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Guest Sassquatch

Steve Mariucci The Lions New Head Coach

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Personally, I would find it insulting to be interviewed because of a quota system when I know that the team I'm interviewing for has already pegged their man.


Didn't this happen to Dennis Green in Dallas -- interviewing for a job that was already giving to Parcells (sp?)?...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I would too. It would just be patronizing based on skin color, and that's no way to run a franchise like that. To accuse those teams of being racist is bullshit, considering the race of most of the players.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I know Jesse and pals were just chomping at the bit waiting for an incident like this to happen -- Come on National Enquirer, find some more love children from the Rev...

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Guest Sassquatch

Being the head coach of a team should be based on skill.


Not the color of your skin.


Cochran and Co. need to find some other cause to take up that would be beneficial to society and not just their pocket books.

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Guest Human Fly

Well ESPN has jumped on this story now. Especially that P.C. dick Sean Salisbury. He was talking about how "the Lions have made a mockery of the minority interview system". I want someone to get up and tell the truth, and the truth is that the minority interview system is a mockery.The Lions wanted there man and they got him.

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