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Rob E Dangerously

Learn World History from Rob Johnstone!!

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Learn about all the events of the world that impact you.


Such as World War I!


"We constantly get into wars we should never be apart of, example ww1 (We arned people not to get on the fucking boat)"


Learn about the arnings to Americans to not just on the "fucking boat" and learn why that justified the Germans sinking boats!


Learn about Korea!


"Korea(explain why we were there?)"


I'll tell you this, let the North Koreans overtake the South Koreans, it's not a threat to us. Let them have Japan also! [/sarcasm]


and all the other shit!


like WW2!


"We still do not know everything that happened in the holocaust. First the russians told us 4 million died. In 1989 they changed their minds and said it was closer to 1.1 million. Lot's of propaganda was used and even people that were there believe it. In Dachau most troops who liberated it said they saw the poisen shower rooms but, the evidence says there were no such thing in the Dachau camp. Also most people would agree it was a mostly jewish experience at the holocaust but, what about the polish, and the gypsies? You should check out a series of tapes that David Cole made. He is a former jew, now athiest who did alot of reasearch on this"


"None of these camps are in original condition and would you explain to me how the killing chamber in auschwitz was right next door to the SS dining hall for the nazi's?


I tend to belive that 1.1 million died due to bad hygene conditions causing scurvy and all other crazy illness's from back then. Also it is a fact that 95% of the Zyclon B was used to delouse clothes and such."


"WHat is wrong with revisionist history? Some of it is true. Why not acually read the site, then comment. BTW we had no business going to germany during wwII even if they did declare war. Hitler was obviously an idiot fascist but, does that give us the right to fight him even if he was killing people? NO"


Adolf Hitler says "I reccomend Rob Johnstone's history course, it's about time that history went my way"


and if you order now, you get a 400 page history book that was once assigned to Mr. Johnstone in High School, I can tell you that he didn't read a single page of it, hell, the books have had every page whited out to cleanse it of Liberal propaganda


steeltoed boots could seperately, all quotes by Rob Johnstone are legit, boy, he's a dumbass


The 42th person to order will get a Leon Sharpe t-shirt [inside joke, SJL]

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Adolf Hitler says 'I reccomend Rob Johnstone's history course, it's about time that history went my way'"


I'm staying out of this, but that line was funny...

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Guest Kibagami

That liberal propaganda is everywhere, I tell you. Shit, they've convinced people that the world is round.



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Guest Powerplay

Funny. I think I'll make 42 orders just to get another Leon Sharpe shirt. Those things = teh roq.

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Guest Powerplay
just because you order 42 doesn't mean you'd win, somebody could still have order 42.. and you'd have to mug them

Well, since it isn't in America's interests to stop me, I think mugging is a good idea.

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Guest EricMM

cuz that's what it was for right K? For cleaning up the Holocaust victims CLOTHES, not KILLING THEM!


Rob is dumb.

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Guest Powerplay
cuz that's what it was for right K? For cleaning up the Holocaust victims CLOTHES, not KILLING THEM!


Rob is dumb.

Well, it's cleaner than using guns. I mean, the bloodstains and bullet holes....



WAIT A SEC. MAYBE ROB MEANT THAT IT WAS CLEANER for the clothes of Holocaust victims. That certainly makes more sense than what was written....

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Guest Kibagami

Ah, of course. Because nobody could be so fucking stupid as to claim that the entire Holocaust was a hoax.


...right, guys?





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Guest snuffbox

I have to question the rearing tactics of Rob J's folks. How many head-firts falls to the floor must a child suffer to develop such thoughts as these? Jesus God. And oddly had my ancestors not dropped the 'stone' to go with the 'more American' name Johnson, id be sharing the same name as you buddy! And thats just not cool ;)

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Guest Tyler McClelland

That's right! We don't support Robby Buchanan because we're gay, not because we're human.


Yep, I'm gay. That's right.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

What's that smell? Smells like... pine needles.


Mmm, refreshing.

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Guest snuffbox

Pat Buchanon is in the closet...and the pentup frustration has led to his down syndrome.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Rob-bashing is sooooooooo passe.


Or maybe it's because I let him slide now due to the classic car love.

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