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Guest JMA

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Guest hardyz1

I'm a not-so-radical Libertarian. I mean, really, who could actually think getting rid of the FDA would be a good thing?


Abortion: EDIT: OK, I've thought it out more. I am against abortion, and i wish it wouldn't happen, but it does. Therefore it should stay legal so anyone who wants one can get it safely.


Death penalty: Against it, if only because it actually costs more than keeping them in prison for life. Although that does lead to prison overcrowding. But that could be helped by decriminalizing marijuana


Gay rights: Definitely a good thing. It blows my mind that the military has such a problem with gays. It's like Chris Rock says: "Let 'em fight, cuz I ain't fighting!"


Guns: Everybody that wants to own a handgun should take a gun safety course


Affirmitive Action: Against. Two wrongs don't make a right. Same goes for Title IX


Religion: Church and state should not be anywhere near each other. The Ten Commandments should not be posted in any public building


John Ashcroft: There's a reason this asshole lost to a dead guy.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Bob, one of my pals is in Germany for this semester. He's taken to pretending to be from New Zealand, because stores, restaurants, and public facilities won't serve him or will do it very begrudgingly when they find out he's American.


And Rob, I'm not sure if it's entirely the aid that we give, but it's certainly that globalistic idea. America has always been viewed as arrogant, and with getting into so much conflict with the rest of the UN lately, it's at a fever pitch. The idea that America can act without the rest of the international community--well, it's probably actually true, consider that the US dominates the free world, but it's eventually going to come back to bite us in the ass if our policy-makers don't listen seriously to the rest of the world.


I really hope I can get over to London this summer or next year so I can see it all for myself.

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Guest JMA

Abortion: Pro-choice. I fully support Roe vs. Wade.


Death penalty: Opposed. Too much risk for mistakes.


Gay rights: Why is this even a debate? Keep religious fanatics out of goverment. We don't need fundies running America.


Guns: I support gun control


Affirmitive Action: Undecided.


Religion: I support church and state separation. I believe the goverment has no right using tax payer money to build churches or places of worship. Keep it secular.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Abortion: Acceptable until such procedure would REALLY endanger the mother, which is around five months or so.


Death Penalty: Perfectly fine with me, and I'd rather all states still used the firing squad like Utah does. I think it would do just a tiny bit to deter crime.


Gay Rights: Wanting to sacrifice oneself for their country's well-being is great, and if they want to, go right ahead. They should also be totally equal members of society. This having to go to certain states so you can get married is bullshit.


Guns: As many arguments as can be made for both sides of this debate, I think we'd be better off without them, plus it gives the aforementioned method of the death penalty a lot more gravity.


Affirmative Action: Special consideration can be taken to a certain extent since there IS a reason this was initially thought of, but quotas are out the window.


Women's Rights: While it's pretty hard to be a feminist these days considering that almost everyone considers women social and economic equals, there is shockingly STILL a discrepancy between males and females. While I don't advocate the radical feminists who seem to blame men for everything, I tend to listen to the more rational ones, who actually try to offer solutions to things. Title IX needs to be maintained.


Religion: No government affiliation or assistance, and the only times that they will cross paths is in times of discrimination or such. This also goes along with the idea of decency and moral laws. These will be abolished. Allow people to determine for themselves what's decent and moral.


Welfare: With all of the abuses you hear of, the majority of recipients are still perfectly legal and good, job-seeking people.


Favorite President: Franklin Roosevelt.


Least Favorite President: Gerald Ford, and only because he simply did virtually nothing during his period in office. But then again, he couldn't really help that.


I hate being a history nut, I can't think of any President who is my actual least favorite, and I don't want to say anything about the current Bush until he leaves office so I can evaluate his entire term.


Foreign Policy: The entire planet concerns us, and has since 1945 or so, but I feel we should be taking a hands-off approach and allow nations to conduct their own affairs. Being the world's policeman AND peacemaker is bullshit when we've got problems at home that always need attending to. As far as military aggression, there is no universal position. It really needs to be taken case-by-case, but for the most part I take a "they haven't fucked with us, so why should we deploy our own men there," whatever country it may be. The UN is great and all, but it really is an organization lacking balls and teeth, not to mention us being their personal enforcer and financier. As a result, a withdrawl from the UN is in order, but we'd need to be careful to explain that it's because we can't handle the problems of the world and our own country at the same time, or else everyone else will get pissed. Actually, everyone would get pissed anyway. You think the UN would want its headquarters in a neutral nation. As for NATO, this is a now-anachronistic treaty that we need no part of, since its purpose is now invalidated, and has been since 1991. Still, we must keep our military at the forefront of technological advances and equipment, and in good numbers. Our military is about all that gets the world to listen to us anymore.


