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Guest EternallyLazy

Sting in WWE?

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Guest TheArchiteck

Man, I hope Sting don't jump to WWE. Especially at this time of business now. I'm worried his legacy will be destroyed......

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Guest Joejigatame

Not much of a legacy to be honest. He was a moaning bitch in the last four years of WCW. What with the nostalgia fad in WWE and the NWA relics in TNA, I think another Heroes of Wrestling PPV is coming in the near future.

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Guest converge241

what was he moaning about?


I dont like Sting but im just curious..The "word" was that he didnt care just showed up and did what he was told and got out of there..He dropped titles whenever wanted sometimes even in the same night (DDP) and agreed to tons of stuff that killed his character...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

What percentage of the current WWE fanbase has any clue as to who Sting is? I'm guessing not many. I can just see...


JR: "MAH GAWD, it's...it's Sting!"

Crowd: "...who?"

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Guest TheArchiteck

What was the deal with Sting ?

I'm not up backstage antics with him..


And i'm pretty sure Sting will get a nice pop if he shows up. Probably not a Goldberg sized one..

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Guest converge241

hey they knew who Steiner was


considering they were both last seen by a large audience on the last Nitro he would get at least as recognized as Steiner did.

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Guest jester

Sting got involved in some pretty bad angles over the years with WCW. Could you imagine what WWE ("I just don't understand why they don't like this Katie Vick angle!") could do with him?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

They hyped up Steiner w/ some video promo's first. If they did the same w/ Sting, it might work. But of they bring him in cold, I don't know if he'd get as big of a pop.

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Guest converge241

I'd agree with you there..in certain cities though if he came down from the roof (yeah right) and beat the hell out of HHH or whomever..People would lose their minds


they've been doing better with videos and not wasting surprises so I think they would do the same with the foreshadowing vignettes

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Guest notJames

That reminds me of an old joke... if Sting teamed up with the Big Bossman...


... they could call themselves the Police.



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Guest EternallyLazy

So, anybody know what the plans were for him last year at WrestleMania?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

All of you fuckers would mark out for a surprise Sting return. :headbang:

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Guest Downhome

To say that the majority of fans don't know who Sting is, is fucking insane. Sting was part of one of the biggest feuds in the entire history of WCW, and was on top at the height of WCW, a period in time in which MANY current WWE fans began watching.


I'm suprised many of you don't want him back, I really am. He can still go better than many workers in WWE, he is willing to put people over, he could make for some damn entertaining feuds and matches, and I promise you, even if you don't want to admit it, MOST of you would mark the hell out at seeing him in WWE.


I forgot though, it's a Smarks job to dislike just about everything...


...carry on.

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Guest Downhome

As for an angle for Sting, in the thinking it happened soon in time for this years WM, would it not be at least interesting in your view that after Bishoff is replaced with Shane, Bishoff starts a renegade type face group to go against the stars of RAW? Possibly with Sting, Goldberg, and whoever else. It would at least be an angle with potential to be huge, and THAT is what RAW needs right now.

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Guest notJames



wCw and all its "glory" are dead. Bischoff rehashing history will only drag RAW further down.


Wrestlers are like milk... if you use them past their due date, they'll make you sick.


Besides, I don't think Shane's coming back. It's what a lot of fans want, so of course, they won't deliver. It's probably just a red herring to get people interested in what Bischoff's big plan will be... especially when Austin refuses to work for him.

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Guest papacita

I think a lot of smarks underestimate the knowledge of the average wrestling fan. Basically, if they've been watching wrestling prior to 99 or 2000, then they should know who Sting is (I can think of a few local malls that had Sting shirts all over the place at the height of the boom in 98 and 99).


As far as whether or not he should come back...I dunno. Sting's one of my favorites and I haven't seen him in a long time (I stopped watching WCW in the summer of 98), but if he can't work a full schedule then they have no use for him.

