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Guest Black Tiger

Top ten most fun ass kickings to watch

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Guest Black Tiger

You ever watch a match, either main event or just a squash when someone gets their ass kicked and you can't help but like the match?  That's this top ten list. Wrestling is entertainment after all so if someone's getting killed for my entertainment they deserve some credit.


10. Doc and Gordy VS O'Days (Clash 19)


Watts' boys take two little guys and beat the shit out of them for 3 minutes. Slams, suplexes, backdrop drivers, it's all fun to watch.


09. Tajiri VS Super Crazy (ECW on TNN)


Mexican death match. Chairs, tables, kicks, Crazy goes through a table when Tajiri STOMPS him off the top rope!


08.Cactus/Payne VS Nasty Boys


Holy shit, ECW like brawl. Pool cue, souvineer stands, A shovel! Cactus showed how much pain he can take.


07. Austin VS Bret (WM 13)


Austin looses about a quart of blood! Chair shots, low blows, injured knees, in crowd brawling. The match that MADE Austin.


06. Austin VS Bret: Street Fight (RAW 4/97)


The match that solidified Austin's face turn. He beats the shit out of Bret's knee and then when Bret gets loaded into the ambulance, he's in the front seat!


05. Foley VS Undertaker (King of the ring 1998)


I'm not sure how I feel about this match, It sucks but it's the only memorable thing about this card (Head and Shoulders?) Mankind almost kills himself TWICE!


04. Foley VS HHH (Royal Rumble 2000)


Two Words HOLY SHIT! You name it, they used it. Pedigree on Thumbtacks! Wooden pallates


03. Foley VS Rock (Royal Rumble 1999)


3 Foley's in a row, 12 foot falls, 16 Chair shots, his family scared shitless!


02. Kanemoto/Ohtani/Takaiwa VS Lyger/Ka Shin/Samauri (NJ Summer 1997) SK has Benoit, Justin has Ohtani, I have Kanemoto! Watch as Ka Shin gets TRIPLE baseball slide in tree of woe! they pretty much kick the shit out of him for the first 5 minutes


01. Tajiri VS Ohtani (BOSJ 1997)


Tajiri lays down in the corner while Ohtani stomps his face and stands on his head! Anyone who says wrestling is fake, watch this match.



I'm also a big Puro Fan so that's why some match seem to be ranked low. I ranked them based on how brutal it looked and how much fun it was to watch.  I want to get the NJ 5/97 Osaka Dome show for the ten man tag to see how brutal that is.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Austin/Roberts at KOTR 1996 remains one of my guilty pleasures.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Austin smashing Lita with a steel chair repeatedly as she trys to protect a already knocked out Matt. She disserved it for being stupid.

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Guest hobu0

Ultimo Dragon vs. Rey Misterio at WCW WWIII 97 I think. Ultimo just brutilizes Rey for almost the entire match. Oh, and from that same ppv I think, Konnan killing Juventud Guerrera, tossing him all over the place.

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Guest J*ingus

Bruiser Brody shooting on Lex Luger in the infamous cage match is always good for a chuckle.  ####, Bruiser against anybody less than 250 pounds is usually a good beating.  


Mike Awesome nearly killing JT Smith on the Night the Line Was Crossed.  


Any of the Stan Hansen-Kenta Kobashi shitkickings.

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Guest PlatypusFool

Lyger nearly killing Sasuke at Super J Cup 94, just a great ass-kicking from the master of the bastard heel role.

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Guest DrEvil

Personal fav of mine is when the Ken Patera-Billy Jack Haynes team was formed.  Demolition was in the ring just brutalizing some jobber, so Billy Jack did a run in to save him.  They started kicking his ass, so Patera did a run in to save him, so Demo started kicking Patera's ass.  When they got tired of kicking ass, they just walked away.  It was cool because it was the first time I remember seeing two heels walk away, rather than running scared by a run-in.

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Guest dreamer420

I watched Austin vs. Michaels from Wrestlemania 14 last night and Austin pretty well made HBK his personal bitch in that match.

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Guest Some Guy

Vader/Sting GAB 92.  Vader just absolutely mauled Sting and took his title.  Great match and it proved that Sting was a good company man.

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Guest swan

What about the Midnight Rockers vs. Doug Summers and Buddy Rose one hour blood bath that aired on ESPN around 87/88? You can catch it on one of those AWA specials on PPV though I hear it's heavily clipped.

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Guest razazteca

Vader vs Cactus Jack Holloween Havoc Death Match.  Vader did a Moonsault!!!!!!


Any match with the Head Hunters is a guilty pleasure


Kid Kash vs EZ Money where Kid reversed a powerbomb into a 'Rana in midair

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Guest muzanisa

That Demolition match was on here just last week. Great stuff I also liked it when they were drawn one and two in the Rumble pounded on each other for a couple of minutes and then just stopped and turned on Andre when he came in.

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Guest DrainYou42

Austin's beatdown on Brian Pillman on Superstars in '96 is probably my favorite, also a Goldust/Ramon bacstage altercation in January of that same year was quite good as well.

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