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Guest wwF1587

DOA Xtreme Volleyball

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Guest wwF1587

Ok, gotta ask you guys your opinions on somethin. My little brother who is pretty well behaved and mature was with my dad and rented the Xtreme Volleyball game... well my mom doesnt like it and took it back but not before lying to me saying she wouldnt but ANYWAY... Do you think that game is appropriate for 12 year olds... I mean it is just a game... its only volleyball... yet because girls are in skimpy outfits... its not allowed... i can understand if they were nude or something but its nothing you wont go to the beach and see. The game isn't meant to drool over the girls even though its advertised like that... plus its a frickin cartoon! WWE is worse than this game.. guys in thight shorts on top one another rasslin and the same goes for the girls... they wrestle in skimpy outfits... ... and all the other crap (HLA, Necrophilia) on there and he is allowed to watch that... Now my dad is pretty laid back.. and my mom left him cause he kept watchin porn.. and i can understand her not wanting him to end up like that... but its just a game... you will see worse on television and hear worse in real life... now waht do you think... Is the game appropriate for 12 year olds? Is it just a game? Theres no guns or extreme cussing or violence... its just volleyball... Right???

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The whole point of the game is to watch hot chicks bounce up and down a lot.........there is no other reason they would have made the game for.


I wouldn't rent it for a 12 year old, but maybe that's just me.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

If I had a 12-year old, he wouldn't be playing it.


But me on the other hand...

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Guest EQ

I wouldn't let a 12-year old play it either, but if I were said 12-year old and my mom took it away from me, I'd be mighty pissed.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

If you watch the commericals for it, when the chick jump up and down so do their tits. That's probably why it got the "M" rating

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Guest wwF1587

i respect you guys opinions and all.. maybe i am just more easy on that stuff... or maybe i will understand when i become a parent but

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I'm not a parent and never will be. Thank God.


"If you watch the commericals for it, when the chick jump up and down so do their tits. That's probably why it got the "M" rating"


Thanks for the heads up...

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Guest chirs3

I can understand a parent not wanting a 12-year old to play it. I saw Lewis Black ripping into it on the Daily Show's "Back in Black" segment, where one of the girls was sitting there with an open shirt, just baaaaaaaarely containing her chest. In another, one girl was feeding another strawberries in a somewhat seductive manner (odd as that sounds).


It's not gonna do the kid any harm, but I can understand why a parent wouldn't want them to play it.

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its volleyball though... maybe its just me but i dont see why its a big deal...

Alright then why didn't they just make a normal volleyball video game?


It's all about the T&A that's the only point of the game.

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Guest Flyboy



Why? Because T&A sells. People and young teens will be more inclined to buying a volleyball game with BOOBIES~! rather than buying a normal volleyball game.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I won't fall for it. I don't want to play a volleyball video game, boobies or no.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I got beach spikers for the Gamecube. Its made by Sega, and its not nearly as "visually appealing" as DOAXV is, but Its enjoyable none the less. It got an E rating btw.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

I think it's silly trying to hide anything that is possibly sexual from a 12 year old. Ok, a 10 year old maybe shouldn't be playing it, but what's wrong with 12? I think I watched my first porn at around 13...most guys start noticing the opposite sex around that age too. Having some dumb volleyball game won't make the child have unprotected sex or something.


I just don't see how some jiggly breasts (and good gameplay...it got a 9.2 at IGN) could hurt an adolescent male.


Just to clarify: if someone doesn't want their child to play something like this, that's their prerogative...they can raise their kids however they want, and more power to them. I just wouldn't mind if my kid wanted it.

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Guest SP-1

There could be any number of reasons why she wouldn't want the kid to play it, depending on her beliefs, whether it be about healthy psychological parenting or spiritual or whatever.


My kid wouldn't be playing it. I won't be renting ot or playing it. It's a game centered on sexual themes that happens to have a good Voleyball gameplay system. That's all it comes down to, and even how it's marketed. Things like that help open the doors of the adolescent mind to lust and objectification of the opposite sex and that's not good. The game alone might not do it but it'll certainly help.

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Guest MrRant
There could be any number of reasons why she wouldn't want the kid to play it, depending on her beliefs, whether it be about healthy psychological parenting or spiritual or whatever.


My kid wouldn't be playing it. I won't be renting ot or playing it. It's a game centered on sexual themes that happens to have a good Voleyball gameplay system. That's all it comes down to, and even how it's marketed. Things like that help open the doors of the adolescent mind to lust and objectification of the opposite sex and that's not good. The game alone might not do it but it'll certainly help.

You start lusting when you hit 12-14 anyways. Called hormones. Called nature.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Exactly. The early puberty market is the exact thing this is marketed towards, and it's the demographic that needs something like this. Personally, cartoons don't really set me to waxing my carrot, but were I twelve, and not as well-versed in the world of porn, this game would definitely suffice as a masturbatory muse. I remember at that age, the Victoria's Secret catalogue got stale after a while.

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Guest SP-1
You start lusting when you hit 12-14 anyways. Called hormones. Called nature.

That's true. I'm not disputing that. But in my case I'm not going to encourage my kid to do it, not going to set the materials in front of him.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Of course not, but it's also not healthy to take those things away. I mean, if I had a kid, and found a stack of playboys under his bed, I wouldn't mess with them, because that sort of thing is a breach of trust, which is really important to someone that age. Discouraging something that's totally normal and healthy projects an image of shame and disappointment, which isn't good.

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Guest jimmy no nose

It got an M rating for nudity, but from what I've heard there's just one shot in the opening from far away and it's kind of questionable whether or not it is nudity. Other than that it's just got a lot of girls bouncing up and down. It's not really too inappropriate when compared to some other games.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Well, here's a question for the people who wouldn't let their kids play this game: What about really violent games, like Resident Evil or Eternal Darkness?


Is there anyone who wouldn't mind the Volleyball game but would mind the ultra-violent stuff? I personally would be much more leery of getting my kid Doom 3 or something akin to that. The Volleyball game seems very tame in comparison.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Im buying it for my 11 year old brother, who gets around more girls then me....




Wait, why am I buying it for him? ITS MINE!

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If I had a kid that young no I wouldn't buy ultra-violent games for him either.


I realize this stuff is in real life, but you have to realize that as a parent what you do has a different impact on your kid than what a stranger does. It's one thing to see it in real life than to see your parent is okay with it.


Kids see the sex and violence, but they also hear their parent's teachings. To see that a parent has no problem with those things tells them that it is not only real, but okay to do.


That is why parents are the ones who should be responsible when their kids are out of control......not the TV, movies, or video games themselves, but the parents that showed and/or told their kids it was okay.

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Guest TheHulkster

I rented it a week ago and I wouldn't have a problem letting a 12 year old play it. There really isn't anything that dirty about it. Just chicks in bikinis playing volleyball and trying to recruit new partners while collecting various items. It's really tame actually.

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Guest SP-1
Of course not, but it's also not healthy to take those things away. I mean, if I had a kid, and found a stack of playboys under his bed, I wouldn't mess with them, because that sort of thing is a breach of trust, which is really important to someone that age. Discouraging something that's totally normal and healthy projects an image of shame and disappointment, which isn't good.

I would certainly take them away. From my standpoint, it's a means to a negative end, and as a parent it's my job to protect that child from the several behavioral ends that that stack of magazines and other things like it can bring.

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Guest Flyboy
Since when does jiggle factor alone get you an M rating?

Since the government started pressing down, I figure.

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