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Guest converge241

Wrestlemania x8

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Guest converge241

Hours away from WMX8, what are some of the predictions on what match will steal the show and what you fear will stink the place out.


I wouldnt wager whats going to happen in the title match, but I think HHH and Jericho are going to tell a #### of a story leading up to the inevitable Steph interference.


The Flair - Taker match worries me. I have the utmost confidence in Flair, but has anybody seen Taker "selling" those chops? He makes them look awful.

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Guest converge241
Kane/Angle will suck


you think so? they had a #### of a match that first big match they ahd a while ago where Angle made Kane tap....

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Guest The Man in Blak

I have a BAD feeling about Austin/Hall.  Could be a TOTAL trainwreck - Austin ain't happy, and Hall (while looking the best out of the nWo) is still a wee bit rusty in the ring.

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Guest dreamer420

The six man tag looks to be pretty crappy considering those involved.  Also Regal's recent string of horribly slow and boring matches hopefully won't continue in his match with RVD.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

The (hopefully) good: Booker/Edge, DDP/Christian, HHH/Jericho


The (probably) bad: Austin/Hall, RVD/Regal, tag titles match


The (bound to be) awful: Flair/UT, Angle/Kane


I just hope to god Jericho retains.

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Guest Anglesault
Kane/Angle will suck


you think so? they had a #### of a match that first big match they ahd a while ago where Angle made Kane tap....

Kane SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS, and Kurt is not a miracle worker. Two good matches with Kurt (His only good matches since about 99) Three is pushing it.

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I think that Jericho will barely retain the gold, then post-match HHH will clear the ring of him and Pedigree Steph, gaining all his heat back in the match of the night.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I doubt Jericho will keep the Gold. Triple H has had his comback built up so much, there not going to ruin it by having him lose at the greatest specticale of them all.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I think Flair vs Taker will be slow...Hogan vs Rock will be half paced...and Austin vs Hall will be sloppy.


I think HHH will beat Jericho then later cost Rocky his match with Hogan


Then down the road it'd be great if Hall, Nash, and HHH kicked Hogan out of the NWO and brought in Michaels, Pac, and Justin and called themselves "The Clique"


That way Hogan could retire as a face

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Guest RickyChosyu

RVD/Regal should be ok, I think. The biggest problem with Regal these days is that he does lots of matwork and submisions in TV matches, which never go anywhere to begin with, which makes it totally worthless. Since it's a four hour show, I'm guessing they're going to give these guys at least fifteen minutes, so hopefully they'll to pull out something passable.

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Guest goodhelmet

Early predictions-


6man- this will be a bad match but the other losers in the match will blame it on Lance Storm.


DDP-Christian -DDP retains in a ho-hum match


Booker-Edge  -Edge wins in (what I'm hoping) will be a match of the night.


3way womans match -Jazz loses but hopefully to Trish. I think Lita is a shitty wrestler who is way overrated.


Taker-Flair - Either Flair looks like Kronik or Taker looks like a broomstick. No middle ground for the Taker win.


Angle-Kane -This match will be ok but only because of Angle's godliness, not because Kane has an ounce of talent.


RVD-Regal  -If RVD doesn't win, then Vince is the biggest idiot in the world. Probably a clash of styles but hopefully they will get stiff on each other


Hall-Austin -Austin wins despite big lazy interference.


HHH-Jericho -What could have been a ***** match just a year ago will now be overbooked city with a thousand swerves, run ins, weapons and ref bumps trying to disguise the fact that HHH sucks now. Hopefully, Jericho wins despite my doubts.


Hogan-Rock  -The match will go down as the biggest, grandest, most spectacular DUD in the history of wrestling. Hogan is claiming to be hurt. Rock isn't Benoit. The match will suck. There is no reason the Rock should lose except to carry on an NWO angle that is already dead and did nothing for the ratings.


There, with the Booker-Edge match and Christian-DDP, this probably won't be worse than WM9, but it sure does look shitty. Oh I forgot the tag team mess but noone (including the WWF) gives a shit about them anyway.

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Guest spman

Ok, let's go through the card


Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock- This could probobly best be compared to Hogan vs Andre at WM 3, low on workrate and high on Markout value. Expect to see all of Hogan and Rocks spots and lots of stalling. I see no reason why Hogan should go over here.


Predicted Winner- The Rock

Predicted Rating- * to **


Scott Hall vs Austin- As long as Hall lets Austin carry the entire match, I dont see why this match will be too bad. Expect to see a Nash run in costing Austin the match.


Predicted Winner- Hall

Predicted Rating- **1/2


Triple H vs Jericho- Or is it Triple H vs Steph? Expect to see this around the middle of the show, to wake up the audience who will no doubt be half asleep. Also expect it to be totally Russofied bokking-wise, filled with Ref Bumps, Run Ins, and lot's of cheating. I dont see any reason why this match will be bad, but I guess the best we can hope for is that the outcome keeps Steph off TV for a long long time


Predited Winner- Triple H after a botched Steph Interference causing Jericho to Dump her

Predicted Rating- **1/2 to *** 1/2


Flari vs Undertaker- The only way this match could possibly be saved is if they decide to make it a brawl all the way. Expect a lot of violence, bloodshed, and no-selling. I see Undertaker winning here to keep his Wrestlemania record.


Predicted Winner- Undertaker

Predicted Ratng- * to **


RVD vs Regal- Holy style clash Batman! Expect this to be long, slow, and boring. Regal will try and keep it on the mat, while RVD will try and take it outside a lot. None of it will click, and it will just be a total mess. It's time to put an end to Regals style which hasnt evolved since 1992, and give RVD the push he deserves.


Predicted Winner- RVD

Predicted Rating- * to **


Edge vs Booker T- Finally, after months and months of working long boring matches with Regal, Edge gets matched with a worker that better fits his style. This match will be Edges chance to shine, and dont expect him to job in his hometown. This match could very well steal the show


Predicted Winner- Edge

Predicted Rating- **1/2 to ***1/2


Hardyz vs Dudleys vs APA vs Billy and Chuck- I really don't know what to expect here. It will probobly be short, and include most of The Hardyz and Dudleys trademark spots alongside B&C and APAs usual kick punch offense, with a table spot or two throw into the mix. I see no reason for the champs to lose the belts here.


Predicted Winner- Chuck and Billy

Predicted Rating- *1/2 to **


Kane vs Kurt Angle- The WWF seems to blow hot and cold with Angles push. One month they have him in the main event, the next month he's in the mid-card feuding with a directionless nobody like Kane. The match these two had at Smackdown a few months back was quite good, so I dont think this will be too bad either. Putting Kane over Angle would be a bad idea for many obvious reasons, so I have Angle to win.


Predicted Winner- Angle

Predicted Rating- ** to ***


Womens Match- I don't care about Womens matches, never have and never will.


Predicted Winner- Don't care

Predicted Rating- Don't care


DDP vs Christian- This match featuring two of the WWFs most underated worked could also be a potential show stealer, but will probobly be too short to go anywhere. I see Christian winning the belt in under 5 minutes or so.


Predicted Winner- Christian

Predicted Rating- * to **


Hardcore Match- One hasnt been announced yet, but I'm suyre there will be one. Probobly something along the lines of Maven vs RVD vs Goldust vs Big Show. Like DDP vs Christian, expect this to be short and pointless.


Predicted Winner- Does it really matter?

Predicted Rating- *


Test, Storm, and Perfect vs Scotty, Albert, and Rikishi- THis match will probobly end up on Heat. I could see Scotty doign some good stuff with Perfect and Storm, but other then that this will be another short match that will just be there to fill time.


Predicted Winner- Scotty, Albert, and Rikishi

Predicted Rating- 1/2*


Overall, this wil e a memorable wrestlemania, but just because it's gonna be memorable doesnt mean it'll be any good.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Hall/Austin will be the worst match followed by Hogan/Rock.


Best will likely be HHH/Jericho provided Steph doesn't get too involved.  


Sleeper matches include Taker/Rock & Kane/Angle.


Booker/Edge & Christian/DDP could potentially be good, but I doubt they will get any time.  


RVD/Regal is not a match that I am looking forward too.


The Tag Match will be awful.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

6man- poor match, but expect storm and tests team to win to keep the crowd happy.


DDP-Christian -christian wins, or else this fued was for nought.


Booker-Edge  - booker wins, edge has been all over him in the leadup, and also at least one canadian has to lose.  if the double turn everyone is dreaming about does happen, it *should* happen here.


3way womans match -lita wins, but starts a #### turn, leading to a lita-trish fued through the summer.


Taker-Flair - taker win, but im scared that david flair might get involved somehow (btw, how shit did flair's chairshots look on SD?)


Angle-Kane -angle will win, and carry kane to a watchable match.


RVD-Regal  -RVD *must* win, and not just because i mark for him.  regal is stale, the fans couldnt care about him and is boring to watch.  for rvd, switch all of those statements areound.  if rvd doesnt go over, then let the conspiracies begin!!!


Hall-Austin -hall has to win, for rock to go over (he will), but expect plenty of nash-ference.


HHH-Jericho -probably be a reasonable match, nothing special, probably about ***1/2.  if only this match had been last year :( im hoping for a jericho win, but all logic here says trips, especially after the events of the past week.


Hogan-Rock  -rock wins, no questions.  vince wants rock to be the next hogan.  there may be interference, but either way, rock will get the 1-2-3.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Here are the major overated/underated matches.


DDP/Christian and Edge/Booker both are underated and both should be awesome, I'm not sure about Angle/Kane though. It will be good no doubt, but it better be different be inovent because a third one like the last two would be really dull.


Also, I think Rock/Hogan will be much better than expected, and even if it DOES suck it still will be enjoyable just because of the croud heat.

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