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Guest Tim Cooke

Pimping some stuff

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Guest Tim Cooke

Checked out some more stuff since this board went down earlier in the week.  


First, I watched the 4/20/91 Misawa/Kawada/Kobashi v Tsuruta/Taue/Fuchi 6 man tag.  Million stars.  The feud between Taue and Kawada in these six mans was actually more heated than Misawa v Jumbo in some aspects.  Fuchi stepped up his intensity to go along with his natural dickishness.  Misawa/Kobashi/Kawada and Jumbo were all exceptional and Taue looked reasonably good.  Some of these so called great Indy guys of today should take a look back and see how effective you could work a six man without using a Tiger Alley Bomber 2006 10 times in one match.  This match had stiffness, moves, and most importantly, so many great stories from Kawada v Taue to Fuchi being out heeled by Misawa's team to Kobashi playing Ricky Morton perfectly.  I thought their 10/28/90 6 man tag was great but this match blew that great one out of the water.


Second, the 6/12/98 Kobashi v Kawada is Kawada at his best.  This match is SO different from the 1/20 and 10/21/97 Misawa v Kobashi matches in that Kawada brings selling to the table that makes Kobashi look like a God but also lays a foundation for the match.  The Misawa v Kobashi 1997 classics were based on move based workrate and could be watched without any background.  Yet to really understand why the 1/20 match is an all time classic, some history needs to be known.


In the 6/12 match, Kawada brought all the fundamentals to produce an A+ match.  He brought the selling, the story of Kawada being the Champion but Kobashi being at least even with him, maybe better.  The stiffness is there, but not just to be stiff, but to help progress the equality storyline.  The movesets are there, from both Kobashi and Kawada.  You know Kawada is in control of the match because even when Kobashi does one of his bizzarre head dropping suplexes, it all makes sense and I actually popped for them, more so than the ones he did against Misawa in 1997.  


Kawada needs to get together 4 guys who he thinks have potential and train them from scratch so this art of "wrestling" won't be lost.



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Guest wolverine

"I thought their 10/28/90 6 man tag was great but this match blew that great one out of the water."


I actually liked the 10/90 match better.  The heat spot on Kobashi during the 4/91 match kind of dragged down the hot pace.  If you haven't seen it already, I'd highly recommend the 6/5/92 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Jumbo/Taue tag title match.  Super heat and work, well worth seeing.  I think I liked that better than 4/91 as well.

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Guest Tim Cooke

"I thought their 10/28/90 6 man tag was great but this match blew that great one out of the water."


I actually liked the 10/90 match better.  The heat spot on Kobashi during the 4/91 match kind of dragged down the hot pace.  If you haven't seen it already, I'd highly recommend the 6/5/92 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Jumbo/Taue tag title match.  Super heat and work, well worth seeing.  I think I liked that better than 4/91 as well.

"I actually liked the 10/90 match better.  The heat spot on Kobashi during the 4/91 match kind of dragged down the hot pace.  If you haven't seen it already, I'd highly recommend the 6/5/92 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Jumbo/Taue tag title match.  Super heat and work, well worth seeing.  I think I liked that better than 4/91 as well."


I need to see that but I'm not going out of the way to do so since I plan on watching all of the AJ TV in order from 4/90 on to 12/96, so it will come.  


Also want to mention the 11/30/01 Guerrero v Low Ki ICW match.  It is the best Low Ki match I have seen, mostly due to Eddy being able to control the game.  The mat work is excellent and smooth, and the match builds from mat work, to a few highspots, to a terrific ending.  Always focused, always enjoyable.


I hope that Eddy is cleaned up once and for all because someone of his caliber shouldn't be just working the Indies.



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Guest wolverine
IS the 4/21/91match shown complete?

No, they show about 30 mins. of the match.

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