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Guest Tony149

Zero Hour 2003

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Guest Tony149





The Moblins get into formation. The Conspiracy members do the same, but they kneel down when the garage doors open. A limo pulls in, in front of the Conspiracy. The limo opens and we hear a familiar breathing sound, Darth Vader steps out, and Lars Ulrich stands up.


Lars: Lord Vader what a pleasure it is to……..


Vader: You dispense of your ass kissing, I'am only here to deliver a message to you, and the other monsters.


Lars looking nervous: What may that be?


Vader: You have been ignoring your duties to the Master, what is this new project I'am hearing of?


Lars: Well………


Suddenly we hear a familiar battle cry:



And we see a large body falling from the roof. Lars and Vader rush to the body, it's Frankenstein's Monster.


Vader: Why did he fall?


Lars stands puzzled


Vader: The Master will be upset to learn that one of his favorite disciples has actually sold a move. He will be here shortly.


Lars: The Master is coming shortly?


Vader: Yes, but he is less forgiving than I'am.


Vader leaves, and everyone surrounds Lars.


Fat Bastard: You're in deep shit, Sonny Jim.


The Shape nods his head yes.


Jaymz: He'll banish you off to never-never-land.


FREDDY: Your nightmare is about to begin.


The following is a presentation of the OaOast. The worldwide leaders in parody e-fed entertainment.




Last October at DOOMSDAY, the OaOast's foundation was rocked when the aWo reunited in Madison Square Garden. Since then, the aWo has done everything they wanted, due to OaOast Superstars not being able to settle their differences to join forces to combat the evil empire known as the aWo. But now, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts has signed the order; the troops have assembled near the border.


Big Poppa Popick, Tony "The Body," The Superstar and Zack Malibu; team OaOast, join together as they mount an assualt on the powerful aWo.



We've declared war!


Tonight, the very face of the world will change forever. Boys will become men. Men will go home to their girlfriends/wives wounded. 4 unforunate men will see defeat. The aWo vs. the OaOast: War Games. The world has entered...ZERO HOUR.




The fans in the Angle Arena located at OaOast HQs in Pittsburgh, PA erupts as fireworks go off as if bombs, bullets are being dropped/fired. The stage is a live-action ZERO HOUR logo with the giant green tank like the one on the ZERO HOUR logo in the middle with the name ZERO HOUR hanging on top. A sight to behold.



Hello again, everybody. Jim Ross - Jesse "The Body" Ventura here at ringside.





Jess, the world is at Zero Hour.



Indeed we are, Jim Ross. I've been to war, it ain't no fun, but tonight is the biggest night in the history of the OaOast. Somebody will be a loser at the end of the night. The aWo will either walk out with control of AngleMania II or the OaOast will disband the aWo here tonight. I can't wait.



With the one year anniversary of the OaOast coming up soon, and AngleMania II being next month - tonight a lot of things will be decided. Jess, what do you see for War Games?



Blood, sweat, and tears. Nobody comes back from war safe, guys will get hurt, and hurt bad, but they know the risk of war.



Who do you see surviving?



Whichever way this goes, I know I'll still have a job, you won't, but I will. But this is a pick up, Ross. Both teams have their strong points. The aWo are brutal, especially Sandman9000 - a man I expect the aWo will be banking on to bring the pain.

For the OaOast - mix bag. My favorite superstar, Tony "The Body" has never been in War Games. The Superstar is young, and is probably the weak link on either team. BPP is out there, not sure what you get with him. Zack better have a hidden wild side, since the OaOast will need it.



Fans, we have more great matches tonight, but the match for the North American Championship will not take place tonight. For more info, let's go to Michael Cole, whose standing by with Bill Watts.




M.C. is standing with Bill in front of the ZERO HOUR logo.






The North American Champion, Thunderkid missed his flight to the arena, so the 3 Way match between TK/Brocck/Jailbait won't take place tonight. We hope to have that match signed for another time. But tonight is a huge night for the OaOast. Heads will be bangin' tonight. Tomorrow night, many of us might not have a job, but know this aWo: the OaOast won't go down without a fight. Let's hook 'em up!

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Guest Tony149

Brock Ausstin is interviewed in the back along with his agent/manager Rick Heyross::

Random Announcer: "Brock, the question going into your match-up tonight is can Jailbait stop you on your way to the top or is he just another victim on your path to superstardom?"


Heyross: "Shut your mouth you insignifigant little puke! Thats not the question going into my clients match tonight. No, everyone has it all wrong. The question that needs to asked is will Jailbait have the use of all his extremities after his encounter with "The Current BIG THING~!"


Brock: "AHHHHHHHH~!"



Mario is going to be pissed.


JR: "Well that was quite the enlightening interview don't ya think Body?"


Body: "Yes, as we all know,

Brock is a well traveled road scholar who can be quite eliquent when he wants to."


JR: "Well that withstanding, tonight's match can be seen as a breakout encounter between two OAOAST competitors who have been on quite a roll as of late. Jailbait has been impressive in his Royal Rumble debut and even owns a victory over OAOAST Veteran Big Poppa Popick. Brock on the other hand has been demolishing opponets left and right, but the only man to give him a fight has been Jailbait!"


Body: "Is that your buildup for this match? Man, you're running outta material huh?"


JR: *Sniffles* "Yes, maybe..."


::"War Ensemble" hits as Brock Austin smiles his way out the ring, along with his manager Rick Heyross.::


JR: "Brock doesn't seem to be taking this match to seriously, I mean look at him, he's laughing at the fact he even has to come out here and fight."


Body: "Or maybe he just finished watching "Swept Away" starring Madonna. If that doesn't get you rolling on the ground hysterically, i dunno what will!"


JR: "You have no taste do you?"


::"How I Could Just Kill A Man" plays but no Jailbait coming out to the arena. The ring announcer introduces Jailbait again, but again, no Jailbait."


Body: "Too many nacho's bell grande for Jailbait I guess, he's probably on the can!"


JR: "This is quite odd, why wouldn't he show up for his own match?"


::Heyross grabs the mic and begins to lead Brock backstage::


"Well, Brock, it seems as though our little latino friend has caught a case of scaredofthecurrentbigthing-itis. I would too if i knew I would be killed upon my arrival to the ring, how about let's just get outta here and....wait a minute..."


::Right then, Heyross directs an OAOAST Camera man to the crowd. He seems to be confused at what he sees, he sees Jailbait in the crowd, sitting, watching the ring as though nothing is going on.::

Heyross: "What the hell are you doing? Huh? Don't you know you have a match chico? Are you there? Are you listening? Speak english essa!"


::Jailbait grabs the mic and climbs over the guardrail and into the ring::


"I'm not wrestling you, I'm not wrestling Brock! I'm not wrestling anyone in OAOAST until I make one thing clear to all of you (Crowd begins to boo heavily). I never wanted any of this from you Brock, I just want to provide a way for my family to get out of the projects and into a stable home. And wrestling you and having you kill me won't get me there any quicker. And for what huh? So that these assholes in the crowd can cheer for some street thug like me getting killed? (Crowd cheers~!) No, not tonight. Not ever! I'm not wrestling another match in the OAOAST until I can be granted a shot at the OAOAST World Title. Until then homie, i'll go back the streets and deal drugs and smoke pot, just like all you white-bread bastardos expect out of me."


::Jailbait leaves the arena to a chorus of boos, and walks right by Brock and Heyross, not saying a word. Brock and Heyross look confused, but the ref rings the bell and starts the count. He counts all the way to ten and thats it~! Brock wins via Countout!::


JR: "I cannot believe that piece of crap Jailbait undermining his responsibilty to the OAOAST and to the fans to compete. All because he thinks he's getting a raw deal? I just don't get it!"


Body: "Well, he's made his decision and I know he won't be getting a title shot anytime soon, or will he?"

JR: "Well, lets hope not, no one wants a trouble maker like him representing the OAOAST."


Body: "This is a big win for Brock though, he gets the win and doesn't even break a sweat, and remains undefeated here. A big win indeed!"



Two limos pull up in front of the Conspiracy. Vader returns and kneels down before the limos. Out of the first limo steps some weird friends of Elv1s, they join in the Conspiracy and kneel to. The second limo opens up, and a fat blue man steps out.


Lars: Master it is a pleasure to finally meet………..




Druids step out, along with a man wearing a Phantom of the Opera costume. A cane comes out of the vehicle, and a cloaked figure steps out. The figure approaches the Conspiracy.



My God.



What the hell is that?



This Phantom - w-what, my God! Look at that...t-thing.



This is getting a little bit freaky, Ross.


Figure: Rise my friends


Vader: There is some trouble my Master.


Vader takers the figure over to the Monster's corpse. The figure is now noticibly upset, and pulls his hood off to reveal........Mario Logan.


I thought he was dead.



Mario Logan has returned.


Mario looks at Lars, and looks at the Monster's corpse.


Mario: I'am not fucking seeing this. LAAAAAAARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lars runs over to Mario and Vader.


Lars: Yes, Master!


Mario: What happened to him?!


Lars: Before I answer, me and the rest of the posse have a gift for you.


Lars hands Mario an advanced copy of St. Anger.


Lars: This is my project that I have been working on.


Mario: Why do you bribe me? I know this will suck.


OAOAST official steps in.


Official: We were warned that you would arrive, so we booked you in two matches.


Mario: Colonel.


Suge Knight runs in.


Knight: Yes.


Mario: Follow this man, and you handle one of these matches. Do not fail me again, Colonel. You're fate is in the hands of the OAOAST.


Colonel: Yes, Master.


Suge Knight leaves with the official.


