Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 16, 2002 Wrestlemania XV Live from Philadelphia. Your hosts are Michael Cole and King Various fans are pumped for WMXV. Boyz II Men sings America the Beautiful. Awesome Freddie Blassie promo opens it up. Cole and King hype the next. Badd Ass Billy Gunn v. Al Snow (w/Head) v. Hardcore Holly for the WWF Hardcore Title THE STORYLINE- Al and Holly have been feuding over the title and somehow Billy won it from them to set up the three-way. THE MATCH-Billy gets on the mic but gets his ass kicked. Hardcore beats on Billy and Al Snow beats on Hardcore. Billy goes into ring steps and Hardcore and Al Snow brawl up the aisle. Billy showd up and kicks both. They all brawl. Al Snow beats on both with hockey stick. ‘Let’s Go Flyers’. Billy breaks the stick over Hardcore. Snow lowblows Billy and beats on everyone with a broom. Billy gets a chair but eats broomstick. Billy and Hardcore both get chaired. Poetry in Motion into Billy. ‘E-C-W’ chant. Billy fights back and tosses Hardcore. Billy gets dropped on railing and they both get Head. Al Snow gets a table. Al Snow and Hardcore fight over being whipped into a table and Billy takes them out. Fameasser on a chair to Snow but Hardcore chairs Billy and covers Al for the pin. This wasn’t too hardcore.* WHERE ARE THEY NOW- WWF Tag Champ, TE2 Instructor, TE2 instructor Earlier tonight D-Lo and Test are last two left in battle royal and will team to face Owen and Jarrett.- Owen-n-JJ attack. Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) v. D-Lo Brown (w/Ivory) and Test THE STORYLINE- see above. THE MATCH-Debra- oh. my. God. Pier-4 brawl, Test hits Big Boot and gets Owen out as D-Lo kicks JJ’s ass. ‘Nugget’. D-Lo tags Test and JJ tags Owen. Pumphandle powerbomb-2. Owen blocks pumphandle and gets enziguri. Sharpshooter- D-Lo saves. Tag D-Lo who kicks Owen’s ass. JJ cheats and D-Lo walks into a spinning heel kick as Test yells stuff. Tag JJ and the heels go to work on D-Lo who plays face-in-peril. D-Lo comes back and beats on both. A catfught occurs and PMS run out and somehow JJ gets the pin. Way too short. **1/4 D-Lo and Test brawl. Video package of Brawl For it All. Isaac Hayes is in the crowd and the Posse are in the crowd. Fink introduces the officials. Vinny Pazienza is ref. Kevin Rooney, Chuck Wepner and a sickly looking Gorilla Monsoon. Gorilla gets a huge ovation- he would die later in the year. Brawl For It All: Butterbean v. Bart “The Hammer” Gunn Butterbean beats the shit out of him. He knocks him down, Bart gets up and he gets knocked into next week. This ruled. The San Diego Chicken cones out to kill time. Vinny knocks him out. Earlier tonight Show and Mankind brawl as Stone Cold looks on. Kevin Kelly talks to Mankind. The Big Show Paul Wight v. Mankind- winner refs the main event THE STORYLINE- Mankind after finally losing his feud to Rock really wanted to be part of the main event so Vince made this match sure that Show would win. Show has been having problems with his Corporate friends. THE MATCH-Mankind hammers away but eats big boot. Big Show headbutts him out. Brawl on the outside. Mankind goes for DDT but eats steel steps. Back in- Show kicks his ass. Big Show misses clotheslines and flies outside. Mankind gets Socko but Show punches him. Again- same result. He goes for Claw again. Arm drops twice, not thrice. Big Show pops up and falls straight back. HOLY SHIT! Mankind is dead. Big Show kicks his ass. They brawl on the outside and Show chairs him. Big Show chokeslams him through two chairs and gets DQed. It was just Mankind bumping around. * Vince comes out and is really pissed. He bitches Show out and Show almost chokeslams him but changes his mind. Vince bitches out more and slaps him so Big Show kicks his ass. Mankind does stretcher job. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- wrestling in WWF, retired Since Show will be arrested and Mankind is hospital who will ref be? Road Dogg v. Val Venis v. Ken Shamrock v. Goldust (w/Blue Meanie and Ryan Shamrock) in a Fatal Four Way for the Intercontinental Title THE STORYLINE- Val and Goldust have both fucked Ryan, Ken’s sis who turned on Ken. Road Dogg got inserted when he won the I-C title from Val. THE MATCH-Dogg does his usual spiel. Val does his usual spiel. All four brawl. Sham and Dogg beat on Val but Sham beats on Road Dogg. Shamrock and Dogg officially start. Shamrock kicks his ass. Shamrock puts his head down a bit early and gets booted so Dogg tags Goldust. Shamrock tags Venis. Goldust and Venis go and Goldust gets a near fall. Val reverses Curtain Call and gets spinebuster. Goldust works Val over. Val blocks superplex and they slug it out. Bulldog-2. Perfectplex-2. Val falls into Goldust nuts and a pier-4 erupts. Goldust covers-2. Road Dogg runs in and beats on