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Guest BoboBrazil

Raw Rating Goes Down The Shitter

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Guest BoboBrazil

In what has to be seen as a bad sign for the company, the Raw rating dropped 15% from last week. After doing a 4.1 cable rating on 1/27, the show dropped down to just a 3.5 cabe rating, with a 5.2 share, this week according to Nielsen Media Research. The show did hours of 3.3 and 3.6.



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Guest The Superstar

Well, then they should take Jericho out of the main event slot. Obviously, he doesn't belong.

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Guest the pinjockey

Goodbye Jericho, it was nice having you around for a while. Hopefully you can get a decent match out of Test at NWO.

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Guest Choken One

Yep...That is the death knell for Jericho. Bring on Steiner/Kane Vs HHH/Batistia...Which actually draws...

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Guest CanadianChick
Goodbye Jericho, it was nice having you around for a while. Hopefully you can get a decent match out of Test at NWO.

But the second hour improved! That must mean something.

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Guest El Satanico

I guess the fans don't like being dicked around with the return of Austin.


His name is dropped and ratings shoot to over 4. They tell the fans he isn't returning till the PVV and ratings tumble back to 3.5. WWE shooting themselves in the foot with holding Austin's return off till PPV while teasing fans for three weeks.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

What, you mean zany electocution scenes doesn't increase ratings? Well, consider me shocked.

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Guest The Superstar
What, you mean zany electocution scenes doesn't increase ratings? Well, consider me shocked.


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Guest Choken One

Yeah...What happened at the second hour? Goldust got electrocuted...we had a DUD tag match and a horrible D'lo match...I wanna know the overrun ratings for Jericho/Steiner!

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Vince's Yes-Men: "It was a great show Vince...Hunter and his group all over the place...we even managed to keep the wrestling in the ring to a minimum - just over four minutes in the first hour!"


Vince: "So why was the rating so low?"


Vince's Yes-Men: "Err.."


In all seriousness, minimal wrestling on shows only works when:

a) your product is hot

b) you have a lot of storylines going on that people care about

c) you have good storylines


None of which currently apply to WWE today. I dare them to turn RAW into a wrestling show. If not just to see what the rating would be.

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Guest El Satanico

Good maybe they will send Jericho to Smackdown in exchange for Albert.


Those Smackdown bums just aren't good enough for the talent of Albert. Albert is too big of a draw to be buried on Smackdown and needs room to shine which Raw gives him.

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Guest AndrewTS

And they earned it all. Best match was the women's match, Jericho loses to BPP, shitty matches throughout the whole card, HHH hobbling out to give an interview, Test starting the show...


I can hardly wait for when Evolution does more stuff--let's go back down to the 2's!

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Guest deadbeater

Yeah, and the best match didn't get at least twenty minutes it deserved! Evolution literally took longer than Victoria/Molly.

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Guest AndrewTS
Yeah, and the best match didn't get at least twenty minutes either! Evolution literally took longer than Victoria/Molly.

Yeah--shame. And Victoria/Trish last week was pretty awesome in it's own right as well.


Even molestomp has gotta admit that most of the best ring work on the show isn't coming from most of the male roster.

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Guest razazteca

can't you see that they are making RAW intentially bad so that when STONE COLD STONE COLD BAWH GAWD ITS STONE COLD makes the big return and Vince says his one liner YOUR FIRED! will surely boost the ratings to 5.0


Its one big Swerve~ for reals


or staring at the tv and computer for hour upon hour has killed so many brain cells that I have become crazy.

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Guest Dangerous A

How about this scary scenario. What if last week's number was up so high because it was the first wrestling show after a ppv (the Rumble) and for the IWC, the announcement of Austin. The number shouldn't have gone down that much. What if there wasn't THAT much interest in a returning Austin? I'm not saying I don't want him back. I'm saying wrestling is in such a fucked up state right now that they bring a legend back from 6+ months off and that rating can only hold up a week? The 3-4 weeks AFTER Austin makes his appearance at NWO is when we will be able to properly assess whether he is able to help ratings at all. Hogan's return a week ago and Rock's return last July didn't do diddley for the ratings and I am afraid Austin may not do anything for ratings either.

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Guest geniusMoment

I might be on my own on this one but did anyone else get the feeling that monday might have been the end of Molly?

She lost cleanly without much offense. The announcers didn't make her seem like a threat.

She was beat up soundly by both Jazz and Vic.

There was no mention of her gimmick, along with little mention of her, usually a tell tale sign before a release.

The Trish/Molly war is over and they already ended her 2 potential other feuds.

I have a feeling the end is near.

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Guest jester

I think the ratings are going to be even worse next week, as more people get fed up with them teasing Austin's return and not delivering.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They were doomed the moment last weeks "Austin answers Bischoff" advertising ended with Bischoff pitching the RAW magazine.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Ratings will pick up after the PPV. But next week will be an all time low, unless people want to see Eric get fired(hopefully the writing staff goes with him).

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With or without Austin RAW will still suck till HGH looses the fake title.

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