Mario: I now sense a hostile presence here. Lars, you will not be punished, my previous thoughts were a warning to you.


Mario snaps fingers, and druids come over to the corpse, and lift it up. The Moblins part, and Mario leads his friends, and monsters away from the parking garage. HHH, and the Phantom are behind Mario, behind them is the Wizard, behind them is the Mafia, and the Conspiracy brings up the rear. Bradshaw pats Lars on the shoulder and smiles.


Mario: Other than this mess, everything is going as I have forseen it. The OAOAST will be mine, and soon I will take over the other e-feds.





Mario is back. Who saw that one coming?



I've never seen Mario in action, but I've heard a lot about this man.



Let me give you a small history lesson then--



Do you have too?



If you would of paid attention during the production meetings, I wouldn't have too.



Don't push it.



Mario has a loyal legion of monsters. He tried to destroy OAOAST from the beginning. His new group seems deadlier than before.


(The Parka goes to the ring followed by the Dream Machines. He looks pissed)


Parka: Last Monday we were told we would have a match, but somehow we got left off! Now we worked really hard to get where we are to only be screwed over in our first week. Usually I'm a jovial guy, but now I'm just a little pissed off. I did not come here to get screwed. I came here to make an impact. Take a good look at this face because you will be seeing it for a long time to come. In fact take a look at all the faces of the men you see standing here before you! This is the future! NO! This is the present! We are the here and now! Mark my words if someone is out to screw us I'll find them and I'll make them wish they could crawl back in their mother's womb and wait out their remaining days there!


We have a purpose! We have goals. Those goals are tag team gold and respect.

(points at SD) You my friend, all you want is to please the ladies is that right?


SD: Yes that's right.


Parka: Are you going to let the higher ups deprive these female fans of you?


SD: That's not possible. The women would find me regardless. I'm irresistable.


Parka: But picture this...you could have all the women in the world begging for you if you were one of the top stars in the OAOAST! Are you going to let them hold us down?


SD: No!


Parka: We cannot be contained any longer. Hold us down and we will just break free and reek havoc upon the OAOAST. Isn't that right PK?


(PK gets an evil grin on his face and rubs his hands together while laughing as the Dream Machines leave the ring)


Parka: The time for us is now!




EvenflowDDT is backstage with Michael Cole, psyching himself up for his match against Alfdogg.


MC: "Evenflow, ever since the Royal Rumble, you've become a completely different person. You've broken up with your longtime girlfriend, turned your back on your longtime best friend Zack Malibu, and are now threatening to help destroy the OAOAST along with the aWo! Evenflow, what's happened to you?"


Evenflow: "Shut up Cole. I don't know why Zack and I ever bothered to keep you around. You weren't even amusing to kick around. Sure, it felt good, but in the end, it felt like nothing. Nothing is…"


Evenflow is interrupted as Sandman9000 barges into the interview and shoves Cole away, taking the microphone himself. He and Evenflow are nose to nose.


Sandman: "Nothing is what can stop the aWo from destroying the OAOAST tonight. And nothing is what you are. Don't forget that WE are the ones who bailed you out. The aWo are the ones who put dollars in your pocket. The aWo are the ones who are going to destroy the OAOAST tonight. And if that fails to happen, then I am holding YOU personally responsible. For once, I'm in control of you. You're the poor piece of gutter shit, and I'm living large. I don't intend to go back to that gutter, so you better do your job. Because if you don't, I'm going to make the I Quit match look like a kindergarten class. We lose tonight, it's your ass!"


Sandman throws down the mic and storms off, as Evenflow brings his hate to the surface.


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Guest Tony149


Jess, our next match has huge

War Games implications.



That's right. Evenflow will represent the aWo, Alf the OaOast. Whoever wins, the team they're representing will enter 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th in War Games. This will be huge for the winning team.


*Winning representative's team gets to enter 1, 3, 5, 7 in WarGames


**Not necessarily people ON the team


***In the event of any injuries, the winning representative will participate in WarGames


EvenflowDDT (aWo) vs. Alfdogg (OaOasT)


"The Wall" hits over the speakers. Green, Red, and Yellow strobes are everytwhere. Alfdogg, representing the OAOAST in this match, walks out from behind the curtain. The pyro goes off as he poses ala Kurt Angle on the entrace ramp.

Evenflow runs out and, with a leadpipe, attacks Alf! Alf falls down to the cold, hard cement, holding his head due to the pain Flow throws the pipe down and starts stomping on him. Alf starts screaming, trying to shrug off Flow's kicks. EF brings Alf to his feet, and irish whips him into the guard rail! Flow runs at him, but he gets flipped over the railling, hitting numerous fans on his fall. Alf goes to follow Flow, but officials and road agents break the two up, and make them go to the ring.

Alf enters the ring first, and he taunts Flow to come in as well. EF responds by slowly sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. The two circle each other around the ring. The lock-up. Alf starts to get the advantage, but Evenflow kicks him in the groin. Alf falls to the mat in pain. The official pushes Flow into the corner and tells him he's going to be DQ'd if he does it again. Alf struggles to get up, as he leans up against the turnbuckle. The ref asks Alf is he is ready to continue, to which Alf replies "Hell yes".


The two circle each other again. Again, the lock-up. This time Evenflow gets the advantage! But Alf gives EF a taste of his own medicine with a low blow of his own! Flow goes down in pain, and the crowd goes wild. The official tells Alf not to do it again, but he doesn't seem to pay attention.

Flow slowly gets up. Flow runs at Alf! Drop toehold by Alfdogg! Flow quickly gets up, but Alf hits a snapmare! And another! And another! Flow reverses the 4th snapmare attempt into a backslide! 1...2....Kickout!

Alf hits some hard chops on Flow. Alf, in memory of Curt Hennig, hits a Perfect-Plex! 1..2...Kickout! Flow quickly gets up, but is hit with a vicious clothesline, sending him back down to the mat. He rolls out of the ring.

Flow taunts the crowd for a while, just before getting hit with a baseball slide, sending him into the railing. EF starts walking up the ramp, trying to escape. Alf runs up, and hits a belly-to-back suplex! Flow hit the floor hard! Alf picks Flow up, off the floor, and sends him back into the ring. Flow gets up, but gets a ruthless DDT! EF doesn't move, and Alf goes to the top! FLYING HEADBUTT! If Alf could get the cover, he would win the match, but he hurt himself in the process. He holds his head in pain, while Evenflow lies motionless. Alf rolls over for the cover. 1...2....Kickout!


Alf brings Evenflow to his feet, and goes for another Perfect-Plex! This will put Flow away for good! NO! EF reversed the attempt into an Evenflow DDT! Flow can't capitolize! He rolls over moments later and covers Alf. 1...2...Kickout! Those few seconds might cost EF the match! Evenflow brings Alf to his feet. An Evenflow DDT attempt is reversed into a Northern-Lights Suplex! 1....2....Kickout! Alf does a kick-up, and runs over to the top turnbuckle. He gets in position for the Five Star Alf Splash! He jumps......but Evenflow has gotten up! Alf gets dropkicked in mid-air. Flow picks him up......EVENFLOW DDT~! 1...2....3!!!


Winner: Evenflow at 17:30 via Pinfall   



When I see the path EF has taken, all I do is wonder what Zack feels like. Those two were like brothers.



Who cares what Zack thinks. That's why EF didn't have the success he should of. Zack and that gold-digging witch--



Come on, now.



She is, Ross. Don't act like she's perfect, she's not. How much do you think Zack spent for those boobs?



You're going too far.



The truth hurts.



The winner of the match, EvenflowDDT. The aWo now has control of War Games.



My God. This isn't good for the OaOast.



Anglesault and the aWo must be jumping for joy in the back. All the power has shifted to them.



Mario is seen pacing around a monitor, trying to find out who the OAOAST has sent to kill him and who pushed Frankenstein's Monster off the roof. He also wants to know what to do to his Metalithugs if "St. Anger" sucks. He starts taking suggestions:


Lars: Let's sue the company.


Mario: That's your solution to everything.


Goldmember: Let's paint everyone's yoo-hoos gold!


Mario with a look of shock on his face: How about, NO! You sick fuck!


David Lee Roth: Zoobiddy doobiddy bop!


Mario: Right?!


Mario starts staring at Roth like he is an idiot, oh wait………..He then sees Hagar mixing Tequila for no reason.


Jaymz: I'll send them off to Never-never-land.


Mario: Are you all fucking idiots?!


Jason Newshit: Yes!


Elvis: Maybe if you were nicer to us, we would be more productive.


Mario snaps and starts punching bricks out of the wall, he then shoots Metallica's guitars, hopefully stopping "St. Anger."


(In the Ring)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.




Dungeon of Doom theme plays, and Suge Knight steps out, he appears to be doing the Brock bounce.


Announcer: Introducing first, weighing in at 330 lbs., from the Dungeon of Doom, the Colonel Suge Knight.


When Knight enters the ring, the lights go out.




Mario: What the Hell happened out there?!


(In the Ring)


Bells toll. Purple lights shine on everything and a funeral dirge plays. Mafia member Paul Bearer comes out with the Urn, following behind him is a coffin being pushed by the Undertaker.


Announcer: His opponent, weighing 328 lbs. from Death Valley, the Undertaker.



Mario: SHIT!


Mario turns to the Phantom


Mario: Go out there and help him.


The Phantom picks up a Singapore cane, and heads out the door.


(The Ring)


Undertaker steps in, Paul Bearer removes his coat, and hat for him and the lights go back on. Suge Knight rushes in and hits an Avalanche on the Undertaker.


Bell rings.


