are to the point now where they claim not giving a prisioner Internet access is cruel and unusual punishment, I really don't give a crap about this issue either. Feel that if someone is to be executed, a DNA test is necessary.


Anti-Liberal for the most part, although extremely religious people wear my patience thin quickly.


Anti-Affirmative Action -- I believe in diversity, but giving bonus points to applicants based on race for universities is plain wrong. A person simply scoring higher on a qualifying test doesn't necessarily make them the best candidate for a job, either.


Feel the people that deserve gvt. assistance the most are the ones that need it and feel ashamed of applying for it. There’s a difference between getting a handout and expecting a handout.


If I were in an elevator with Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Satan, and Ronald Reagan; & I had a gun with 4 bullets in it, I'd save my bullets because Hitler and Stalin are already dead, Satan would just laugh at me, and I like Reagan. I'd save them for Mumia so I could shoot one in his leg and let him wither around a bit. Shoot another one in the upper torso, and let him squirm. Then plant two in his head. ( Edit: This is a joke, too. I'd just unload 4 in his head.)


All about the global economy.


Don't mind helping out other countries as long as we have a plan and not mindlessly playing Supercop.


Thinks both sides have blood on their hands, but supports Israel.


Frequently called "Anti-Semitic" for saying that if I was ever to run for President I wouldn't put all my election hopes on a swing state filled with nearsighted Jews and Illiterate Haitians.


Voted for, and would vote again, for Bush.




Wouldn't mind lifting sanctions on Cuba and wouldn't mind lifting sanctions in Iraq once they get a democracy in place, or at least a leader that would put his people above building palaces.


China is far from perfect, but isolating them would be worse than dealing with them.


Not an isolationist but want troops at the borders.


Pro Campaign Finance Reform only if it involved limiting Big Media's influence, which would never happen. I guess that makes me anti-CFR.


Believe in people owning guns, but feel that if you can't wait 7 days to own a gun, you're the type of person that needs to wait 7 days to own a gun.


Indifferent about Bill; think Hillary is the Anti-Christ


Consider George W. Bush a bad baseball owner


Sympathetic to Libertarians, even though the only thing I hear local activists whine about is pot being illegal.


Treat women the same way I treat men, which is one of my great problems


Indifferent by the power corporations have over us. If not them, then there would be another power telling me what to do anyway.


An Aries...

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Guest RobJohnstone

"Believe in people owning guns, but feel that if you can't wait 7 days to own a gun, you're the type of person that needs to wait 7 days to own a gun."


It's not the fact that you have to wait 7 days that I do not like. It's what are they gonna do next? Soon it will be a month, then a year, then never like england.


BTW Ozymandias, any american you likes LBJ is uninformed. Ask our boys on the USS Liberty about it, or the ton of people who died in vietnam for nothing.



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Guest Austin3164life

I tend to think of myself a true libertarian, in the European sense. Democrats, while more liberal than Republicans, are fairly conservative compared to other 1st world nations. For anyone not sure, try taking a political spectrum test at www.politicalcompass.org. It shows where you stand on the political chart, also showing famous political figures to give you a perspective. Where I stood was somewhere near the political views of Mohandas Ghandi.




Favorite President(s): FDR, Jimmy Carter

Least Favorite President(s): Ronald Regan, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Nixon


Just to give you an idea of where I stand. I'm basically a liberal.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

My two favorite political figures are Genghis Kahn and Ghandi. One had the drive and guts to get shit done, the other has the altruistic notions that make for a peaceful society.


I lean left, but solely on social issues, I regard all other politics including, but not limited to, foreign policy, trade, and globalization, with casual indifference because it's nothing I can control. I almost always vote for a third party liberal candidate, am pro-choice, anti-gun control, on the fence on capital punishment, and fiercely opposed to the line between church and state getting blurry. Not to the point where I'd ban Dickens from a Christmas play, but the ten commandments have no business on the wall at school unless it's above a urinal.

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Guest Tim

Fav Pres: Reagan, Nixon


-Free Trader

-Anti death penalty

-Pro war with Iraq

-Anti UN (rather a formal small group of decent nations, such as US, Britain, Italy, Japan, Australia, etc.)

-Pro Israel

-Pro Gay

-Anti handgun and small arms, and feel there is no need for people to own automatic or semi-automatic weapons

-Anti Affirmitive Action

-Anti tax

-Anti welfare

-Athiest, and feel the church has no place in public life

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Guest RobJohnstone

Tim, I do not understand, you are pro choice meaning you are ready to kill unborn children yet, you are anti-death penalty. That makes absolutly no sense, make up your mind. You don't want to kill criminals who might deserve to die but you wanna kill kids who never had a chance. ALso you are pro free trade yet Anti-Tax. It's one or the other dude. If you do not then you have to tariff so no free trade. If you free trade then you need to tax. Where else is the money coming from? Good job dude. I think you should rethink your stances so they do not contridict. I also think it is funny that a pro-choice free trader likes reagan and nixon.



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Guest Ace309

Registered Democrat in New York State, which technically makes me the extra quart of water going over Niagara Falls. With the hopes that you all understand that NY State goes overwhelmingly democratic in every general election, I did vote for Nader in 2000. I'm glad he didn't win the election, since there were some issues I had with his platform and lack thereof (for one, he had no foreign policy), but I do support the notions of a more progressive party, and a viable third party.


Fav. Presidents: Well, I'm not sure. I've only lived through four. I'm a fan of Clinton, but honestly, I'm not well-informed enough to understand most of the more sophistocated arguments against him (you know, the things above "HE GOT A HUMMER OMGZ SHOOT HIM").


Abortion: I'm pro-choice on mostly Constitutional grounds. While the Supreme Court's argument based on viability is spotty at best, the provisions of the Constitution that they relied on reasonably can and certainly should be interpreted to allow a floor right to abortion.


Gays: I can't possibly understand why anyone would have a problem with people who want to sleep with memebers of their sex. And yes, I know about the high-camp gays. I think a lot of people who are very passionate about their feelings are that annoying, too.


Capital Punishment: I support the idea of it, with two reservations. First of all, I'm greatly disturbed by the number of mistakes that have come up recently. Second, I need to read studies on whether it serves as an effective deterrent, and what the costs and benefits are.


Affirmative Action: I support affirmative action on a temporary basis only (ie, it's been around long enough now that it shouldn't be needed anymore), with a shift from race to socioeconomic status being the top concern. What I'd LIKE to see is a system to evaluate and ameliorate problems in schools that aren't producing good students. Use light affirmative action to give them opportunities in college until those schools can be brought up to code, as it were, and when the program has served its purpose, eliminate it.


I'd rather not be at war over a case of "You'd understand if you were me." Casualties are unavoidable. However, I might be in the minority when I say as a liberal that I don't think this is about oil.


Take a look at Canada's trade with cuba. Build a trade policy from there, if they benefit. If they don't, why lift an embargo now?


I'd like to see restrictions on funding, public or private, for campaigns. I also don't think it's going to happen.


If Hillary filibusters Miguel Estrada, she'll make me like her.

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Guest RobJohnstone
Fav. Presidents: Well, I'm not sure. I've only lived through four. I'm a fan of Clinton, but honestly, I'm not well-informed enough to understand most of the more sophistocated arguments against him (you know, the things above "HE GOT A HUMMER OMGZ SHOOT HIM").


Ace how about he gave our nuclear secrets to china, gave n. korea ballistics technology, did not act against terrorism during his reign(ie. uss cole, oklahoma), signed NAFTA and GATT, did not make iraq honor it's trasty with the UN and us for 8 years, and was a bad role model for our children (ie. making kids think not being faithful to your wife is the right thing to do).


How about those?



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Guest Ace309

Like I said, I have to hoenstly plead ignorance. His term ended when I was 18, so he came into office when I was 10, meaning i missed current coverage of a lot of it, and so while I can't defend it, I also can't deny it.

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Guest RobJohnstone

I am 20 also man. I just do alot of reasearch on political figures and such. It's all very easy to find, you should check it out before you go defending him. Too many people overlook his faults but I truly believe he was a threat to national security as our president.



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Guest Ace309

Okay, the question then becomes...


Cites? If you happen to have something bookmarked or available, hook me up.

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Guest RobJohnstone

no sites off hand. Search china gate, search clinton scandal, search NAFTA and/or GATT, search uss cole bin laden and you can find anything you need. All this stuff was run in every major paper in america and probably the world.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

On the notion that you can't be pro-choice and anti-capital punishment at the same time, I disagree. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant, I believe she should be allowed to have an abortion if she does not want to bring the rapist's child to term. This is regardless of my opinion on capital punishment.


Personally, I'm both pro-choice and not too offended by capital punishment, though I do think it'd be much easier and probably smarter just to shoot someone in the back of the head than to spend millions on the injection chemicals or running the chair.

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Guest bob_barron

My favourite president is Andrew Jackson- So far I've enjoyed Bush's presidency

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I'm not really sure what my actual political beliefs are. I don't line up with either major party in full, and I don't believe any of the third parties are really worth voting for at this point.


Come 2004, though, I'm probably going to end up supporting the democratic candidate, simply because under Bush's presidency, America has looked absolutely idiotic to the rest of the world. The "it's all about us" mentality of America has gotten terrible, and makes us look like simps and powermongering warlords on the international scene.


Granted, we always look somewhat like that, but according to my friends in Europe, we look worse now than we ever have in their lifetimes.

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Guest RobJohnstone
On the notion that you can't be pro-choice and anti-capital punishment at the same time, I disagree. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant, I believe she should be allowed to have an abortion if she does not want to bring the rapist's child to term. This is regardless of my opinion on capital punishment.


Personally, I'm both pro-choice and not too offended by capital punishment, though I do think it'd be much easier and probably smarter just to shoot someone in the back of the head than to spend millions on the injection chemicals or running the chair.

On that point and that point alone should abortion be allowed. Anything other than that contradicts his statement. As for the death penalty, I mean shit. Let's kill these murderers and rapists instead of paying again and again so they can have a good life in prison. They have TV's and pool tables in jail, and they play in rock bands that get coverage from VH1. If that is punishment then what is being rewarded?


Barron right on, Jackson was the man, one my favs. I don't know if I would choose him over Washington though.



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Guest RobJohnstone
I'm not really sure what my actual political beliefs are. I don't line up with either major party in full, and I don't believe any of the third parties are really worth voting for at this point.


Come 2004, though, I'm probably going to end up supporting the democratic candidate, simply because under Bush's presidency, America has looked absolutely idiotic to the rest of the world. The "it's all about us" mentality of America has gotten terrible, and makes us look like simps and powermongering warlords on the international scene.


Granted, we always look somewhat like that, but according to my friends in Europe, we look worse now than we ever have in their lifetimes.

I think a nice chunk of that is because we give aid to every freaking nation while we can't even solve our problems here. Fuck globalism.



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Guest bob_barron

I think Clinton also made us a look a bit stupid to the rest of the world.


What Edwin said is true though- Everyone I know up here thinks Bush is a fucking moron.

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