Generally: I'd like to think I'm pretty darned liberal, but I still have some conservative facets to me, probably because I was raised by my grandparents. Also, liberal extremists (environmental terrorists, animal rights zealots) really frighten me away from going over the edge. However, I do hope to one day fully embrace liberalism without these miserable hangups. Until then, I must consider myself a left-leaning moderate. As far as actual political party affiliation, unless the Republican candidate gives me a reason to like him, I'm voting for the Democrat.


Those are all the issues I can think of. If any more come up, I'll say something.

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Guest Powerplay

Abortion: Naturally pro-life. I detest the way in which abortion is conducted, but I can see it as a regretable option in certain situations. I see no reason why it should be legalized any more, and I think that more stringent restrictions should be placed on it when used in a non-life threatening or rape situation.


Death Penalty: We kill a man because he killed a man? Two wrongs don't make a right, and I agree with Dreamer; there is too much risk in killing an innocent man.


Gay Rights: Why not? I see no problem with gay marriage and gay child adoption.


Guns: I find the gun control lobby to be incredibly over-zealous (Not to say that the gun activist lobby isn't, but still). Accidental gun deaths kill only kill around 8,000 people a year, and doctor malpractice deaths range between 80,000 to 100,000 a year. Which is the deadlier? Plus, more gun laws don't take guns out of the hands of criminals, only law abiding gun owners. If a man robs a bank with an non-registered hand gun, do you think he's running from the cops because of the 90 misnomeaner the gun violation implies? That's all my ranting for now, but I'm quite pro-gun.


Affirmative Action: Arg. I really can't find a use for Affirmative Action anymore. I think we should kill it.


Religion: I prefer a clear seperation of church and state. But I do believe that High Schools should offer various classes that study religions in a more historical perspective.

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Guest snuffbox

Former Libertarian...now just a little 'l' libertarian



-choice(Im a man, and I therefore have zero say over a womens body. Any male that thinks that choice is theres, outside of fathers, has some serious issues to deal with)

-gunholders rights(with certain obvious laws in effect)

-death penalty(with a SERIOUS ethics committee)

-marijuana legalization and the SERIOUS study and public information of other drugs(legit facts, not propaganda)

-gay rights

-free speech



-Church/State unions

-big govt waste/taxation without representation

-big brother tactics or attempts

-johnboy ashcroft



I think that every law/case/situation should be looked at seperately. Taxes can be drastically lowered by cutting the war on marijuana and ridiculous govt waste, as well as certain fees and such. And this is still the land of the free, and it needs to stay like that, there are many in power who feel that 'freedom' and their own stroke in govt just dont mix.


The best person in US politics today is Sen Russ Feingold of Wisconsin.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I'm a Democrat who has no problems voting the other way if we yield a weak candidate.


- Pro-choice. As a catholic, this is rather ambiguous, but I believe it comes down to personal morality for a female. If she can justify it in her head, I see no reason why the government should force a different type of morality on her.


- Pro-Gun control. As it has been said before, if someone can't stand waiting seven days to get a gun, they don't need to be carrying a gun. I also support further regulation on gun-shows and other loopholes in current gun legislation.


- Pro-Fiscal responsibility. If you're curious as to how much the federal government wastes, check out the individual departmental budgets. If you think that $35,000 your Defense Department is spending to fund a second fence around a soon-to-be-condemned building is justified, think about how much Joe Normal who just got laid off would appreciate a grant like that.


- Pro-National Healthcare. The sheer fact that people cannot afford important operations and adequate healthcare should be reason in itself. A second reason should be that we're the only superpower, iirc, that doesn't have it. This isn't to say we shouldn't still have supplimental insurance (after all, Nationalized health care cannot always support the more extensive procedures), but seriously, we could use the aforementioned money recieved from fiscal responsibility to make sure every American can at least look forward to adequate health care.