Knight pummels the Undertaker in the corner, the Taker responds by choking the life out of Suge Knight, and forcing him to the ground. Knight gets up, and hits the Undertaker with a Baldo-Bomb, and starts dropping large elbows on him.


Knight misses one, when the Taker sits up. Taker stomps on the Colonel, until he rolls out of the ring.

Knight starts chasing Paul Bearer around the ring, the Taker goes over the ropes and lands behind Suge Knight. The two hosses start punching each other repeatedly, which ends when the Taker's head is slammed into the table, which he no-sells. The Taker forces Knight to sell a move, by slamming his head into the table. Taker throws him back in.


Taker gets stomped on when he rolls back in. Knight picks him up by the throat and holds him, and then drops him, Taker sits up. Knight goes for the pin by hitting a big splash.


1! 2! And no!

Taker kicks out, and starts punching Knight's throat again, which stuns him, Taker then hits a running boot on Suge Knight which sends him to the floor.


The referee goes to Suge Knight, while he is doing that, the Phantom materializes on the top turnbuckle with a chair. The Phantom tosses it at him, and hits a Super Van Daminator, which is no-sold. Taker chokeslams the Phantom out of sight.


Knight runs back in, and traps the Taker in a powerful bearhug. The ref checks the Taker.


1! The Taker begins to fade, and Knight squeezes tighter.

2! Taker begins to fade.

And no! Taker grabs Knight by the throat which releases the bearhug. Taker is motioning that he is going to chokeslam him


Taker gets him up, and does it.


Knight gets up slowly, but is still stunned; Taker hits a flying clothesline, which does not knock him down. Taker runs at him again, while the Phantom runs back in with his cane.

Taker catches him with a running DDT. Taker does his throat cutting thing, and lifts Knight upside down.

Taker hits the Tombstone on him, and crosses his arms.

1! 2! And no!


The Phantom pulls the ref out, Taker chases the Phantom around. Taker finally catches him and chokeslams him and the commentator's table, which does not break.

Taker gets back in the ring and grabs Knight's arm, he steps onto the ropes, and attempts to dive on him, but fails, when Knight catches him.


When Knight finally realizes what he has, he F5's the Taker. Taker no-sells

Knight pounds on him again, and hits another F5. Taker does not move.


Knight smiles, and hits one more, he then drags Taker to the corner.


Knight hits a Vader splash on the Taker. 1! 2! And no!

Knight is stunned to learn that he is being no-sold at every turn. Taker takes advantage, by hitting a second Tombstone, and then crosses the big man's arms.

1! 2! 3!


Announcer: Your winner, the Undertaker.


Sub-Zero and Fat Bastard hit the ring. Taker is frozen, and knocked down by one of Sub-Zero's kicks. Fat Bastard climbs the ropes.


Fat Bastard: BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Fat Bastard hits the Banzai drop on the Taker which knocks everyone out of their seats, including the commentators.


Taker no-sells, and takes out the ice man with a boot, and chokeslams Fat Bastard to cause another earth shaking event.


The Metalli-posse and Bradshaw run to the ring. Taker dives over the ropes and knocks them all down. Taker does everyone who has listened to Load and Re-Load a favor, by Tombstoning Jason Newshit on the cement, which gets a big pop from the crowd.


Cliff Burton tosses fire, and accidentally hits Bradshaw. Taker sends Burton into the steps.


The remaining guys throw the Taker into the ring and beat him. Jaymz suddenly stops everyone.


Jaymz: You're off to never-never-land.


Jaymz hits the Twist of Fate on the Taker. Bradshaw, who is still blind, gets in and takes Jaymz out with a Clothesline from Hell, believing that he is the Taker.


Taker sits up, and chokeslams everyone, but Lars falls through the ring. Paul Bearer throws in a chair.

Taker Tombstones Lars into the chair.

Mario runs in with some zombies, which all eat Suge Knight. Mario gets in the ring and blasts Taker with lightning from his fingers.

Taker no-sells and takes him out with one punch.

The boxers hit the ring. Taker takes out Glass Joe with one punch, and forces King Hippo to leave due to embarrassment, when he kicks him, and his pants fall.

Tyson starts biting and punching the Taker, Taker chokeslams him.

Lars is still moving around on the outside, Taker spots him and gives him the Last Ride on to the table, which will still not break. The Phantom hits the Taker with a flying ax handle. Taker Tombstones him on to a broken Lars, the table still won't break.


The Faces of Fear lumber on down to the ring.

Taker does the impossible, by forcing all three to sell his chokeslams. Taker takes out the Shape by taking his mask. Jason sits up, and is met with a large headbutt, which breaks his mask and sends him to the floor.

Freddy does the only thing that he know can stop the Taker, he uses his glove to put the Mandible Claw into the Taker. Taker still no-sells.


Jason uses his last breath, to take the urn, and smash it. Taker is finally selling and then dies, Freddy rolls him into the coffin.

Freddy rolls out the coffin as the only man left standing in that mess, while the zombies still feed on Suge Knight.


Suddenly………. "Time to Play the Game!"


HHH steps out and stops Freddy. HHH opens the coffin, and hits the Taker's corpse with his sledgehammer, he then lets Freddy take him

Everyone slowly gets up and leaves, the zombies are leaving with pieces of Suge Knight.


A delirious Lars is the only one left.


Lars: (mumbled speech) lawsuit (more mumbling) OAOAST.


Jaymz comes by and takes Lars to the back.



I'm confused as hell.



That's 10 minutes I won't get back.

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Guest Tony149


The following contest is for the OaOast X-Title.


Nothing. Total nothing happens when ZsasZ comes out for this X Title Defence. Zsasz, the enigmatic newbie and challenger for the belt, comes out without much fanfare, or without much fan support. His quiet tactics seem to distant for most fans to relate to.


"Hate Me Now" does fire up the crowd for the recognizable personage of Reject, newly crowned Champion at the AnglePalooza. He comes down to the ring as we hear our announce team


JR: Reject's got alot on his mind going in. Zsasz has been playing nothing but mind games directed at the X Champ since he got here.

JESSE: I don't even understand where ZsasZ is coming from...

JR: Neither do I, the fella is strange.

JESSE: What the hell is BPP doing out here?


BPP is seen on the entrance with a mic, and holds a hand out to stop the bell from being rung.


BPP: Zsasz, Reject, moreso ZsasZ, at my special request, this match just became a "NO Disqualification match" Got it?


::Crowd Pops::


Zsasz looks stunned, and is blindsided by Reject, clotheslined down. The bell rings as Reject hits a shining elbow to the back of ZsasZ's head, then rolls ZsasZ up for a quick 2 count.


ZsasZ struggles away and gets caught in the ropes. Reject pulls ZsasZ up and then down, hitting the mat hard. He comes in, but ZsasZ counters into a small package...2 count!


JR: ZsasZ with what has to be considered a near upset.

JESSE: What?

JR: An upset

JESSE: Yes yes JR, you're entirely right


Reject pulls a punch on Zsasz, knocking him against the ropes near a turnbuckle. Reject jumps down ringside and pulls a steel chair from the ring to the crowd's delight. He stabs ZsasZ with it in the head, then runs to the other side of the ring...oh my...PITCH BLACK~! pops the crowd. Signaling that Reject feels the match is done, he places the chair on the mat and begins to pull ZsasZ up to the top rope with him...both men perched on the top rope...ZsasZ begins punching Reject's gut.


JESSE: Good instinct, ZsasZ sees Reject's going for the kill.


ZsasZ leaps up with Reject perched, going for his trademark dragon-rana...but he's blocked from twisting by a steadying Reject, who pulls him back up and leaps...TOTAL REJECTION! Reject covers..1..2..3!


Winner, and still X Champ in 5:56, Reject!


JR: ZsasZ never expected BPP to come down

JESSE: And Reject used the rule to his advantage

JR: There will be more to this I'm sure.



I happen to know for a fact, MrZsasz holding the X-Title scares the living daylights out of all the folks in the OaOast.





The Conspiracy is recovering from their wounds, Lars still appears to be delirious, and King Hippo continues to have trouble with his pants.


King Hippo: It's not fair.

An elevator door opens Darth Vader steps out. Mario's throne turns.


Mario: What is it Lord Vader?


Vader: He has been located, but I lost all of our zombies, and bombs in an attempt to capture him. Should I send the Moblins?


Mario: No need. Guards, take me to ringside.


The Druids lift Mario's

throne, and carry it out, Vader, and the Phantom follow.




"Iron Man" plays, the druids come out carrying Mario's throne. The druids carry him over by Jesse and JR. The Phantom brings Mario a microphone.


Mario: Reveal yourself now, OAOAST assassin. I now know who you are, I feel your presence. Come out, or die!


"Voodoo Chili" plays, Hulk Hogan steps out, wearing the black and white. Hogan gets in the ring, and rips his shirt, and grabs a microphone.


Hogan: Well you know something, Taskmaster. The OAOAST gave me a one time deal to destroy one of your monsters in a wrestling match, and I'm here to here to do that brother. I already pushed the Monster off of the roof, so who is it going to be?!


Mario smiles.


Hogan: Just in case you don't remember, I no-sell more than your entire stable combined, but today is not the case, Hulkamania has gone legit. That's right I will be using actual wrestling moves to beat you, brother.

Mario's smile becomes increasingly weird.


Hogan: So whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania out wrestles you!


Hogan poses. Mario points to the entrance. All goes silent, and crickets chirp. You can also hear people's thoughts. Suddenly the silence is broken by…………………



The Dungeon of Doom theme plays and Frankenstein's Monster storms out. Hogan shits himself.