both. Road Dogg chops away but Val gets two running clotheslines. Road Dogg does Road Dogg punches and tells Goludst to SUCK IT! Road Dogg punches to Goldust and does shake rattle and kneedrop to Shamrock. He poses too much and Venis gets a suplex for two. Road Dogg simulates anal sex with Val and gets pumphandle slam. He tags Shamrock who beats on him and anklelocks Val. Val barely makes ropes and tosses Shamrock. Ryan yells at Shamrock and Val baseball slides her. They brawl up the aisleway and get counted out. Goldust and Val Venis left. Shamrock snaps and kills both before leaving. Goldust covers for two. Ryan trips Goldust up and Dogg powerslams him for three. Sue me- I liked this match. *** WHERE ARE THEY NOW- Out of WWF, in WWF, in MMA, back in WWF Big Show gets arrested and badmouths cops. Video package of Trip-Kane. Kane v. Triple H THE STORYLINE- On an episode of RAW Trips fought Rock in an I Quit Match and was forced to say it when the Corporation threatened to attack Chyna. Chyna then revealed it was all a ruse and turned on Triple H and aligned with Kane. Everything was going fine until Kane accidentally threw a fireball and hit Chyna. THE MATCH-The Chicken runs out and attacks Kane it turns out to be Pete Rose. Pete Rose gets tombstoned again. HHH comes through the crowd and low blows him. HHH hammers away but Kane throws him off. He runs at HHH but gets backdropped out. Brawl on the outside. Kane eats post and stairs. Kane goes into the rail and they brawl more. Back in- Kane hits a big boot and tosses him out. Kane boots him and they brawl more. Kane chokes him and crotches him on barricade and sends him into crowd. Kane rams him into post three times. Back in- Kane kicks his ass more. Legdrop misses and HHH tries to come back but gets booted. Kane works him over. Blind charge by Kane misses and HHH hammers away but gets tossed out. Kane with a plancha that barely makes contact. Kane goes up top but gets tossed down. Blind charge by Kane misses and HHH hammers away and hits a kneebuster and knee to the face. Heeeeeeeeeeere’s Chyna. Kane blocks Pedigree and hits an elbow. Chyna puts steel chairs in the ring and Kane picks them up. HHH blocks them and drop toeholds Kane into stairs. HHH clotheslines Kane out and they brawl on the outside more. Kane blocks Pedigree on stairs with backdrop. Chokeslam by Kane but Chyna turns on Kane and whacks him with a chair. Kane goes after her but gets chaired by HHH and Pedigrees Kane on the chair and gets DQed. Match sucked. ¾*. HHH and Chyna reunite. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- fighting Angle, #1 contender Kevin Kelly updates on ref situation. Vince names himself ref for main event. Big Pun is here. Sable v. Tori for the WWF Womens Title THE STORYLINE- Tori was a big Sable fan and was stalking her or something. THE MATCH-Sable does the Grind. Sable kicks Tori’s ass. Tori pulls her out and they brawl on the outside. Back in- Sable kicks her ass more but Tori comes back with clothesline and hammers away. Tori kicks her ass and gets sunset flip-2. Sable pins her and Tori bridges up. Backslide-2. Ref bump. Tori blocks Sable bomb and is about to hit one but Nicole Bass debuts and kicks Tori’s ass. Sablebomb wins it. DUD WHERE ARE THEY NOW- Acting, ? Video package of Shane-X-Pac. DX is with Kelly. Shane McMahon (w/Test) v. X-Pac for the European Title THE STORYLINE- This all part of the DX v. Corporate feud. Shane won the title thanks to load of interference and X-Pac wants revenge. THE MATCH-Stooges attack X-Pac but it fails and X-Pac kicks their ass. Shane wont get in the ring. He finally does but quickly bails and the chase is on. Back in- Shane poses and X-Pac kicks his ass. Shane bails. Shane decides to take a walk but X-Pac runs after him and kicks his ass. Test interferes and crotches him on ring post and high fives Posse. Back inn- Shane knees him and kicks his ass. Bodyslam but Corporate Elbow misses. Test distracts ref and Shane lowblows X-Pac. Shane whips X-Pac with belt. He misses one shot and X-Pac chucks him into next week. Crossbody to the outside and Posse interfere but X-Pac fights back. Test interferes and kicks his ass. Back in- Shane elbows X-Pac and hits a top-rope elbow. He goes up top but gets dropkicked and crotched. X-Pac with superplex and he tells im to SUCK IT! He covers but Test pulls him out at two. Test runs at X-Pac and hits stairs. X-Pac whips Shane O’ with the strap and kicks away. Broncobuster but Test hits Shane with Euro belt. He crawls over and covers for two. Shane chokes him but misses broncobuster. Test runs in and gets his ass kicked and broncobustered. X-Factor by X-Pac but Chyna is distracting ref and Triple H Pedigrees him. We have a heel turn. Shane O’ covers for the win. Match was alright- Shane was just a rookie after all. **1/2 Post-match Triple H and Test beat on Outlaws. A very pissed off Kane comes out and the heels run. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- WWF Corporate, coming back Video package of Taker-Bossman. Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) v. Bossman in a #### in a Cell match THE STORYLINE- This is part of the Ministry v. Corporate feud where Taker was stalking Vince and basically doing other tomfoolery. Why they made this HIAC I have no idea. THE MATCH-Oh yay- its this match. At least Taker’s music kicks ass. Bossman hammmers away but Taker soon comes back and kicks his ass. Clothesline-2. Taker works him over. Bossman gets swinging neckbreaker-2. Taker does some zombie situps and kicks Bossman’s ass. Michael Cole talks about how you can get your finger caught in there so King bitches him out. Bossman cuffs him to cell. Taker tries to boot him so he cant. Bossman whacks him with nightstick and Taker rips off the cuffs off or something. Taker blades but draws like no blood. It’s like a GAB88 blade job. Bossman continues to use his nightstick but Taker kicks his ass. Taker chairs him and rams him into the cage. Crowd is getting hostile with the match. Bossman goes to the eyes but Taker gets 360 clothesline for two. Taker goes Old School but gets crotched and thrown into cell. Bossman works him over and they slug it out. Taker lowblows him but Bossman blocks Tombstone. Taker then gets the tombstone for real ending it. Worst HIAC match EVER. -**1/2 The Brood come down and hang Bossman. ####- Edge, Christian and Gangrel- Gangrel got screwed. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- Both in WWF. Highlights of Wrestlemania Rage Party. Michael Cole brings out JR to announce main event. Vince comes out as special guest ref. Commissioner Michaels comes out. Apparently Vince didn’t read the WWF rulebook and sadly he won’t be ref. Corporation are banned from ringside. Mike Chioda is the ref. The Rock v. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin for the WWF Title THE STORYLINE- Austin hasn’t been champ since September and in this time has been feuding with Taker and Vince while Rock was feuding with Mankind. Austin got screwed out of the RR but came back and slaughtered Vince at the next PPV to get his title shot. THE MATCH-Stardown and they talk trash. Slugfest- SCSA gets backdropped out and they brawl on the outside. Back in- Rock kicks his ass. Austin slugs away but Rock goes to eyes. Austin chucks him out and they brawl into the crowd for a while. Rock chokes him with cable and they brawl up the entranceway. Rock gets whipped into rail and clotheslined. Austin kicks his ass but goes for a piledriver and gets backdropped. Vicious bump too. Austin and Rock brawl more with Austin taking control. Rock goes to the eyes but gets whipped into steel holding logo. They brawl some more. Rock suplexes him on concrete floor and boots Austin. Austin eats steps and Rock spits water into his face. Austin fights back and drops him onto security rail. FU Elbow onto the announce table. Austin does it again and the table breaks. Austin spits water into his face. Rock rams his knee into ringpost. Rock gets rammed into steps. Back in- Rock is able to get Rock Bottom….for two. Rock gets a chair but Austin takes it and accidentally whacks the ref. Swinging neckbreaker by Rock. Rock goes for chairshot, Austin goes for KICK WHAM STUNNER, Rock blocks it and chairs his knee and chairs his forehead. Tim White runs in and counts two. Rock gets some more shots in for two and goes for the chinlock. Austin breaks but walks into clothesline and Rock goes back to chinlock. Austin fights out and hammers away but walks into Samoan Drop for two. Rock gives Tim White the Rock Bottom but walks into KICK WHAM STUNNER. Earl Hebner runs in and counts two. Vince runs out but Austin flips him off. Rock lowblows Austin and kicks his ass. Vince punks out Hebner and him and Rock stomp a mudhole into Austin. Mankind runs out and beats on Vince. Rock argues with Mankind and gets rolled up. Thesz Press to Rock and FU Elbow. Rock boots him and clotheslines him. Rock Bottom but FU/Corproate Elbow misses. Austin blocks Rock Bottom and after a quick sequence gets KICK WHAM STUNNER to win his third WWF Title. A little too much brawling. ***1/2 Austin poses, and drinks beer with Earl Hebner. Vince yells at Austin and gets his ass kicked and KICK WHAM STUNNER for him. WHERE ARE THEY NOW- Both top contenders in the WWF The Bottom Line- Two good matches and not much else here. The only real lasting impact this show had was the Triple H heel turn. Rock-Austin’s match at WMXVII was much better. It isn’t a horrible show or anything but don’t go rush to check it out. Mild Recommendation to Avoid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites