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Guest Youth N Asia

Final Destination 2

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Guest Youth N Asia

Ok...if you haven't seen the movie then turn back now.












Ok, I just got back from the movie, so it's fresh on my mind.


As a whole I liked it, but I like some really dumb horror movies. it was over the top cheesey and predictable. But I had fun at it...so the rest of the post is just me bitching about the movie.


But I started on a pissed note, asshole of a friend had to take his time before leaving so I completly missed the Jason vs Freddy trailer...that almost ruined the whole thing for me.


#1 bad acting...I know it's a horror movie, but no one came off the least bit likeable. That's the problem with most horror movies now, you have no reason to care for the main characters.


#2 damn kid who dies at the end...sure, his explosion death was just hysterical, but he shouldn't have died. With the way things are suppose to happen, he was suppose to die if he fucked with death's plans. But he didn't. He was saved by random, and that happens hundreds of times every day, it's not like he saw his own death and changed it...or that anyone else who did so.


When they had the oh so meaningful conversation in the car about how they all cheated death it almost seemed to imply anyone who was at all connected to anyone that died would die...but that just can't be...technically dozens would die who were connected to one of the weird deaths...then thousands connected to those ones...then on and on.


#3 The pregnant woman...this just bugged me. With her playing zero role in the outcome of the movie there were too many ironic happenings, too convienent when she in fact had no role what so ever in the long run. That just bugged me.


#4 predictable deaths...while all the deaths were more funny then scarey, none of them really caught you offgaurd. That really hurt things. And of course they had to end the movie with the hint of sequel...it just wouldn't be a horror movie otherwise.


#5 one more thing...I didn't like that the girl would only see certain deaths. Nothing came to her for the guy who died in the fire or the lottery winner guy. Either go all out or not at all.


With all that being said...I liked the damn thing. Is it a good movie? Hell no, it was awful...but sometimes awful is just as good as good.


And I nearly pissed myself when the kid took the glass hit and his body exploded backwards on him.

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I feel cheated!!! There wasn't a Freddy vs. Jason trailer when I saw Final Destination 2 tonight.


oh and I liked the movie.....maybe cause I get a kick out of over the top gory death scenes.......yeah I'm strange.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I feel cheated!!! There wasn't a Freddy vs. Jason trailer when I saw Final Destination 2 tonight.


oh and I liked the movie.....maybe cause I get a kick out of over the top gory death scenes.......yeah I'm strange.

Oh...good then.


I guess I'm happier knowing there wasn't the trailer then just missing out on it...I heard it was a sure thing they were showing it.


The thing that bothered me about the death scenes is that they were all real funny...unlike the scene in the beginning where the lottery kid was to die in the fire in his car...that was actually a little scarey to watch.

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I feel cheated!!!  There wasn't a Freddy vs. Jason trailer when I saw Final Destination 2 tonight.


oh and I liked the movie.....maybe cause I get a kick out of over the top gory death scenes.......yeah I'm strange.

Oh...good then.


I guess I'm happier knowing there wasn't the trailer then just missing out on it...I heard it was a sure thing they were showing it.


The thing that bothered me about the death scenes is that they were all real funny...unlike the scene in the beginning where the lottery kid was to die in the fire in his car...that was actually a little scarey to watch.

Oh yeah

















the death scenes in her dream at the beginning were the only ones I didn't laugh at. That screaming when he was burning was messed up.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I feel cheated!!!  There wasn't a Freddy vs. Jason trailer when I saw Final Destination 2 tonight.


oh and I liked the movie.....maybe cause I get a kick out of over the top gory death scenes.......yeah I'm strange.

Oh...good then.


I guess I'm happier knowing there wasn't the trailer then just missing out on it...I heard it was a sure thing they were showing it.


The thing that bothered me about the death scenes is that they were all real funny...unlike the scene in the beginning where the lottery kid was to die in the fire in his car...that was actually a little scarey to watch.

Oh yeah

















the death scenes in her dream at the beginning were the only ones I didn't laugh at. That screaming when he was burning was messed up.

Yeah...good call to make the only real tense part in the movie in the first few minutes and not even be real.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Just because he didn't see the trailer didn't mean there wasn't one. Different theaters all play different trailers. Both years I have seen LotR in 2 different theaters and saw 2 different sets of trailers.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The grill explosion at the end was fucking glorious.


My favorite death in the whole thing was without a doubt the log going through the cop car, poor guy saw it coming and everything. The wreck scene was badass as a whole.


Second best death has to go to the barbed wire slice/airbag skull impalement combo.


Good shit, that. Not a good movie, but damned if it wasn't fun to watch. I was rolling through the whole thing. The deaths were fucking hilarious.

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Guest converge241



i dont really have a major interest to see this but something has been nagging me as I saw the first one..


from the commercials im pretty sure Ali Larter is in it again but is Devon Sawa? I mean the guy kinda looks like him that they show in the commercial but he looks somewhat different too...and i thought i read somewhere that he wasnt a part of it..


thx in advance to whomever clears up this minor annoyance

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

nah, he got bashed in the dome with a falling brick and died between movies. Sure it's a spoiler, but it's not very important.

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Guest converge241

cool thanks


it was just bugging the hell out of me


lol @ the fact that his character is treated as an afterthought cause the actor didnt want to do it



answer something else i dont mind having ruined:


how the hell did the "chain" continue??


i mean all these people in the commercials werent on that flight??

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Guest Youth N Asia
cool thanks


it was just bugging the hell out of me


lol @ the fact that his character is treated as an afterthought cause the actor didnt want to do it



answer something else i dont mind having ruined:


how the hell did the "chain" continue??


i mean all these people in the commercials werent on that flight??

The "chain" gets all blown to hell in this one.


Pretty much anyone who was closely involved in anyone that died in the first one ends up dying.


For example...one of the guys in this one was on the bus that splattered the girl in the first one...it's pretty lame how they tried to explain it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Look, this isn't a movie where you're watching it for tight storytelling and good plot devices. It's got over the top, graphic deaths which are excellent, and that's about it. Don't go in expecting anything more.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Look, this isn't a movie where you're watching it for tight storytelling and good plot devices. It's got over the top, graphic deaths which are excellent, and that's about it. Don't go in expecting anything more.

Yeah, like I said, it's a really bad movie, but I still enjoyed it.


I just hate when they try and do this big complex story and fill it with so many loopholes.

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Guest crandamaniac

Did anybody else feel like the end was just one where they went "FUCK IT! Let's end this piece of shit" instead of really concluding it. That was the only part that really got me.


And must agree, The BBQ death and that one kid who got squished by the glass (What was in that body bag anyways when they loaded him up) were the funniest in the whole movie.

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Guest converge241

im not expecting much from it


the first one was entertaining ..i just dont have the motivation to see pt II in the theater

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Guest Youth N Asia
And must agree, The BBQ death and that one kid who got squished by the glass (What was in that body bag anyways when they loaded him up) were the funniest in the whole movie.

They should have just cleaned up the glass kid with a mop and bucket.


I wonder if the movie was suppose to be horror or comedy.

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