[Jesse and JR are scared to]

The Monster steps over the ropes, and Hogan hides behind Jesse and JR. The Monster speaks loud enough that he doesn't need a microphone; unfortunately he only speaks Paul Wight.




Mario shows Hogan a chair


Mario: Hogan now is your chance, strike something down with all of your hatred, and your journey toward the Dark Side will be complete.


Hogan takes the chair and swings it at Mario, Vader blocks with a chair of his own. Vader then points to the ring. Hogan goes over, but the Monster swings at him, preventing Hogan from entering.


Mario: Use your Hulkamaina tactics.


Hogan bites the Monster's arm.


Monster: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hogan gets in the ring, and bashes the Monster with a chair, until a referee steps in, and takes the chair away.

Bell rings.


Hogan and the Monster punch each other and no-sell for a while.


The Monster finally sells when Hogan kicks him in the nuts.


Monster: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Monster quickly recovers and pounds on Hogan. The Monster then lifts Hogan up by the throat, and drops him. The Monster delivers a signature move which causes Hogan to blade.




The Monster repeatedly drops jumping elbows on Hogan. The Monster stops, and climbs the turnbuckle.


Monster: AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Monster hits a huge splash from the top, which appears to kill Hogan. The Monster grabs Hogan by the throat and delivers his finisher.




1! 2! And no!

The Monster picks up Hogan before the 3-count.

Mario appears to be enjoying all of this.


The Monster slams Hogan, and he moans as usual. The Monster then walks all over Hogan, which makes him, moan more.


The Monster then puts Hogan is a powerful, but over sold bearhug. Jesse declares Hogan dead.


The ref checks him.


1! Yep Hulkamania is finally dead.


2! The ref has to start over when the Monster starts shaking him.


1! Jesse calls the morgue.


2! All of the whiny marks cry.


And no! Hogan does a minor Hulk-up.


Hogan punches the Monster, and then pokes him in the eyes.


Monster: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hogan starts doing running forearms. Hogan also does a horrible attempt at a Crippler Crossface, which for some reason sends both men out of the ring. Michael Cole runs in to do commentary.

The Monster picks up the steps and tosses them at Hogan, but misses and hits the Phantom.


Cole: Those steps weigh over 10 million pounds!


Hogan digs under the ring, but only finds an empty soda can. Hogan tosses it.


Cole: That can weighs over 700 trillion pounds, come on!


The Monster is now pissed and starts chopping Hogan. Hogan is backed up into the ring post, the Monster attempts another headbutt.


Monster: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


…….but hits the ring post knocking it down.


Cole: That head must weigh over 3 gazillion pounds!


Hogan crawls toward Mario; Hogan picks up a chair and takes out the Phantom with it. Hogan hits the Monster, which pisses him off so much; you can actually see steam coming from his ears.


Cole: That chair weighs over 40 fillion tons!


More steam from the Monster's ears. The Monster pushes Hogan down and goes to the commentator's table.

The Monster delivers his finisher to Cole on the table, which does not break.




Cole: That fall was at least 100 xillion miles!


The Monster starts pounding Cole, he eventually pounds him flat.


Cole: I was broken into……….. 500 pillion pieces!


Monster: AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Monster pounds on him more, Cole finally shuts up, which gets a big pop from the crowd.


Hogan finally gets up, and slams the Phantom into Mario's throne, and Darth Vader, who stands there.

After the Monster finishes Cole, he grabs Hogan by the remains of his hair and slams him into the ring post. The Monster gorilla press slams him back into the ring. When the Monster attempts the step into the ring, Hogan shakes the rope, which hurt the Giant………..uh I mean the Monster.




Mario: Good my old apprentice.


The Monster finally gets in, and shoves Hogan down. Hogan gets up, and attempts to slam the Monster, but he falls on him.

1! 2! And no!


The Monster grabs the ref and does his signature move, while Hogan steps outside to get a chair.




Hogan bashes the Monster with a chair at least fifteen times, which sends him to the floor again.


Hogan also steps out, and bashes the Monster with a chair in every possible place. The crowd counts the outside chair shots, which goes up to 168.


Mario: Give into your hate, my apprentice. Hulkamania will turn to the darkside. Squash him! Make a jobber out of him!


The Monster suddenly falls, and the chair is no longer a chair, but a twisted wreck.

Hogan gets in the ring, expecting a count out. While Hogan tries to revive the referee, the Monster steps back in, and savagely murders Hogan.




The Monster rips of his shirt and does it again.




The Monster does one more.




Mario stands up.


Mario: Good! Good!


The Monster does it again.




Mario: Hulkamania is now officially dead, now finish so he can be the first.

The Monster obliges, and also hits a big splash.




1! 2! And no!

Hogan kicks out and Hulks-up.

The Monster pounds on Hogan until he stops long enough to point his finger.

Hogan does the three punches.

Hogan does an Irish Whip, big boot, and leg drop, and goes for the pin.

1! 2! And no!


The Monster hulks-up now.

Hogan kicks and punches the Monster while he no-sells, and stops long enough to do the finger pointing. Hogan shits himself.


The Monster does the same process to Hogan, and goes for the pin.

1! 2! And no!


Hogan no-sells his own crappy moves. Hogan hulks-up again, and the two guys punch each other for twenty minutes.


[JR and Jesse take a break, along with the fans]


Hogan clotheslines the Monster, as everyone is returning.


The Monster lands on the table, but does not break it.

The Phantom runs in and shakes the ropes.

The Phantom repeatedly clotheslines Hogan, and finishes him with a gorilla press slam. Hogan no-sells.

The Phantom hits a double ax-handle off the top rope. Hogan no-sells.


The Phantom does one last resort by hitting Hogan with his Singapore cane, Hogan no-sells, and clotheslines him over the ropes.


The Monster steps in, and sends Hogan to the ropes with an Irish Whip, and attempts a big boot. Hogan ducks and clotheslines the Monster.

Both men stand up, Hogan goes up to the Monster and lifts him up…………

……….and slams him.

Hogan hits a leg drop and covers him.

1! 2! 3!


"American Made" plays and Glass Joe hits the ring. Hogan takes him out with one punch.


Metallica runs in and dumps Hogan out. Hogan pulls out a bag and throws it in the ring; he also tosses in a chair.


Powder to Mustaine, and Burton. Chair shot to Newstead. Fire in the face to Hammet. Another chair shot to the already delirious Lars Ulrich. Hogan no-sells when Jaymz hits him with a chair. Hogan does the three punches, big boot, and leg drop to Hetfield.


Hogan takes out the rest of the Conspiracy with chair shots. The Faces of Fear recover, but Hogan grabs the Shape's and Jason's head, and slams them into Freddy's head.


King Hippo attempts to attack, but Hogan catches him with a chair shot, which makes his pants fall down.

Hogan repeatedly strikes the King causing him to be distracted by his falling pants. King Hippo leaves in embarrassment. Fat Bastard hits a Samoan drop on Hogan, and starts walking around him.


Fat Bastard jumps around, causing tremors. Fat Bastard bounces off the ropes and hits an Earthquake splash, the Bastard celebrates.


Hogan recovers and slams him.


Mario: Good, your hate has made you powerful, now fulfill your destiny and take Jingus' place at my side.


Hogan gets mad, and puts on the Red and Yellow shirt, and tears it.


Hogan: Never! I will only no-sell for myself, and for all my little Hulkamaniacs.

Hogan shaves the beard.


Mario gets up.


Mario: So be it. Hulkamaniac.


Mario gets in the ring, and raises his arms in a threatening manner.


Mario: If you will not be turned………you will be forced to sell!


Hogan is struck by lightning, and knocked down.




Mario: Old fool, only now at the end, will you understand.


More lightning, Hogan's hulking-up has no affect.


Mario: Your feeble no-selling is no match for the power of the darkside.


More lightning, Hogan starts moaning.


Mario: You will be the price for your lack of vision.


More lightning, Hogan over sells; Vader grabs the Necromicon, and starts reading.


Mario: Now Hulkamaniac, you will be the Ultimate seller.


Mario unleashes enough voltage to make the Mountie jealous. A hole opens up at ringside, and Vader gets in the ring.


Hogan moans.


Vader goes up to Mario, and gives him the Iron Claw, which directs all lightning to him.


Vader tosses Mario into the bottomless pit; Vader falls, and starts breathing hard.

Hogan goes up to Vader.


Vader: Hogan help me take this mask off.


Hogan: But your gimmick will fail.


Vader: Nothing can stop that no………let the fans see me.

Hogan unmasks him.


It's Jingus.


Jingus: I knew he would fall for this Vader suit. Hogan lets join together, and we can permanently erase Mario's legacy.


Hogan is pissed.


Hogan: You are not Brother Bruti! I will only form alliances with him! And him only, brother!


Hogan gives Jingus the three punches, Irish Whip, big boot, and leg drop. Hogan celebrates as "American Made" plays. Hogan poses for eight freaking hours, delaying all the matches ahead.



JR, aren't you supposed to say something? Where are your little fun facts?



I lost them, Jess. I thought I wrote it down on paper, so I deleted it off my computer, but I was wrong. Mm, hosses.

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Guest Tony149

#1 Contendership, OAOAST World Tag Team Titles

Barbed Wire TLC Match

The Miracle Weirdness Connection, Mystery Eskimo &

JINGUS vs Los Infernales.

Spider-poet & EL DANDY~!


"Short Stories With Tragic Endings" plays as the arena darkens to signal the debut of the "Spectacular" Spider-poet in an OAOAST ring. SP walks out, looking determined to move on the Anglemania II, as the music changes abruptly into "Hells Bells" as a pyro welcomes EL DANDY~! Dandy runs out, catching up with SP and the challengers slide into the ring together, both climbing a corner and flipping off the crowd raising a shower of heel heat. After their initial fan favourite status Los Infernales have been pissing everyone off with their new attitude.

The now familiar if somewhat WEIRD~! mix of Verdi and Vanilla Ice plays as JINGUS and Eskimo walk down to the ring together. The masked freaks have been hell bent on getting back the straps they made famous in the OAOAST only to get consistently screwed by the aWo. The crowd even pop a little for the MWC as they slide into the ring.

These two teams have met twice before, with the MWC coming out on top both times, but never have they met in such an environment as this. Tables, ladders and chairs, some wrapped in barbed wire, are scattered both out and inside of the ring The ropes are also encased in rolls of the pointy stuff. The match is pinfall or submission, with a nervous looking referee on the outside.

SP and ED go on the attack immediately, knocking Eskimo to the mat with a a double clothesline to the back of his head and then attempting to whip JINGUS into the wired ropes. But naturally, JINGUS won't be moved and clotheslines both Infernales to the mat. JINGUS grabs a chair and swings at Poet, who scuttles away. JINGUS tries again but Dandy nails him with a basement dropkick to send the big man to one knee. SP and ED grab chairs and go for a con-chair-to, but big J moves at the last second, and SP and ED's chairs crash together. Eskimo is up and dropkicks one of the chairs into Dandys face, the cover but Poet immediately breaks it up, only to turn into a kick to the gut from JINGUS, who signals the DEVILBOMB. Poet fights out tho and hits a heel kick. SP tries for a DDT but JINGUS pushes him off, straight into a KillerWhalePlex from ME! Poet kicks out at 2.


Eskimo and JINGUS pick up Dandy and whip him into the wired ropes. Dandy hits and sticks and shouts in pain. Eskimo charges in but Dandy somehow backdrops him over the top rope and out to the floor below, narrowly avoiding landing on a barbed ladder.

Dandy frees himself from the ropes and begins to slug it out with JINGUS, somehow getting the upperhand and rocking the devilman. Poet is getting up, and together Los Infernales get a snap suplex on J for 2. They put the boots in and Poet slides to the outside, stopping to stomp on Eskimo as he tries to get up, grabs a wired table carefully and throws it into the ring. Dandy sets it up and Los Infernales try for another double team suplex thru the table, but JINGUS hits the table and somehow it doesnt break! The sound JINGUS makes hitting the wire is ungodly, and SP and ED look shocked that the table didnt break. They dont see Eskimo carefully slide the ladder he fell next to into the ring. As SP and ED move towards the table, Eskimo charges with the ladder and takes them both out with it from behind. Cover on Poet, 1, 2, No, kick out.

Eskimo quickly pulls J off the table, who kneels to regain strength, his back bleeding. Eskimo leans the ladder in the corner and whips Poet into it twice. SP is busted open and Eskimo tries for his IceBreaker cradle piledriver, but SP low blows Eskimo and rolls him up, getting his feet on the ropes, 1, 2, but Poet has to break the cradle from the pain of the wire on his feet! Poet curses, limping, and Eskimo gives him a Penguin Kick that sends him down.

Dandy immediately flys in with a Yakuza Kick. He grabs a chair and DDT's Eskimo straight onto it. The chair is not barbed, but Eskimo hits hard and stays down. The cover, 1, 2, but JINGUS breaks it up.

Dandy ducks a J forearm shot and tries for a belly to belly suplex, but J reverses it to one of his own. J tries to cover but Poet superkicks him before he can get there. The crowd is out of breath with the fast pace of the match, and so are the MWC and Los Infernales. Poet grabs a headlock on J to buy some time as Dandy and Eskimo slowly stir.


ED and ME rise at the same time, straight into each others faces. They slug it out and ED gets T bone suplex that sends Eskimo crashing across the ring.

JINGUS powers out of the headlock and manages to military press SP, throwing him out of the ring. Poet hits the ground hard and JINGUS follows him out. Dandy closes in on Eskimo, who surprises him with a headbutt and a clothesline. Eskimo grabs Dandy and gives him a belly to back suplex. ME picks up the ladder and sets it up over ED before climbing to the top. The crowd pops as Eskimo looks around the arena, nodding. He leaps off with his flying Icicle Headbutt, Dandy tries to move but gets half hit on his back. Both men are down but Eskimo looks to have the worst of it as Dandy rolls an arm over, 1, 2, Eskimo just kicks out.


Outside, JINGUS gives Poet a hellbuster onto the floor, but the ref won't count, this isnt a falls count anywhere match. J shrugs and whips Poet into the guardrail a few times. Poet's face is increasingly bloody and he staggers across the floor. J closes in but Poet swings blindly with a chair he's grabbed and makes contact. JINGUS goes down and Poet continues his assault with the chair.


In the ring, ED gets an El Dandina on Eskimo, 1, 2, kick out. Dandy shakes his head in impatience, and signals for the FROG SPLASH! Dandy climbs the same ladder Eskimo did, but Eskimo kips up and climbs after Dandy! They fight it out half way up until the ladder becomes unstable and falls...sending Eskimo and Dandy crashing into the barbed wire ropes! The crowd gasps as ME and ED writhe in pain on the mat, blood spilt. Poet is distracted from his attack on J,allowing the devilman time to regain his no-selling powers and punch the chair out of Poets hand. Poet slides into the ring and as J follows smashes him in the face with another chair, but J is in full no sell mode now and CLAWSLAMS Poet to the mat!


The cover, 1, 2, Poet gets his foot on the ropes! JINGUS growls and looks for the Devilbomb, but Poet escapes and SPEARS J to the mat, a desperation move. J is shocked and sells the punches SP fires down on him. Poet puts a chair onto J's face, does a quick ear trumpet pose to the crowd and hits the ATOMIC LEG DROP OF DOOM onto chair and face! J sells like he's been nuked, and Poet covers, 1, 2, Eskimo breaks it up out of nowhere! Poet turns to Eskimo and slams him on top of JINGUS. SP goes up top, SPIDAHSAULT to both men! SP is hurt too though, but ED pushes Eskimo off J and makes the cover, 1, 2, kick out! Poet is seriously pissed now and seems to be questioning whether Dandy made a competent cover there. Dandy jaws back at Poet until they calm down and turn to their opponents, but the MWC are back up and all 4 men brawl furiously, slowing down as the impact of the match takes hold.


JINGUS gives Dandy a droopy dog slam and helps Eskimo with Poet. JINGUS hoists Poet to his shoulders, as Eskimo sets up a table and climbs to the top rope. He hits a missile dropkick, the impact turning Poet over and into a DEVILBOMB from JINGUS through the table! Poet takes an unbelievable bump! The cover, 1, 2, Dandy breaks it up!

Eskimo is down, looking like he's hurt his leg on that dropkick. Dandy DDT's JINGUS and tries to get Poet up, who stirs slightly. Poet gets shakily to his feet and the crowd applauds, but he is clearly well out of it. Dandy and Poet pull up JINGUS, double team spinebustah! JINGUS is set up in one corner and Dandy goes up top, FROG SPLASH! But Poet stops Dandy making the corner, not thinking that that alone will finish the no selling hoss-monster. Poet signals for the Spidahsault, and ED nods. SP jumps up top, but, still giddy from the Devilbomb, loses his balance slightly and has to delay his jump. Eskimo meanwhile is up and gets a sleeperslam on Dandy from behind. ME knocks the ropes, wincing as he hits the wire, and crotches Poet! Eskimo gets a pop up FrostbiteFacelock as he drags Poet down from the top rope! Poet has nowhere at all to go...Dandy stirs...in time to see Poet tapping!


The winners of the match in 13.49 and No 1 contenders, the Miracle Weirdness Connection!


Eskimo releases the hold and leaves the ring immediately. JINGUS follows as the MWC salute the crowd, battered but victorious. In the ring Dandy is looking down at Poet with a look of disgust. ED gets in Poets face, ranting over SP's decision costing them the match. Poet slowly gets to his feet and shouts back at ED. Inevitably there is a shove, which is returned. The crowd pops as the Los Infernales get angrier and angrier. Poet lashes out! Dandy follows! They collapse into a brawling heap onto the floor as security and a numbers of refs race into the ring, trying to break it up.



The MWC go on to Anglemania II, but what has happened to Los Infernales?



Even though over the last few weeks Los Inferales have come on strong, I don't think anybody expected them to beat the experienced team of the MWC.

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Guest Tony149


Well, Jess, this will be something. The debut of the Purist is next.


The screen goes to black and white.



Black and white? Is this his deal?



Believe or not, from what I understand, all of the Purist's matches will be in this black and white effect to give the appearance of an "old school" feel.



Ah, I see.



He even has his own announcer/interviewer, Timothy...






No. Not Timothy Dalton.



He was Robocop, right?



That was Peter Weller. Timothy Dalton played James Bond.



Dalton killed the Bond franchise once.



That's not true, Jesse.



How many did he do?



I belive two.



And why no Bond movies until Brosnan took over in '95?



Legal stuff.






Let's go back to the topic at hand...



But I wanna talk about Dalton and Bond.



We'll talk about it later. Fans, the Purist's own personal announcer will take over. Let's go to the ring.





Ladies and gentlemen, the following is an enhibition match. Already in the ring, from Iraq, The Iraqi Attacker.


The Iraqi Attacker throws the finger to the crowd and cusses in his langauge.



His opponent, from Old School, U.S.A., he is the one and only...the Purrrrrist.