- Pro-Social Security Reform. Older ladies and gentlemen, sitting on their yauchts playing shuffleboard... and still recieving $10,000 a year from the government? Are you kidding me?


- Pro-Tax Reform. While I certainly agree with the PRINCIPLE of a progressive tax, the sheer fact that millionaires can manage to pay absolutely NOTHING in taxes is sickening.


- Pro-Gay Rights. This shouldn't even be an issue.


- Pro-Legalization of Marijuana. Tax the fuckers. The drug war isn't helping anyway, might as well make some money off of it.


- Pro-Environmental Protection. Another no-brainer. We've fucked up the planet enough already, it's time to stop.





- Anti-War. With the exception of the most utterly dire of circumstances, we should ALWAYS look for something short of war to solve problems. Minimal casualties? Ask the families of the six men who die if they agree that the casualties were 'manageable'.


- Anti-Affirmative Action. It served its purpose, but its course has been run. That being said, if it actually is abolished, I fear the return to an old 'white male business' mold, even if the minority candidates are equally qualified.


- Anti-Globalization. Stay out of other people's business; we don't like people in ours, either. Funding = okay, when we can afford it. That doesn't mean now.


- Anti-Death Penalty. Aforementioned costs and the sad trend that some executed actually aren't guilty. It's sad and pathetic that this ever happens. Life in prison is a worse penalty, anyway.


- Anti-Homeland Security. Good in theory, oppressive and disgustingly unconstitutional in practice. Kill Big Brother.


- Anti-School Vouchers. Sets up a new system by which the best children go to the best schools, and the poorer children get shat upon. Why REMOVE funding from the ALREADY struggling public schools? Instead, federalize the school systems and stop making education a distributive policy.


- Anti-Union of Church and State. Religion should never be pressed upon someone, under any circumstance.


- Anti-Plauralism. It doesn't fucking work; as documented by political scientist Ralph Miliband, "...usiness, particularly large-scale business, [does] enjoy such an advantage inside the state system, by virtue of the composition and ideological inclinations of the state elite." Big business rules our political system, and it's disgusting.


My favorite president was FDR, because he established the welfare state.


My least favorite president was Andrew Jackson, for the simple reason that he was wickedly oppressive to Native Americans.


I'm completely anti-Bush because the man can't even speak English. He was placed into the Presidency by name; the same factor played into his whole life. Only he, the member of the Bush family, can make his way into such a high place in society by recieving mediocre grades. On top of that, he uses the office to his advantage in many cases, including pressing war and drawing focus away from his favoratism towards big business and the wealthy minority (by that, I mean the number... not race).


EDIT - Fixed a typo and added two issues I forgot.

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Guest DrTom
Capital Punishment: I support the idea of it, with two reservations. First of all, I'm greatly disturbed by the number of mistakes that have come up recently. Second, I need to read studies on whether it serves as an effective deterrent, and what the costs and benefits are.

I'm of a similar mindset: I like the idea of capital punishment, but the problem with it is in its execution (no pun intended). There ARE mistakes, and making a mistake in something like that is obviously irreversible and completely inexcusable. If the government is going to execute someone for their crimes, they should bloody well be fucking POSITIVE they have the right man. In the era of advanced forensics and DNA evidence, there's no reason for an inaccuracy, a mistake, or any doubt in the process.


As to whether it's an effective deterrent, I've yet to read a study that indicates that it is. The main reasons for that, in my mind, are the fact that it generally takes 7-12 years from the time of conviction to the time of execution, and the fact that not many criminals are executed (outside of Texas, of course). If we made the process quicker and implemented it a lot more often, then it would be worth re-examining whether or not it's an effective deterrent.


The costs surprised me. I always presumed it was cheaper to kill someone that keep providing him with shelter, amenities, and three squares a day for the rest of his life. However, the opposite ends up being true: it's cheaper to keep someone in jail for the rest of their lives. Tied into the costs of capital punishment are myriad appeals that go thru the courts, the years spent keeping the prisoner in jail, and the cost of personnel and equipment used in the execution. Again, if we're able to streamline the process, the costs would plummet, but right now, it's actually cheaper to keep someone in jail.