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Guest El Satanico

Eh as long as he's motivated and his angle is kept short him coming in would be alright. But if Sting isn't motivated and WWE is planning on putting him in a long drawn out angle it would be a mistake to bring him in.


At least Sting is one of the last "stars of the past" that WWE can bring back. Other than Savage i can't think of any "big ex stars" that they would want to bring in.


The sooner they stop these retirement tours the better so just bring Sting in and get it over with.

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Guest redneckBEBE

Sting doesn't even a huge legacy. He was on his way to legendary status in 1997, but after the farce at Starrcade with Hogan...pfft.

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What was the deal with Sting ?

I'm not up backstage antics with him..

Sting basically lost nearly all interest in wrestling after 1996 and kept taking Ultimate Warrior-styled hiatuses all of the time. He also pissed off a good portion of the locker-room when he told his wife about every single wrestler who was cheating on their wife/girlfriend while on the road and stood by while the wife ratting the cheating wrestlers out to their GFs and wives, ending several marriages in the process (most notably the marriage of Lex Luger)....

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Guest TheHulkster

It would be nice if they brought him in for a 3 month run or something. From backstage and live reports from the WWA PPV, it appears he hasn't lost a step. Maybe to put Jericho over as a legend killer or something. It would work to an extent. He's not a huge ego having motherfucker like Goldberg, so if the WWE wanted him bad enough, they could have him.

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Guest creativename
To say that the majority of fans don't know who Sting is, is fucking insane.

Yeah, virtually all marks would know who Sting was. He's one of the most famous wrestlers of the 80's and 90's.


This reminds of SurSer. When Steiner showed up, everybody at MSG started "arfing" in honor of dog-faced gremlin Rick almost immediately. Needless to say, Rick is a lot more obscure that Sting. If a smark doesn't think that 80% of the audience wouldn't be fully aware of who Sting was then he's waaaay off base.


If he randomly appeared at some arena, coming down from the ceiling in the Crow get-up with a trench coat and a baseball bat...god damn, the pop would be unreal. In fact, he's probably like a poor man's Hogan/Flair in that even if he couldn't work for shit anymore, he'd still be very over, just for the nostalgia.


I myself would probably mark out initially, though I was never a Sting fan at all. Yes it would be terrible if he came in and starting going over young guys and making them look like shit, HBK "legend" style; but Hogan's been harmless enough. And if Sting's willing to put over someone who deserves it, then it would be worth it...let's face it, after all the crap he's been put through in WCW, he deserves a farewell tour.


He shouldn't return for more than 6-9 months, but with his lack of interest in the business I don't think that would be a problem. It would be nice for him to work at least some house shows though--if he doesn't, then that's yet another guy who gets the "special" treatment. We really don't need that at this point.

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Guest Coffey

I'd like to see Sting come into the WWE, sneak up behind someone, look at them, then hit them with a Scorpion Death Drop. Man, I marked like crazy for that move. It was just the way he did it. He made it look so damn devastating. Shit, I still play NWO/WCW Revenge on Nintendo 64 because of that move.


Of course, he would have to be in the "Crow" gimmick, and come out wearing a trenchcoat, or it would lose half of it's effect.

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Guest Coffey
Sting basically lost nearly all interest in wrestling after 1996 and kept taking Ultimate Warrior-styled hiatuses all of the time. He also pissed off a good portion of the locker-room when he told his wife about every single wrestler who was cheating on their wife/girlfriend while on the road and stood by while the wife ratting the cheating wrestlers out to their GFs and wives, ending several marriages in the process (most notably the marriage of Lex Luger)....

Good for Sting and his wife. People who commit adultery shouldn't be looked at as the good guys in this scenario. I would've ratted the motherfuckers out too. If you're going to cheat, don't get married. Before they got married, they knew how the wrestling lifestyle was. If not, it could've ended at any time. Cheating, and breaking a commandment, is not the way to go about it.

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