The Purist has no theme music, but he sure loves his fans as he shakes each and every one of their hands, despite the crowd's disapproval.



Good evening, fans. I'm Timothy, your announcer for all of the Purist's matches. As you can see, unlike many of today's so-called wrestlers, the Purist comes to the ring with no theme music. He's all business.


The ref rings the bell.





And we're off.


Collar-and-elbow tie up starts the match off, the Purist turns it into a side headlock.



Boring! Boring! Boring!


The crowd starts getting restless as the Purist has had the headlock applied for minutes now.



The fans in attendence have no respect for the logic the Purist uses. The Purist trying to wear down his opponent but the fans seem to want high-spots that have no flow. While talking with the Purist earlier tonight, he is prepared for such a reaction as his comments recored earlier tonight show.


A graphic the size of a small box appears on the corner of the screen with the Purist's comments.



Timothy, at some point during the match I expect the fans to get a little upset with my brand of wrestling...real wrestling. I have no problem whatsoever with such a response, slowly I will conform the fans' views on mat wrestling.


We cut back to the ring as the Iraqi Attacker sticks a thumb into the Purist's eye, then bodyslams him.



What a low thing to do by the Iraqi Attack. He thumbs the Purist in the eyes, now he's in control.


IA chokes a stunned Purist on the mat. Knee to the side of the head. IA picks the Purist and suplexes him, followed by three intense elbow drops.



The Iraqi is in total control now. My goodness, the Purist needs help from his fans.


The fans continue to watch with their arms folded.



The intense display in the ring has the crowd watching, ready to explode when the Purist makes his comeback.


The Purist starts fighting back with forearms to the gut. Leg sweep. 1-2-NO! The Iraqi Attacker charges towards the Purist, but he moves out of the way--showing his ring general skills--back suplex sends IA down. The Purist starts playing to the crowd.



This may be it. The Purist is telling the fans it's time.


The Purist locks in the dreaded BOSTON CRAB.



There it is...the Boston Crab. How much pain can the Iraqi Attacker take?


IA quickly taps out.





Not much I guess.


The winner of the match, the Purrrrist.


The Purist is celebrating in the ring. But out of nowhere, James E. Cornette--wearing his polyester suit with tennis racket in gand makes his way to the ring.



James E. Cornette! What's Jim Cornette--the Prince of Polyester--famed manager of the legendary Midnight Express, doing here?


Jim grabs the mic.



Timothy, let me explain what I'm here for. For the past 10 years I've seen this business sink into the ground because of morons like Vince Russo, Paul Heyman and the OAOAST. Those people disrespect what professional wrestling is all about. Two weeks ago, I'm sitting at home channel-surfing and what do I come across? The OAOAST. I see Jesse Ventura running around over a drink. That "Mailman" fool making an ass out of himself. Some wannabe 4 Horsemen group in the aWo. And a bunch of wannabe wrestlers in the entire OAOAST. The OAOAST is a cesspool of crap, but then I see hope. I see the Purist. When I saw what the Purist was basically preaching, it was like Jesus Christ himself came down from above and said: "Jim, it's time for you to help bring the 'wrestling' back into professional wrestling." Brother, it was a breakthrough. So that night I call the Purist and tell him I wanna join his fight to save this business. Guess what? He agreed. I'm now his manager, and I promise each and every one of you toothless high-spot loving bumpkins--don't belive me? The moron who's supposed to transcribe the show for the death, screws up with punctuation. Jim Cornette and the Purist are here to educate you in the art of professional wrestling. Ha. You know what? I think I'm going to issue a little challenge. Next month at AngleMania II, any punk who wants a shot to make a name for himself...I got an open contract (Cornette holds up contract), whoever wants to get taught a wrestling lesson, that's right, I said wrestling lesson. Step up to the plate, 'cuz Jim Cornette and the Purist are gonna knock some sense into this sports entertainment cesspool known as the OAOAST. You wait and see, the Purist will hold the OAOAST Championship soon, then we'll really control the face of this company. And believe me, call it whatever you want...parody e-fed, whatever. The company is a bunch of sports entertainment crap! Oh, more one thing. That punk, Vince Russo, will be doing color commentary at one of the three locations for AngleMania II. Russo, I hope the Purist and I get to go where you're at, because if we do, brother, I'm gonna confront you face-to-face.


Cornette and the Purist leave.


The screen goes back to color.



Wow. Jim Cornette makes his debut in the OAOAST, now as the manager of the Purist. Jess, he made an open challenge to anyone in the OAOAST. And even to one, Vince Russo.



I didn't see this coming at all. Quite frankley, this guy is stuck in the '80s.



Cornette gave one of the surprises away...the OaOast is having a birthday at our biggest show of the year...AngleMania II.


The event will be held in three, count 'em, three different locations. At MSG in New York. The AlamoDome in San Antonio, Texas. And at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. Your's truely and Jesse "The Body" will broadcast live from New York. Mike Tenay and Vince Russo will broadcast from San Antonio. And nobody will broadcast from Japan.



MARCH 30, 2003



The hits keep on coming, folks. War Games is next.

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Guest Tony149

Introduction to Wargames:


A video package highlights the aWo's first run, their

downfall, and rise back to prominence


Narrator: Wargames, last year, saw one of the greatest

swerves in OaOasT history. A swerve that took down

the a...W...o


It began that night with the Deadly Alliance laying

down for the In-Crowd to advance in the tag team title

tournament. Later that evening, someone attacked

Angle-Plex during his match with Caboose. We forgot

about this masked man and watched the Wargames, where

Caboose made Big Poppa Popick tap out, giving the

Sting-like wrestler a chance for the gold.


--Video Clip--

Caboose slowly back into the ring and sees what is

happening. He looks at Angleplex, and shoots him the

aWo handsign. Caboose over to the front of BPP, lays

down and gazes into BPP's glazed eyes.


Finally, after what seems like an eternity...caboose

shifts postions and locks in a crossface!

Inadvertantly he knocks AP's already injured leg in

the process, so Angleplex releases the BOSTON CRAB.

BPP taps like a madman and yells "I QUIT!"



But it didn't end there. During The Sole Survivor vs.

AngleSault Stairway to heaven match...


--Video Clip--


::The crowed is going nuts, when all of a sudden AP

comes out of the back. He looks up at AS and AS looks

down at him. AP gets into the ring, and starts

climbing up to AS! The crowed doesn't know what to

think. When AP reaches the top of the cell, the two

look each other dead in the eyes. AP reaches his hand

out to AS. AS shakes AP's hand, and the two do the aWo



::As the two hug, ropes fall down behind them, and

down come two masked men::


::Angleplex notices at the last second and tries to

warn a battered Anglesault, but as Anglesault ducks a

clothesline by MASKED MAN #1, the clothesline connects

with Angleplex. AS forgets about Masked Man #2, and

MM2 locks in a TaZZmission and pulls AS to the edge of

the cage.::


::In a move soon to be called the SYNCHRONICITY BOMB,

MM2 turns the TaZZmission suplex, throwing AngleSault

down to the ground. The Masked Man reaches for his

mask and pulls it off.::


::The crowd gasps, its BIG POPPA POPICK!::


:ohmy.gifn the scaffold with weapons, MM1 proceeds to

assault ANGLEPLEX with a steel rake and pipe. FInally,

after massive amounts of blood are pouring from AP in

many places, the man stops and reaches into his back

pocket, pulling out a mike.::


MM1: ANGLEPLEX, aWo! There's an old saying. Keep your

friends close, keep your enemies closer!


::The crowd gasps. Who is he?::


MM1: Well buddy, that's exactly what I did. From the

start I watched you all from the rafters, and now I am

back home, in the rafters. One month Angleplex. I'll

be back in one month and you'll get your chance for

revenge. Because, just like everything else. You never

saw it coming!


::The man rips off his mask::


::It's Caboose!::


Caboose: Angleplex, anytime you want revenge, name it.

Because, for the aWo, things just got DEADLIER



.............FADE TO BLACK


Then, at Doomsday...


--Video Clip--



Here it is folks. The moment we've been waiting for.

Possibly the biggest match in OaOast history.

Anglesault vs. CobainWasMurdered. For the biggest

prize in this business -- the OaOast Title. With that

said, let's head to the ring and Michael Buffer.



We're breaking out the money, baby.





Welcome to Madison Square Garden. Home of the NBA's,

New York Knicks & the NHL's New York Rangers.

Presenting the main event of DOOMSDAY. The following

match is the ultimate grudge match for the HEAVYWEIGHT

CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! Sanction by the New York

Athletic Comission & the OaOast Board of Directors.

Your referee in charge is Jack Doan.

From the World's Most Famous arena, Madison Square

Garden in New York City -- Are you ready? New York

City, are you ready? Then, for the thousands in

attendence and the millions watching around the



CUE: "Smells like Teen Spirit"


(Crowd BOOS)



Introducing first, the reinging and defending




CWM may be walking down the ramp with the OaOast Title

for the last time.



CWM is in hostile waters, Jim Ross. We're in

Anglesault's hometown of New York.



AS has friends and family here tonight. No doubt they

hope to see their friend and son regain the Worlds





What a reaction for the first OaOast Champion,




The roof is shaking. Hell, the whole building is



AS high-fives fans as he walks to the ring.



His opponent, from New York City. The former







Here we go. We've been waiting months for this.


Jack Doan calls for the bell.




AS & CWM start walking around the ring trying to punk

each other out.



Both men trying to get into each others heads.


CWM starts talking trash to AS.



You ain't shit!






The mics picked that comment up.


AS SLAPS CWM. CWM takes a few steps back then SHOVES

AS. AS then touches CWM in the chest with his finger.

CWM falls down like he just got shot. AS quickly

covers him. Jack Doan counts 1-2-3!


(Crowd ERUPTS)





What the hell?!



I can't belive it.






We CUT backstage and see a bunch of yelling coming out

of the catering room, which has been blocked by a BUS.


Bill Watts gets into the ring and confronts CWM & the

new OaOast Champion, AS.



The Chairman of the Board of Directors is trying to

figure out what the hell just happened.


Angle-Plex & Some Guy quickly rush the ring with FOUR

baseball bats in hand, and a red, white, and ble




Now what?


AP & SG HIT Bill Watts in the leg with the bats, then

THROW the other two to CWM & AS, who then WHACK Bill

in the head with the bats.



MY GOD! They just hit Bill Watts, a man old enough to

be ther father in the head with the bat.


Zack Malibu & BPP (Who is taped up) come to Bill's

aid, but the four men in the ring are too much to




W--What in the--I can't belive this.



Ross, I'm going to get the scoop on this.



Alright. Tony is going to interview the new World

Champion, Anglesault.


Tony heads in the ring to interview the new Champion.



Anglesault, what in the world is going on here?



What's going on? You're asking me "what's going on"?

This is what's going on.


AS HITS Tony with the OaOast Title. Some Guy then

gives Tony a Some-Kick.


The CHEERS turn to JEERS as the crowd is pissed at

AS's attack on Tony.



GOOD GOD! This is out of control.


AP hands AS the red, white, and blue, FANNYPACK. AS

UN-ZIPS the pack and takes out some sort of small

bottles, and hands one to each of the men in the ring.

The FOUR men tear the shirts off of Zack, Bill, BPP &

Tony -- flip them around then...


(Over the PA system)




Oh, my God.


AS, AP, CWM & SG then spray-paint "aWo" on the backs

of Zack, Bill, BPP & Tony.


AS hands over the OaOast Title to CWM, who holds it

up. AS then spray-paints "aWo" on the title.


The aWo look into the camera and say "This is for you,

Sandman. Welcome aboard." Then all four aWo members

flash the aWo 4-eva hand-sign.



We're out of time. The aWo is back, stronger than ever

before. And may God have mercy on our OaOast souls.

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Guest Tony149

Wargames - The First Half:


FADE to the ring, where the cage has been lowered. Darkness falls on the arena and spotlights illuminate the cage to bring its cold nature to contrast with the black and foreboding darkness.


In the ring, a spotlight captures the ring announcer, Mr. Michael Boffer.


"Ladies and Gentleman, the following match is for vested control of the OaOasT. In the past year, these two sides have battled back and forth. Currently, the aWo holds both the OaOasT Championship and the Tag Team Titles. Due to the contest of Alfdogg and Evenflow earlier in the evening, The AngleSault World Order has won the right to enter first. Therefore, every two minutes after the first entrants for each team are in the cage you see before you, a new superstar will enter the match, with each team alternating spots. The first team to have a member submit, surrender, or say "I Quit" will win the match."


"Introducing first, the brains behind the aWo,

former OaOasT World Champion and former Commissioner

of the OaOasT, creator of the OaOasT and sworn to bring it down, the man called C...W...M!"


"aWo Porno" blares as CWM makes his way down the

aisle. He pauses to look at the mammoth structure

before him, and then enters through the cage door,

taking his place pacing in the ring.


MB: And now, introducing from Team OaOasT, the

Commissioner and two-time OaOasT North American

Champion, Big Poppa Popick!


"My Hero" segues into a mellow stage setup and raucous

crowd. BPP comes down very seriously, staring holes

into CWM.


JR: These two have had quite the issue brewing in the

last few weeks

JESSE: Yeah, because BPP won't job!

JR: He's lost all his matches this month!

JESSE: Exactly!

JR: Huh?

JESSE: Sorry, I need alcohol.


BPP enters the cage and has the door closed behind

him. CWM gestures for BPP to enter the ring, and BPP

so does without incident. They meet close up, staring

directly into each other, the crowd standing on its

feet. Finally, CWM looks back, and slaps the spit

right out of BPP's mouth, mounting and pulling BPP

down into a flurry of rights and lefts.


JESSE: Well, you think CWM and BPP have ever gotten along?

JR: No.

JESSE: That's because his taste in alcohol is horrendous

JR: And CWM's isn't

JESSE: He drinks Canadian! Canadian JR!


Incensed, CWM pulls BPP up...KICK WHAM...no

stunner...reversed by BPP, release german suplex, with

BPP floating over into a cross-armbar. BPP wrenchs a

few times, then lets go and rolls out...playing to the

crowd as CWM slides back to avoid more punishment.

CWM looks at the counter, there's a minute left until

he gets help.


JR: There ya go BPP...lay waste to the bastard!

JESSE: Over-sell of the century

JR: Oh and like you never pranced around in a boa.

JESSE: Those were confusing times.


Both men back to a vertical base, they again meet eye

to eye...both yelling and circling, going into a

vertical punching contest again. Cirlcing like

boxers, BPP begins to hunker down and juke n

jive..while CWM throws punches in rage, some

connecting, some not. CWM throws down a hard right,

which BPP ducks around and hits CWM with a flying



::Buzzer rings::


"From the aWo, the master of Deathkore, the former X

division and current reigning Tag Team Champion,



"White America" hits, but its being sung by Eminem.! OaOasT fans everywhere mark out, and then Sandman follows from behind. Smugly, he carries a singapore cane, and walks slowly. He points to the crowd, and enters the cage.


As it shuts behind him, Sandman begins to laugh. From where he pointed BIGMCLARGEHUGE hussles down from the crowd with a blowtorch. In seconds, the door is welded shut!


JR: BPP is trapped in with those two psychos

JESSE: blooooddddd.

JR: Yes, thats on Sandman's mind

JESSE: yyyy Marrrryyy

JR: Oh bother.


Sandman meanwhile is stalking BPP in the cage with his cane. BPP is trying to stay far away, but CWM is up and the two corner him. BPP attempts to climb up the cage, but Sandman canes him in the back. BPP drops down, and in between cane shots and kicks to the head, BPP's back and head take a beating, not to mention a bleeding...BPP will be nothing but red by the time this match ends



The crowd starts to buzz...when Sandman nails a PSYCHO DRIVHA~! on BPP. BML jeers from the outside, when THE SOLE SURVIVOR runs from behind the announce position!



JESSE: Hopps



TSS slams BML into the cage, right back out into a CLOTHESLINE OF HOSSNESS~! to pop the crowd.


::Buzzer rings::


"Simply Ravishing" fires up the arena and Tony comes down, but stops at the cage door and feverishly tries to rip it off. However, TSS comes over and INSISTS on Tony stepping back. Then, TSS channels his power of HOSSNESS and rips the cage door off its hinges, causing it to swivel on the weld! Tony enters to a huge pop!


TSS runs in as well, nailing Sandman with a SPINEBUSTER~! and CWM with a BODYSLAM~! TSS departs to the roar of the crowd, leaving Tony to work over CWM while Sandman and BPP recover from their beatings.


JR: BPP's totally busted open at this point

JESSE: And his shirt is in shreads, look at those welts!

JR: This isn't a good sign for us.

JESSE: I don't care...My back is squeaky clean.

JR: Some teamplayer you are

JESSE: I play for myself

JR: With yourself

JESSE: Hey~!


BPP finally gets back to his feet and joins Tony. BPP locks in a Inverted Boston Crab and yells at Tony. Tony takes the cue and starts in with a Frostbite Facelock~! CWM taps! but the bell can't ring because both teams have not entered fully yet.


Sandman recovers on the outside and runs back into the ring, jumping over BPP and clamping in a reverse neck-vise WHILE working on tony with a modified STF. What a move


JR: What the

JESSE: A one man submission on two men~!

JR: Wow


::Buzzer Rings::


"Ladies and Gentleman, now entering the ring, representing the a...W...o, the winner of the 2003 Rumble, the former TV Champion, and he is NOT a joke, the man called Annnngllllleeee-PLEX!"


"Voices" talks in the arena, and Angle-Plex comes out, purpose in his gait. The crowd has a purpose too, and chants "Ban Agnes" save from one cute girl with a "I want to Ban Agnes" poster.


JR: Agnes has a fan club?

JESSE: I think its his sister.

JR: Really?

JESSE: Yeah, and your sauce tastes great

JR: Yup, Bradshaw always complimented me...

JESSE:I need a drink.


Agnes enters and breaks up the multiple submission mass in the ring. He pairs off with BPP, but BPP is more wiley than he thought. Snap leg lock, then a standing figure four for Anges who writhes in pain~! After some time, CWM breaks that up, letting Tony and Sandman battle each other in the corner.


Agnes and CWM start double-teaming BPP...starting with a suplex into dueling leg-lock, each taking a leg. The finally end up in teamed up Canadian Maple Leafs!


::Buzzer Rings::

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Guest Tony149

Wargmes - The Second Half:


::Downfall blasts the arena:: "OMG~! It's THE SUPERSTAR" The young phenom pounces into the Wargames cage, his first action being a split-legged dropkick to CWM and Agnes. BPP is out of the submission hold and rolls into a turnbuckle corner to prevent further damage.


Then, Superstar splash~! into the opposing turnbuckle, but SS misses Sandman and hits Tony instead. Sandman tries to take advantage of SS's miscue to attempt a rolling cross-armbar, but SS flips out and picks up Sandman on his shoulders...Burning Hammer!


JR: Superstar is a hoss on fire

JESSE: House

JR: I said that...