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Guest BDC

Hardyz, I don't know if you're aware of this, but according to conceal-carry laws, you do have to take a gun safety course in order to carry one. As for the waiting period, hey, fine. I don't have a thing to be afraid of and if it keeps some psycho from buying a gun, great. Problem? You can buy guns on the street.


Now, as for everything else, I'm a republican.


Abortion: Moderate Pro-Life. No chance I'm going to shoot a doctor over it, but with a couple of exceptions, I certainly don't favor it either.


Free speech: Well, it's only in the Constitution. Free speech is a bastion in America.


Gay rights: I don't like the concept at all, but they're humans and Americans too.


Marijuana: I'm not a big fan of this either. You aren't going to get me to vote for its legalization. End of story.


Church and state: Yes, keep them seperate. However, that means that in protecting religions, you protect Christianity as well, and in restricting Christianity, you restrict the others as well. Being a minority doesn't entitle you to special rights, just the same as everyone else.


Affirmative action: See above. I'm all for hiring whoever is most qualified. Period. Is that racist? I see it as hiring the best candidate, regardless of color, creed or orientation.


Death Penalty: Put all the cards on the table to begin with. Don't hold anything back in a case where capital punishment can come into play. That means you don't get scads of appeals. Go through everything to make sure that you've got the right guy, then throw the switch. I'd be in favor of Singapore-style punishment, but with the bleeding-heart lobby we have, it ain't happening.

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Guest Tim
Tim, I do not understand, you are pro choice meaning you are ready to kill unborn children yet, you are anti-death penalty. That makes absolutly no sense, make up your mind. You don't want to kill criminals who might deserve to die but you wanna kill kids who never had a chance. ALso you are pro free trade yet Anti-Tax. It's one or the other dude. If you do not then you have to tariff so no free trade. If you free trade then you need to tax. Where else is the money coming from? Good job dude. I think you should rethink your stances so they do not contridict. I also think it is funny that a pro-choice free trader likes reagan and nixon.



Well, it's like this. I personally feel that until a child is born it is not living, but once it is born it should not be killed. The most irresponsible thing to do is to bring children into the world who are not wanted. The death penalty I reservation with on 2 fronts: Firstly, I believe it is not the harshest punishment possible, and secondly, there is too high a chance of getting it wrong.


Also, I support minimum government interference with each and every aspect of the economy and society. Tax and tariffs are both a form of government interference. Free trade must be mutual however, and I don't support giving, for example China, free access to to our markets if they are screwing us over with massive tariffs there.

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Guest LooseCannon
"Believe in people owning guns, but feel that if you can't wait 7 days to own a gun, you're the type of person that needs to wait 7 days to own a gun."


It's not the fact that you have to wait 7 days that I do not like. It's what are they gonna do next? Soon it will be a month, then a year, then never like england.

You know the slippery slope argument applies to other rights as well, including the one that pertains to religion.

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Guest hardyz1
Hardyz, I don't know if you're aware of this, but according to conceal-carry laws, you do have to take a gun safety course in order to carry one. As for the waiting period, hey, fine. I don't have a thing to be afraid of and if it keeps some psycho from buying a gun, great. Problem? You can buy guns on the street.

Well, you know what they say. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.


And I didn't mention earlier that I am in favor of being allowed to carry a concealed weapon with a permit after a safety course and a background check. I don't know what states allow concealed weapons, though.

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Guest JMA
Well, it's like this. I personally feel that until a child is born it is not living, but once it is born it should not be killed. The most irresponsible thing to do is to bring children into the world who are not wanted. The death penalty I reservation with on 2 fronts: Firstly, I believe it is not the harshest punishment possible, and secondly, there is too high a chance of getting it wrong.


Also, I support minimum government interference with each and every aspect of the economy and society. Tax and tariffs are both a form of government interference. Free trade must be mutual however, and I don't support giving, for example China, free access to to our markets if they are screwing us over with massive tariffs there.

Testify, Tim! :)

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Guest Vern Gagne


Well, it's like this. I personally feel that until a child is born it is not living, but once it is born it should not be killed. The most irresponsible thing to do is to bring children into the world who are not wanted. The death penalty I reservation with on 2 fronts: Firstly, I believe it is not the harshest punishment possible, and secondly, there is too high a chance of getting it wrong.


Also, I support minimum government interference with each and every aspect of the economy and society. Tax and tariffs are both a form of government interference. Free trade must be mutual however, and I don't support giving, for example China, free access to to our markets if they are screwing us over with massive tariffs there.

What about partial birth abortions.You're telling me that a baby that could easily surive outside it's mothers womb isn't living. The worse thing to do is bring a life into the world, when it isn't wanted. What about adoption. There are thousands of couples who would love to adopt a baby.

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Guest EricMM

Fave presidents: the FDR and Teddy from my sig :)


Pro-Choice, but Anti-Abortion. If it's NECESSARY, do it, but one should adopt first

Pro-Gays, of course, who cares what people do at home in bed? Not me.

Anti-Murder Penalty, the extensive litigation makes it unwieldy and the risk of an innocent death is too high. Life of hard time IMO

I try to be independant. Sometimes dems and reps can be dumb, and they're both republocrats anyways...

Anti-Affirmative Action based on race.

Anti-Welfare, kind of, I think it should be more limited. If you can work you shouldn't be on the govt. wallet

I'm not a violent man, thus I wouldn't shoot anyone, unless they came at me.

Anti-Globalization-ish... It so often leads to exploitation of everyone except corps. Americans lose jobs and foreigns get screwed.

Against virtually ALL U.S. involvement in foreign affairs Me too. Fix AMERICA first

I'm far more pro israeli than pro palastinian, but they both need to stop.


We speak to china because to do otherwise would be foolish. We're if nothing else a subversive culture

Somewhat of an isolationist, that's a fair statement for me. America has it's own troubles.

Pro Campaign Finance Reform, I fucking HATE lobbys. I hate all bought politicians.

Pro Gun Control (not banning, control)

Pro-Feminism, depending on the kind. Equalize the sexes but no one should dominate. And Lifetime sucks.

Terrified by the power corporations have over us VERY MUCH SO

A Taurus

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Guest RobJohnstone
Hardyz, I don't know if you're aware of this, but according to conceal-carry laws, you do have to take a gun safety course in order to carry one.  As for the waiting period, hey, fine.  I don't have a thing to be afraid of and if it keeps some psycho from buying a gun, great.  Problem?  You can buy guns on the street.

Well, you know what they say. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.


And I didn't mention earlier that I am in favor of being allowed to carry a concealed weapon with a permit after a safety course and a background check. I don't know what states allow concealed weapons, though.

IN pennsylvania you can carry. You have to be 21 though so only a few more months for me :)


Verne you are damn right. My friend got his girlfriend pregnant when they were both 15. They were responsible enough to have the child and found a great family to have him. This family could not have children and my friend still see's his son and his family atleast once a month(It would be more but he is in the armed forces, so when he had to go to kosovo for 5 months, he really couldn't do much.). I know these people are great parents by talking with them amny times, and I know there are tons upon tons of people who would love to adopt a child because they cannot have one.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion
What about partial birth abortions.You're telling me that a baby that could easily surive outside it's mothers womb isn't living. The worse thing to do is bring a life into the world, when it isn't wanted. What about adoption. There are thousands of couples who would love to adopt a baby.

Well, those are illegal just about everywhere in the nation, if memory serves. At that point, it's a BABY, it's not partially living goo like early in pregnancy. I'm totally against partial birth abortions. I'd like to think more people would just put the kid up for adoption, but that can't always be the case. I'm certainly not in favor of abortions, but I'm 100% against outlawing a medical procedure like that. Better to have that sort of thing offered in a sterile hospital setting rather than a rusty hook behind a dumpster.

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Guest hardyz1
IN pennsylvania you can carry. You have to be 21 though so only a few more months for me :)

Ah. A fellow 20 year old Pennsylvanian? Hmmm.

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Guest DrTom

Since everyone else is doing the breakdown of issues, I might as well.


Abortion: Pro choice. I don't think it's the job of the federal government to say whether or not someone can have an abortion, but the alternative is unsafe back-alley procedures.


Free speech: Strongly in favor of it. I think reasonable restrictions are necessary, like the "clear and present danger" test, but other than that, no restrictions.


Gay rights: Strongly oppose. Here's the thing: they already have the same Constitutionally-protected rights everyone else does. What they're asking for is special rights, which create political and legal double standards, and I am very much against that. If they want to marry, let them; I don't give a shit about the institution of marriage anyway.


