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Guest BoboBrazil

Booker T and RVD Will Never Be Main Eventers In WW

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Guest bob_barron
I don't understand why you keep calling me "Smarkzone" and "DRAKE".

Because of your hatred for Booker T and love for Test- plus your anti-smark mentality.


ALL trademarks of Smarkzone. Did HHHater not work out for you?

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Guest redneckBEBE

First off, I don't hate Booker T at all. I just happen to think that Goldust is carrying that team.


I don't love Test, I just don't hate him. I agree with bps.


I don't have an anti-smark mentality, I was just joking around.


I am, however, a HHHater.


I still don't see why you have to accuse me of being a troll just because I'm a little bit different...if you'd like to continue this, let's do it in NHB where it belongs.

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Guest bob_barron

I didn't call you a troll. I just pointed out that you had traits that modelled a previously banned poster. I hardly consider you a troll.

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Guest Angle-plex
I'm gonna get off of Test's back because he's getting over now and he does bring the effort with him.

And it only took 75 pushes for him to get semi-over. I think was can all agree that if we took Stacy away from him, he would be coming out to absolute silence. The guy just doesn't have "it". Austin had "it", Rock had "it", hell, even Triple H had "it", but Test doesn't.


Where have you seen an improvement on him as far as effort goes? He looks like he hasn't even been trying out there. He used to at least try. I'd go as far as to say A-train has been putting more effort foward that Test has in recent weeks.

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Guest redneckBEBE
I think was can all agree that if we took Stacy away from him, he would be coming out to absolute silence.


Well, yeah...he's getting what I like to call the "Wildman" Marc Mero Pop ©.


As far as the effort goes...I just don't see it that way.

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Guest Anglesault

I think if he was putting more effort forth, his matches wouldn't be so bad that even the Koreans who never get shows couldn't be bothered to watch it.

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Guest Angle-plex

Just a thought: Why doesn't WWE push a non-hoss badass heel? They tried it in '96, and it only lead to their most succesful time in history.

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Guest Austin3164life



Booker T will never make it to the Main Event status because he's already, what like 36-37. Sure, he's over, but honestly I think there are more deserving guys out there, even though Booker Man is cool. RVD is debatable because he's always an "on again off again" kind of character, but maybe if Triple H tore his quad again RVD would definitely be the guy.

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RVD has more chances of getting pushed as a main eventer than Booker, just b/c Vince has made sure to have Booker buried since he got to the WWF/E , he might get a shot here and there but it will be a cold day in hell if he becomes a champ again or if HHH becomes a cripple.

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Guest converge241

They may have set the seeds for a HHH- Booker title match somehwere if Booker say wants revenge against for Goldust or whatever

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Guest snuffbox

Paul Heyman took his precious time to put RVD in the main-event spot in Philly....ECW's still going strong these days right? ;)

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Well, I am assuming that DRAKE and Smarkzone got banned for trolling.

Smarkzone was a poster back in the summer who got banned, and kept coming back under names like DRAKE and HHHater. It has happened so often that we get jumpy whenever someone comes on with similar viewpoints to him.

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