The clocks winding back down and all the sides are even. SS is pummeling Sandman in between the ropes...Sandman gets caught in between the rings. Superstar shouts to BPP, and they look at Sandman, coming running in from opposite rings... DOUBLE 619 to Sandman! The crowd pops and Sandman is utterly crumpled in the ropes. , BPP goes to choking Agnes in another corner, whilst CWM and Tony are catching breathers. CWM tries to attack SS from behind, but Tony SPEARS~! CWM down to the ground, albeit clipping SS's legs in the process, so he takes a tumble as well.


::Buzzer rings~!::


"Dream On" plays and the crowd erupts!!! into boos...for AngleSault the reigning OaOasT Champion makes his entrance into WarGames. Red White and Blue pyro EXPLODES as AS walks down the ramp, entering through the ripped off door and gazing into the carnage within


AngleSault enters the ring and pulls BPP off Agnes...ANGLESLAM~! The straps come down as Superstar charges to AngleSault. SS goes for the SPEAR! but AS twists away, and Superstar hits Tony! AS grabs both....DOUBLE PERFECT PLEX~~!!!


JR: Holy

JESSE: Shit.


It's not over...AS Rolls through still holding on....ANOTHER DOUBLE PERFECT PLEX~!


JR: This crowd is on their feet

JESSE: They're chanting for AngleSault.

JR: You have to admit, he is one of the best...

JESSE: How'd he do that?


AS poses and yells WHooooo! As Sandman recoveres enough to warn AS...but not soon enough. BPP with the mortal SPEAR~! to AngleSault, and BPP has recovered his second wind...Rights and lefts and then some boots to AngleSault...BPP has lost it! AS rolls out of the ring as Sandman starts to stare at BPP, and the two square off...


::Buzzer Rings::


"Money is my Bitch" plays and the crowd gasps a collective...AWWW SHIT!

Evenflows makes it to the cage and stands opposite Sandman and BPP, the three circling in a triangle. BPP gulps as EF and Sandman share evil intentions...


"Die Another Day" erupts the crowd and Zack Malibu sprints down the entrance way! EF loses all color in his face, and BPP takes the advantage to waffle Sandman!


Zack slides in and EF runs out, away from Zack and out of the cage...Zack gives chase around the cage...until from NOWHERE SomeGuy leaps over the barricade and BAM! SomeKicks Zack in the face. The two men double team until some faint music plays...


JR: Treble Charger?

JESSE: These guys suck!

JR: It can't be...

JESSE: Yes, they suck!


Holyyyyyy....Sheeeet its TREBLE CHARGED! Evenflow doesn't looked up in time...and he gets SPEARED~! Some Guys whips a kick around, which TC ducks...---->TREBLE CHARGER DDT! The crowd is going ape...TC turns around to look into the cage...and spys AngleSault...the two lock in a gaze....and BPP fixed that by running into, over, and into a rolling arm-bar on AS...Zack re-enters the ring as TC makes his get-away...the aWo interference ended!


Tony and Superstar have finally recovered...and the two men try to get up..Tony slips and falls on Superstar...who responds by pushing tony off...They stand up and get into blows...


JR: Oh this isn't good


JR: If they're fighting, its a 4 on 2



CWM and Sandman, long forgotten about...dump out Tony and Superstar...Zack then dumps CWM and Sandman...Tony's bleeding from the fall.



My God! Your favorite superstar is bleeding like a stuck pig.



Only you would bring farm animals into a war zone.


Tony, lying on the mat, bleeding.



I ain't got time to bleed.



Haha. You gotta love this guy.


AngleSault finally begins to counter BPP's armbar, and Zack starts to walk over to help out...but he's pulled away by AP....ANGLE-LOCK!


BPP lets got of AS, spying Sandman entering with two chairs... Sandman swings both at BPP, and they misse, hitting each other...BPP grabs one...UNPROTECTED CHAIRSHOT TO SANDMAN! He's Busted Wide Open!


CWM Enters...and coughs a VanPoppaNator! CWM Bleeds as well, right above the eye! BPP throws the chair back, unknowningly that AngleSault catches it... BPP turns around...SICKENING CHAIRSHOT! And that one bloodies BPP worse than Sandman is.


JR: Lots of blood in wargames

JESSE: That's BPP gets for using the chair

JR: Sandman brought it

JESSE: Look at him!


AngleSault throws BPP out of the ring and poses on the turnbuckle...Zack reverses AP's Ankle-Lock...into a Frost-Bite FaceLock!!! The crowd pops, and AS thinks its for himself...




The roar builds to a cresendo...AP tries to flip out...but Zack locks it back in...this time with a deathlock to boot...AP Taps Out!


::Winner, in 25:34, Zack Malibu representing Team OaOasT!::


Fireworks galore explode around the cage...AngleSault walks out cheering, oblivious to what has happened


JR: AS thinks he's won

JESSE: That'll be one rude awakening.


Zack Malibu walks out, slapping fans and yelling...leading to Allison coming out to a big hug for Zackie...Evenflow walks by and stares...points at Zack and mouthing "Big Mistake" Zack doesn't have a clue whats going on, and EF is taken away by officials...


JR: That's it for the show tonight...The OaOasT Has finally won...the aWo is no more.

JESSE: Hey JR...something's wrong

JR: Everything's right with the world!

JESSE: No...where's Sandman...or BPP?


The camera scans quickly...CWM, Tony, and SS are being helped out while AP is being tended too.



OH my. Guys are going to be sore tomorrow.


Well Jess, what a night it was been. A night of returns, but also an end of a era. What a war we've just seen.



In more ways than one. But something tells me, something has ended, and something else is about to come...



For Michael Cole, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, I'm Jim Ross, saying goodnight.








Sandman9000 and Mystery Eskimo and Tony149 and Angle-Plex and Elv1s and y2jailbait and Big Poppa Popick



SpiderPoet and Big Poppa Popick



Anglesault and Tony149 and CobainWasMurdered



Sandman9000 and Alfdogg and Jingus and Anglesault



Zack Malibu and Big Poppa Popick








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Guest Tony149



Welcome to this special edition Director's Commentary by your's truly. Zero Hour marks the end of my run as Executive Producer of the OAOAST. I'll have more to say about this during the course of this commentary. Like "Cowboy" Bill Watts would say, let's hook 'em up!



I'm tired of it. Last summer, a few people were very outspoken about the direction of the OAOAST. I'm not normally bothered by such things but this got to me. I didn't know why that was happening. I didn't join the OAOAST with the intention of changing the way the shows were done, the posters seemed to slowly stop posting in the One & Only Anglesault thread. Then I became involved in writing a script, that took time away from the OAOAST which caused two of our weaker shows in Ashes II Ashes and Excessive Force. After I started writing the script I became "bored" with the OAOAST..."bored" isn't the right word for it, burned out is. I started feeling it again around the time of DOOMSDAY, but once the whole BPP/CWM thing happened, I knew it was time to step down, if you will.


CWM & BPP Explode


They should of settled their problem via IM, email, or PM...instead one party went public and it looked like the OAOAST was having a meltdown. You know how at school a rumor starts then spreads with something new added to the rumor? That was very much like what happened there. It's a shame to see how much chaos that caused. BPP is a very creative guy...maybe a little too creative. I don't think he's a problem, if he is...he's now the problem of the new Exceutive Producer. (laughs) Hopefully, we never see such a thing again.


Why the post-PPV credits?


It was done in an attempt to let the others know they're writing the shows not us so-called "bookers." Till this day I don't feel the guys understood that.


What do the credits mean?


Director - The person who's posting IZ or the PPVs.


Written by - If you don't know what that means... you're a moron.


Creative Consultant(s) - Has input into the shows/helps the Producers with questions about posting the shows, etc.


Associate Producer(s) - Somebody who helps BPP post IZ (Zack & SM).


Producers - Alf, Jingus and AS got the credit for have access to our Pre/Post-Production folder.


Supervising Producer - Overlook the APs (not Angle-Plex) posting the shows. They also answered any questions somebody would have.


Executive Producer - Oversees the enitre OAOAST; hardly does anything.


Any problems with anybody in the OAOAST?


Yeah, everybody. (laughs) Seriously, I have no problem with anybody here.


Any regrets?


With the exception of dropping the ball on Some Guy's aWo idea---because I didn't save the original private message---no.


Is there a new Executive Producer?


Yes...once Zero Hour was released, Anglesault officially took over the OAOAST. That's right, the man the OAOAST is named after finally becomes the guy.


Thoughts on ZERO HOUR


I didn't think the show was our best effort. It was rushed, we had some shit, but eh. I received the matches a little later than I'm normally used to, so the match commentary isn't up to par with past shows. And HSJ was supposed to write a match, but he didn't deliver. I thought the Cornette promo was gold, though.


Thoughs on past shows you directed


The Great Angle Bash was the first show I directed. While I don't remember much of the shows I directed, I'm very proud of the GAB, Doomsday & the Angle Awards. The Angles were by far the hardest thing I have to put together. I don't think I'd ever want to do another again. As I said earlier, Excessive Force and Ashes II Ashes are two shows I thought were weak, but they weren't bad. I'm also very proud of the shows Sandman directed.


Closing Comments


I'm not leaving the OAOAST. I'll still direct (post) the Pay-Per-Views until I get tired of that. The Tony "The Body" character will be around and I'm going to do a few other things. I'll also serve as a consultant to the production staff. I hope the guys involved in the OAOAST feel more comfortable with AS running the show.


I wanna thank CWM, BPP, AS, Zack, Sandman, Alf, Caboose--especially for putting me over huge on the first HeldDOWN--and everybody else, past and present. And remember guys...we don't write the shows...you do!

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