Drugs: My viewpoint is probably unique, since I don't do drugs at all (and I think those who do are pathetic), but I feel they should be legal. It's not the job of the government to protect its citizens from themselves, nor to worry about what those citizens do in their own homes. I think anyone who harms someone else because of drugs should have the fucking book thrown at them, but if people want to light it up, snort it, or shoot it up in the privacy of their own homes, go right ahead. Besides, look at all the tax revenue that's just waiting right there.


Religion: Atheist, and fuck you if you're a preachy asshole. Otherwise, live and let live.


Affirmative Action: Oppose. Hire the best person regardless. Admit the best students regardless. It's really not complicated.


Welfare: Get a fucking job. If you're physically unable to work, then allowances have to be made. Helping people through a hard time is one thing; supporting three worthless generations of a crack family is something else again.


Israel: Both sides have blood on their hands, but the Palestinians are nothing but despicable terrorists and puppets of the surrounding Muslim regimes. Our aid to Israel should be doubled, and our leash on them loosened. Want to find bin Laden? I bet the Mossad can do it.


Foreign Policy: The John Adams school of democracy, which states that Americans are friends of democracy and liberty everywhere, but defenders only of their own. This doesn't mean we should be isolationists and stand by while country A slaughters people in country B, though.


Campaign Finance: I think all lobbyists should be rounded up and executed. When that's done, then we can talk about capping the contributions corporations can make. Our Congress is entirely too beholden to big business, and it's past time for that to change.


Term Limits: NEW ISSUE~! Twelve years and get out. Six terms as a Rep, or two terms as a Senator, then it's time to move on. Representing your country was never intended to be a lifelong job. This would also remove some of the corruption and ties to big businesses, since people would be leaving Congress all the time.


Gun Control: Oppose. I don't think anyone needs an assault weapon to defend their homes, but handguns, rifles, and shotguns are all good. Concealed carry permits should be issued to people who can pass a safety course. I don't really mind a waiting period on gun sales, but it doesn't take a week to look up someone in a goddamn database. Check for history of violent crime (it's not a big deal if a guy who cheated the IRS once has a gun) and history of documented mental illness. We don't need psychos running around with guns. This shouldn't take any longer than three days.


Death penalty: Already talked about.

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Guest Tyler McClelland
Drugs: My viewpoint is probably unique, since I don't do drugs at all (and I think those who do are pathetic), but I feel they should be legal. It's not the job of the government to protect its citizens from themselves, nor to worry about what those citizens do in their own homes. I think anyone who harms someone else because of drugs should have the fucking book thrown at them, but if people want to light it up, snort it, or shoot it up in the privacy of their own homes, go right ahead. Besides, look at all the tax revenue that's just waiting right there.

You're not unique for that view, just smart.

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Guest DrTom
You're not unique for that view, just smart.

I only said "unique" because everyone I know who thinks drugs should be legalized is at least an occasional drug user. I just think they should be legal on libertarian grounds, despite the fact I don't go near them myself.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I'm the same way.


If they want their drugs, they can get them anyways. It could be a huge cash cow if we let them just buy them from the government with taxes.

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Abortion: Pro-choice. But, people should be responsible. If the person is in danger of dying, or was raped, or it was a kid via incest, then they should be allowed to have an abortion. I'm also against partial-birth abortions unless it's one of those three circumstances.


Free speech: I'm for it


Gay rights: Homosexual people shouldn't be hated for just being homosexual. The talk of gay rights can be attributed to the hatred and discrimination that some dished out. Some of it is way too special and their rights will be used and enjoyed once people realize that homosexuality is merely something that is brought out by a person due to things that have happened to them or various other things (I cannot give you a full answer on that).


Drugs: Marijuana should be legalized. All that other stuff shouldn't be. Marijuana has alot of money to be made off of it anyways, which you could hear about if you asked a drug dealer. The drug dealers make money on pot because it's illegal and the ads against it are just asinine.


Religion: I'm a Christian, I go to Assembly of God (Pentecostal) church dealies, not on Sundays though. I'm most likely to the left of most. I realize that the New Testament has alot of stuff that people should read and follow. If you do something charitible, then you can keep it to yourself and not brag about it. Alot of people screw up the possibilities of faith, people that miss the point of what they preach can send as many people to hell by inadvertently (sp?) turning them off and sending them away as people who would intend for them to turn to evil. It's a sad fact.


Affirmative Action: The best person for the job should be hired for the job. I can see times where that would be harmed by bias. If the best person for an NFL coaching job is black, white or wearing a diaper, then that person should get the job. We're all the same in a way, if you think about it.


Welfare: Some people cannot find a stable job, and with the economy uneasy right now, that would be truer than ever. People who are on welfare should try to find a job or something to make a living with. If they're unable to work, then that's a different matter.


Israel: The Israelis do alot of dumb things. The Palestineans do alot of dumb things. One side shoots another, then the other blows up a building then the other shoots a guy and then another blows themself up. It's a hamster running on a wheel. It is going nowhere. It might be possible for both sides to live in peace, but it's less likely as every violent measure is enacted. The voices of peace from the Israeli and Palestinean side are not being heard. Arafat is a terrorist who was funded by the Soviets once and who can only claim to have mellowed in his older years, while other groups blow up buildings. Sharon is not the man I want to be running Israel when it's possible that Iraq could strike Israel and Israel could strike back, causing massive Arab discontent against the war effort. I figure that it's becoming more likely that this conflict will end sometime around Christ returning or something huge.


Foreign Policy: Treat nations the way you want to be treated. If a nation has repressive rulers, then try not to cozy up to them and alienate the US. It happened in Cuba, the US supposed Batista, then Castro came in, he wasn't too happy with the US, push came to shove and he established an anti-US repressive regime. When it comes to Iraq, War might be possible. When it comes to North Korea, Kim is a fucking lunatic and hopefully that nation can be toppled from within. When it comes to Iran, that nation is very very ripe for the clerics to lose power.


Campaign Finance: It should be limited but not enough to limit free speech all together.


Term Limits: It won't happen. Every society has had long-reigning leaders in the government and it won't change in the US.


Gun Control: People should know how to use guns. People who are obviously crazy shouldn't have guns. Most laws against guns might work, but who the heck can be sure that they are working. I favor conceal-carry. Anyways, having guns will be useful in upholding the intent of the 2nd amendment, which is a militia of men.


Death penalty: It should be upheld in Federal cases. It should be looked at in state cases to see if it's being properly dealt out and if people aren't dying while the real killer is out there. Plus, executions cost too much, i'm sure that cost could be cut. Remember, the constitution says cruel AND unusual punishment which means that if it's just cruel but usual, it's allowed, if it's unusual, but not cruel, then it's allowed. Just a brief there.


One more thing, if it is a deterant then it is not being used properly. If you want to deter people at risk from doing this, then just let them watch some executions. If you want to deter the guy from doing it again by executing them, then it works, unless he comes back from the dead and feasts on your brain-tissue, then you're a goner.


That covers it, I think.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I tend to go Democrat, but if I like the Republican candidate, I am open to hear him out and maybe vote for him. And especially if the Democratic candidate sucks. I am more liberal, but I like to think of myself as a moderate-liberal.


Pro-choice - I am no means an abortion fan, but if it isn't directly affecting me, then it's none of my concern. I personally think these people who spend week in and week out protesting in front of Planned Parenthood and other organizations really need to get a life and stop trying to live the life of others.


Pro-gay - I really believe you are born gay, and I could care less what you do in your private homes. And, love is love, and if two gays want to get married and have a family, more power to them. I also, would rather have foster kids in a stable gay home, then in an unstable foster home.


Anti-death penalty - This lets the killers off way too easy. I would rather they be put into hard labor for the rest of their lives. Putting these monsters to death will not bring those murdered back to life, unfortunately. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Pro-environment - A no brainer, we really need to be more responsible with the planet. I will admit that I did like Bush's commitment to hydrogen cars in his state of the union address. A definate head in the right direction.


Pro-education - Our education system needs a complete overhaul. I feel that we are still going by standards which were the norm back in the 19 th century. I would also like for foreign languages to be taught to kids at way earlier age... not only will they learn it quicker, but it will help make our kids more well rounded (just one of the many things I would like to seen done)


End the Drug War - We waste so much money on this unwinable war. Money which could be used to improve our schools, roads, and almost everything else. I am also in favor of decriminalizing marijuana at the least. If some one is in the confines of their homes, and they want to light up, more power to them. Also, I believe that marijuana does have some medical uses, so I am definate favor of legalized medical marijuana. Anything that helps those who are suffering, should be allowed. I am not so favor of the harder drugs, which I think should carry the same legal penalties. But, when the Drug Wars biggest victories, lately, have come from the shutting down medical marijuana facilities, which is growing for sick patients. This just shows how much a joke the war on drugs have become. Hearing about that made me sick to my stomach, and who ever was responsible should hold their heads in shame. Also, lets get rid of the manditory drug tests in the work place. It's a complete invasion of your private life. If someone can do their job and do drugs and the same time, then it should be no concern of the place of work.


Seperation of Church and State - I have seen what happens when Religion runs the government, you get some of the most corrupt and disgusting human behavior imaginable. I am for freedom of religion, what ever floats your boat, but to quote the Good Dr. "fuck you if you're a preachy asshole".


I would like to see a flat tax implemented as well as more responsibility with our money that is taken in.


I agree with Dr. Tom on his postion of campaign finance reform. Lets take our government back from all the lobbyists.


I am for a more national health care sytem. Why is it that the US the only industrialized country, where people can go bankrupt from health care costs? I personally think this is ridiculous, and this is something that needs to be fixed, before more families lose everything because one member gets sick. Also, when people are refusing medical help because they can't afford the bills, that to me paints a picture.


Gun control - I personally will never own a gun. But, if you really think that it will make your life safer, more power to ya. But, you are going to have to go through a back ground check (which should only take three- five days) Also, I believe all gun owners should attend a gun safety class. And if you have kids, for God's sake, put a lock on that thing and hide the key. I guess I can live with gun responsibilty, but if this world never had guns, it would be far safer place.


As for my favorite presidents. I really admired Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and JFK. And if he hadn't been gunned down, I trully believe Robert Kennedy, who would have wiped the floor with Nixon, and would have made a good president.


My least favorites: Nixon and Reagan.


Also, John Aschcroft is a jack-ass who so far has covered a nude piece of art and ruined the reputation of a scientist. Please Dubbya, pick some else for your attorney general for 2004.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Regarding the drug issue, which has been repeated in here ad nauseum, I agree that anyone commiting a crime because they're high deserves to have the book thrown at them, not because of the drugs, but because they're an unstable shit.


As far as the tax issue goes with drugs, I'd be perfectly willing to pay a premium to get a quality bag of grass somewhere relatively safe instead of a skanky dimebag from a shady character on the other side of the tracks. Regulated drug trade would all but kill the black market, would help our economy greatly, as well as the economies of the dirt poor banana republics, which would improve trade overall.


Crime would go up for a bit, but as soon as a couple coked up idiots knock over a liquor store, get put away for 20-30, the people causing problems would either get deterred from doing stupid shit, or else they'd at least be off the streets after getting nailed.


Think of the burden it would lift off the justice system, too, with no minor drug offenses.

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Guest hardyz1

AoO, well said.


I'm also a non-user who is for legalization. Hell, I don't even smoke or drink but I don't care what people do in their own homes.


I hate when people smoke around me in public. Disgugting shit.

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Guest Dangerous A
For anyone not sure, try taking a political spectrum test at www.politicalcompass.org. It shows where you stand on the political chart, also showing famous political figures to give you a perspective

I took this political spectrum test and ended up about where I thought I would stand- a little (and I mean only a square or two) L-Liberterian.

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Guest AnnieEclectic
"Pretty sure that, were I in an elevator with Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Satan, and Ronald Reagan; & I had a gun with 4 bullets in it, I'd shoot Reagan in the face 4 times."


You've got some problems buddy. That has to be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.



I'd at least save a couple for Hitler and Stalin. You know, since because I'm gay I sacrifice humans and worship the all powerful Satan while riding his cock o' WHEE!


.... argh.


Please note the sarcasm if you DIDN'T SEE IT.



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Guest JMA
I'd at least save a couple for Hitler and Stalin. You know, since because I'm gay I sacrifice humans and worship the all powerful Satan while riding his cock o' WHEE!


.... argh.


Please note the sarcasm if you DIDN'T SEE IT.



You rule, Annie! :lol:

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