Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 16, 2002 I dont know if I posted WMXI but here's WMXII Wrestlemania XII Live from Anaheim, CA. Your hosts are Vince and King. Video package of HBK-Bret. King and Vince hype the night. Vader, Bulldog and Owen Hart (w/Jim Cornette) v. Yokozuna, Ahmed Johnson and Jake “The Snake” Roberts (w/Mr. Fuji) THE STORYLINE- Yoko finally split from Camp Cornette and received beatdowns for his efforts. This was supposed to be Yoko v. Vader but the other guys were put in also. THE MATCH-Yoko gets five minutes with Corny if he wins and looks really bad. Pier-6 brawl- faces clean house. Ahmed with a plancha on Vader and another brawl erupts. Vader and Yoko start. Slugfest- Vader tags Owen who gets his ass kicked. Yoko misses blind charge and DBS/Owen kick his ass. Owen tags Yoko who nails Ahmed as the heels beat on Yoko. Vader kicks Yoko’s ass. Yoko comes back with chokeslam and tags Ahmed Johnson who cleans house. Vader levels Ahmed but he comes back but gets worked over by the heels. Tag DBS but gets slammed. Pearl River Plunge- Owen hits top-rope dropkick. Owen hits an enziguri and Ahmed becomes face-in-peril as the heels work him over. Ahmed comes back- hot tag Snake who cleans house. Owen blocks DDT and kicks Snake in on a blind charge. Jake is now the face-in-peril and the heels kick his ass. Running powerslam by DBS gets only two???? Splash by Vader-2. Legdrop misses. Hot tag Yoko who cleans house. Tag Snake- DBS blocks a DDT attempt. DDT on Owen- ref is distracted. Corny comes in with the tennis racket. Jake goes after him and gets Vader Bombed and pinned. It had its moments. ** WHERE ARE THEY NOW- Yoko and Owen are dead, Vader is in Japan, Ahmed is acting, Jake is in a crackhouse, DBS is dealing with personal problems Video package of Piper-Goldust. JR and Vince hype Backlot Brawl. Marlena is watching “Rowdy” Roddy Piper v. Goldust in a Backlot Brawl Goldust drives down and Piper takes out car with a bat. Piper beats the shit out of him. Goldie gets a lowblow and drives away and hits Piper with his car. Piper chases after him. Dok talks to Savio Vega “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (w/Ted Dibase) v. Savio Vega THE STORYLINE- Austin has been attacking Vega and making life #### for him. Including costing him a spot at the tag belts. THE MATCH-Austin attacks and they slug it out. Atomic drop by Savio and they roll around and slug it out and chop it out on the outside. Back in- Austin kicks his ass and stomps away. He covers-2 and works on the arm. Savio gets out of a lock move and spin kicks Austin for two. Roddy is driving on the road and ready to kick Goldie’s ass. Austin kicks his ass during the phone call. Savio breaks camel clutch but Austin clips him and works on the arm. Roddy is on the phone and is ready to kick Goldie’s ass again. Austin kicks his ass but gets crossbodied for two. Thesz Press two, Savio rolls him up two, Austin rolls him up two, Savio rolls him up two, Austin pins him-2. Austin breaks a backslide and we get footage of Piper on the road. But o the hilarity- it’s the Ford Bronco Chase. Austin knees Savio coming off the top but Savio gets small package-2. Austin works him over but eats foot coming from the top. They slap each other and Savio takes him down and chops him and works him over. Savio accidentally spinkicks the ref. Savio pins Austin- no ref. Austin levels him with Million Dollar Belt and kicks his ass with it. Austin chokes him and Dibase pours soda on the ref. He checks Savio’s arm which drops thrice. Dull match with a dead crowd. **1/4 Post-match Austin chokes him out more. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- Main eventer, retired More Ford Bronco footage. Mr. Perfect is with Diesel and we get more backlot footage. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Sable) v. The Ultimate Warrior THE STORYLINE- Warrior is back. THE MATCH-Triple H used to bring hot models with him to the ring and at Wrestlemania his was Sable. Warrior gets a mega-pop. HHH attacks to start but Warrior shrugs off the Pedigree. Three clotheslines, shouldertackle, press slam, splash. DUD Todd Pettengil is with “Wildman” Marc Mero. Todd mispronounces his name. Dumbass. HHH shows up, bitches out Sable and they brawl. Diesel v. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) THE STORYLINE- Diesel and Taker have been playing mindgames for a long time leading up to this and have costed each other shots at being WWF Champ. THE MATCH-Diesel says he’s the shit. Slugfest- Diesel kicks his ass. Blind charge meets foot and Take clotheslines him but misses elbow. Diesel clotheslines him out and they brawl on the outside. Diesel gets rammed into steps. Back in- Diesel boots him but Taker uppercuts him. Crossbody –2 after Diesel blocks Tombstone. Taker goes Old School but misses crossbody. Taker drops him on top rope and gets Diesel on outside. Diesel eats post and ducks chairshot. Taker gets whipped into rail. Taker gets rammed into post and kicks his ass. Taker tries to crawl back in but Diesel stops him. Big boot by Diesel. Diesel taunts him and continues to hammer away. ‘Rest in Peace’. Sidewalk slam-2 and he hits Snake Eyes. Diesel legdrops him with Taker’s head lying on top rope and continues to kick his ass. Diesel misses a blind charge and Taker comes back. Double big boots, both out. Both up and Diesel goes back to work on Taker. Taker fights out and hits a suplex. Both men out. Taker hits an elbow and gets the flying clothesline for two. Diesel hits a Jacknife but doesn’t cover and taunts and poses. He taunts him some more and Taker does a zombie situp. Jacknife #2. Diesel again poses too much and Taker’s hand reaches up and he chokes him as Diesel tries to hammer away. Taker pops up but gets slammed. Taker does zombie situp and Diesel sees this and begs off. They slug it out and Taker hits flying clothesline. Chokeslam, Tombstone. **1/2 Way too long Piper and Golust ad Marlena all show up. I think Piper says the ‘f’ word. Piper finally sees Goldust in the aisle. Goldust kicks his ass. Goldust feels himself up and rubs Piper’s ass. Goldust kicks his ass some more. Goldust chokes him out and rams his leg into post. Goldust works him over but gets crotched on top rope. Goldust kisses him and Piper is PISSED! He kicks the shit out of him, grabs his balls and spins him around and does more evil things to Goldust’s ass. He rips his getup first and it turns out Goldie is wearing women’s lingerie. Ewwwwwwwwwwww Video package of HBK-Bret. Bret “The Hitman” Hart v. Shawn Michaels (w/Jose Lothario) in a 60 minute Ironman match for the WWF Title THE STORYLINE- Pres. Piper didn’t win this match to be over cause of a fluke pin or anything and since he heard so much about these guys physical conditions he made it a sixty minute ironman match. Whomever gets the most pins, submissions, DQs or countouts in an hour wins. Jose points to the sky and HBK flies in which is mega cool. Earl reads the rules. THE MATCH-Lockup- they go into the corner- Bret gets clean break. Lockup- HBK gets hammerlock and takes him down. Bret reverses. Lockup- Bret gets headlock but gets taken down. Lockup- Bret gets headlock, HBK takes him down again. Lockup- HBK works on the arm. Bret reverses and gets headlock. HBK takes him down but Bret hangs on and gets some two counts. HBK is able to break but Bret keeps going back to the headlock. HBK breaks and brings him down but Bret gets a front facelock and goes back to the headlock. HBK breaks and armdrags away and gets an armbar. ‘Boring’ chant. Classie Freddie Blassie and Stu are watching. HBK continues to work on the arm. Bret gets a drop toe hold but HBK is able to get a hammerlock. Bret backs him into the corner and they brawl. HBK does some weird flying move and Bret goes outside. A criss-cross exchange leads to HBK skinning the cat back in and going back to the armbar. Hitman breaks and headbutts him and grabs a chinlock. HBK breaks and works him over. HBK goes back to working on arm. Bret breaks and goes for Sharpshooter but HBK makes ropes and gets clotheslined out. They brawl on the outside and Bret eats post. He lands in timekeepers lap and HBK accidentally hits Sweet Chin Music on the timekeeper. Bret goes back to chinlock as the timekeeper does a stretcher job. HBK armdrags and clothesines him. Hitman goes back to chinlock. HBK breaks and tries to roll him up. He instead dropkicks him and goes back to armbar and knees him. Bret tries to break but it goes nowhere. Bret backs him into the corner and goes to work. HBK stops an Irish whip and rams his shoulder into ring post and tells a cameraman to get the fuck out of his way. Shoulderbreaker and he does a top-rope elbow to the shoulder. Hammerlock slam and he rams him into corner. He continues to work on the shoulder but Bret comes back with the right hands but HBK slams him right on his shoulder and with an armbar. HBK backs him into a corner and lays in the elbows. Another arm submission thing. Bret punches his way out of the hold but he snaps the rope on HBK throat. Slingshot by Bret. He covers for two. HBK rams his head into the turnbuckle but misses splash. He’s lying on top rope and Bret boots him. Bret does his set up Sharpshooter moves. He goes up top and HBK almost slams him down but instead Bret falls- driving his knee into the back of HBK’s head. Powerslam by HBK-2. Bret comes back and hits a piledriver for two. King is shocked. Bret goes up top but gets slammed down. Hurricarana and he punches away. Bret hooks the ropes on an Irish whip and gets punched. Backbreaker-2. Bret bails instead of taking Sweet Chin Music. HBK follows with an incredible crossbody to the outside. Bret is dead. HBK rolls out and breaks the count and rolls him back in. Crossbody- Bret rolls through for two. They fight over a backslide but HBK gets a small package-2. Perfectplex-2. Sleeper by HBK. Bret yanks on the hair to break but goes into the buckle and HBK goes back to the sleeper. HBK elbows him and mule kicks him. He runs at Bret and gets backdropped into next week. HOLY SHIT! Bret rams him into post. Back in- Bret kicks his ass. He drives the elbow into HBK’s back and gets a backbreaker and continues to work on the back even busting out a Banzai drop. Flair Flip by HBK and Bret suplexes him from the top. It gets two and Bret gets a camel clutch. HBK breaks and gets sunset flip-2. Bret goes for something on top rope with HBK but he stops him, flies off the top but eats fist. Russian leg sweep-2 and HBK does a mega Flair flip flying on the outside and taking out Jose. Bret whips him into steel steps and Jose. Back in- belly to belly gets two. HBK fights back but Bret goes back to the back. Bret with some uppercuts. HBK blocks suplex with rollup for two. Bret kicks out and sends him flying out. Bret dives out through the second rope onto HBK. HBK reverses suplex and they fight over a waistlock with Bret getting a German Suplex for two. Forearm to the midsection and they smack each other around with Bret kicking him in the face. HBK says: Just Bring It. Headbutt by Bret and he gets a camel clutch and chinlock. HBK fights back and they both clothesline each other. HBK hammers away but Bret kicks him and hits a superplex. HBK blocks Sharpshooter and boots him in the face. Maple Leaf Crab by Bret- HBK makes ropes. Bret takes his sweet ass time to break. Backbreaker, second rope elbow eats foot. Dropkick by HBK and he gives him a forearm and whips him hard facefirst into buckle. Flying forearm by HBK and he kips up. Elbow by HBK and he slams him. Top-rope double axehandle-2. Suplex and HBK hits top-rope elbow for two. Boot to midsection and he hits a gutwrench suplex. Moonsalt-2. Blind charge by Bret misses. HBK goes up top and gets Bret in a crucifix-2. One minute left. HBK goes up top but Bret catches him coming down and hooks the Sharpshooter with thirty four seconds left. HBK hangs on all the way refusing to submit. After sixty minutes we have a 0-0 tie. Bret walks to the back confident he has retained title. But Gorilla Monsoon orders the match to continue under sudden death rules. Bret is PISSED. Sudden Death: Bret goes back to the back and kicks his ass. Big-ass backdrop and Bret hits a backbreaker, On an Irish whip to the corner HBK catches Bret with a superkick and they both go down. Bret gets up but walks right into Sweet Chin Music and HBK wins his first WWF Title. Post-match HBK is ecstatic with tears in his eyes. **** I’m only giving it **** because the first part of the match is really boring with them doing headlocks, chinlocks and armbars. The no-fall thing really hurt the match for me- Rock v. HHH was much better and more believeable cause there were actual falls. Some points in the match are fantastic and just leave you in awe of the fact that you’re two great gladiators collide for the richest prize in the industry. Other parts you’re wondering why they made go sixty minutes. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- both retired. The Bottom Line- Hmmmmm. I’m not gonna recommend this one cause there are better iron man matches out there and there are better Bret-HBK matches out there like Survivor Series 1992. The show is pretty much a forgettable show and unless you love HBK then there’s no reason to check it out. Mild Recommendation to Avoid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites