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Guest nWoScorpion

Wwf wrestlemania v

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Guest nWoScorpion

Wrestlemania V

Atlantic city, New Jersey

Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino

April 2, 1989


- Your Hosts are Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura.


- Rockin’ Robin sings America the Beautiful. To say the least, this was bad. What, they couldn’t afford REAL celebs for this show? Unlike the other WrestleMania’s before it where there where like 5,000 celebs in the first hour?


-Hey, same ring apron from WM IV. No why? the I is ripped off or so, and their s a hugh gap between Wrestlemania     V. LOL.


- Opening Match:

King Haku vs. Hercules: They actually carry Haku on the throne to ringside, and DIDN’T trip. I’m impressed. Maybe it’s because his ‘fro wasn’t out of control yet, so they were able to manage that weight without falling. Haku jumps him from behind, and chops away at Herc. Hercules hits a hip toss, and a slam to comeback, then a faceslam. He clotheslines him to the floor, and then suplexes him back in for good measure. He decides to be stupid, and goes after Heenan on the floor, which allows Haku to jump him. Stupid move by Hercules, there. He hits a couple backbreakers for two, and hooks a bearhug. Hey, at least he’s using psychology, right? Jesse claims that HE got Trump the front row seats he has for this show. Hey Jesse, you do know it’s HIS building, right? Hercules powers out of the bearhug, but takes a superkick for his troubles. A criss cross leads to a Hercules crossbody for two. I thought it was over right there. Hercules hits a series of jabs, and then clotheslines. Powerslam for two, and he dives off the top at him, but eats superkick. Haku tries a 2nd rope splash, but misses that, so Herc hits a side suplex to pin him at 6:40. Hey, other than the long bearhug spot, this was fun. **.


- The Rockers give an interview backstage, and seem VERY high. They probably were, too. Anyway, they threaten the Twin Towers, who are Akeem and the Big Bossman.


- The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers:

Jive Soul Bro so rules! The Towers chase them before the match even starts, but the Rockers are too fast, and elbow both fat boys in the head. It starts officially with Shawn and Bossman, and the Bossman slaps him across the face. He counters that with a 2nd rope dropkick, and then kicks both guys asses! You go Shawn! Akeem tags in, and after a dance off, both Rockers work on the arm with tandem moves. Shawn keeps the arm bar on the fat ass, and then allows Marty to have his fun with the hold. Bossman tags in, and the Tower’s sandwich poor Marty. Bossman hits the Nash rope-choke spot, and then Akeem splashes him. Lot’s of quick tags in this match, too, as we’ve seen atleast 20 tags so far. The Towers use their fat to work Marty Morton over in the corner, but a heel miscommunication spot allows Shawn to get the hot tag. He gets the five-punch count on Akeem in the corner, and they hit a double 2nd rope shoulderblock for two. Akeem gets pissed, and nearly KILLS Michaels with a clothesline. I mean, ouch. Bossman heads up top, but misses a splash, getting Shawn a two count. The Rockers do some more handy double-teaming, including two top rope dropkicks for another two. Shawn tries a rana from the top on Bossman, but gets powerbombed for his efforts, and Akeem splashes him for the pin at 7:51. Good match, but the Rockers should have gone over. ***.


- Ted DiBiase vs. Brutus Beefcake:

Before the match, Ted goes over to Donald Trump to show off the Million Dollar Belt. Good for him. It is a nice belt, to say the least. Long stall-fest to start, as DiBiase talks trash to Beefcake. Brutus gets pissed, and attacks with some backdrops. Ted bails out to re-group, and when he comes back in, it’s a slam-fest by Brutus, and then he clotheslines DiBiase to the floor. The crowd is gone. Slugfest won by the Barber, but Virgil holds the foot to allow DiBiase a cheep shot. Back elbow, and a fist drop get two for the Million Dollar Man. He hits a 2nd rope axe handle for two, and tries a backdrop, but Beefcake gets a quick small package for two. They fight over a suplex, which Brutus wins, but he can’t capitalize on Ted. A criss cross leads two a double clothesline, and Ted recovers first for a suplex. He hooks the Dream on, but Beefcake makes the ropes quickly. Ted tries to ram his head to the corner, but Beefcake reverses, and takes Ted to the corner. Sleeper hooked on, but Virgil breaks it up, and Ted knocks him to the floor for some abuse for Virgil. Beefcake no sells it, however, and goes for Virgil, but DiBiase is right there to jump him. They have a slugfest out on the floor, and the ref. counts both guys out at 10:01. What a piece of crap this match is. DUD. Afterwards, the fight continues. How enthralling.


- I just want to say, this crowd sucks. They are pretty dead the whole way through so far.


- The Rougeau Brothers vs. The Bushwhackers:

Butch proves my point about the stairs, and trips on his way to the ring. Then again, he’d have tripped without the steps. The ‘Whackers sandwich Jimmy Hart between the Rougeau’s, and they bail to re-group. Raymond outsmarts Luke, as Gorilla and Jesse have a big conversation about kicking foreigners out of the U.S., and tearing down the Statue of Liberty. It may sound bad, but it’s one of the funniest conversations I’ve ever heard. Jesse is hilarious. The heels keep control throughout here, and Ray slams Luke, but when he has him up for it, Luke strokes his crotch. WTF? It gets two. This match sucks. Finally, after eight hours, the ‘Whackers hit the battering ram for the pin at 4:42. Big, fat DUD.


- Mr. Perfect vs. The Blue Blazer: T

he Blazer is Owen, for those that don’t know. Good heel heat for Hennig, too, from this dead crowd. A wrestling sequence leads to a Hennig hip toss, but Owen takes him down with a drop-toe-hold, and a series of slams. Dropkick knocks Hennig to the floor, and Owen hits a nice baseball slide. Uppercuts on the floor, and chops in the ring, as Hart unloads. Man, Curt used to be REALLY skinny. Another wrestling sequence leads to a slam, and a dropkick by Owen. Backbreaker for two, and a Northern lights suplex for one. The Blazer heads up stairs, but hits the knee’s on a splash (HARD, too) and Curt works the back with a camel clutch. Owen with a powerslam for one, and a belly to belly for two. Crucifix almost gets him, but Hennig knocks his head off with a clothesline. One Perfect-plex later, Curt Hennig is your winner at 5:28. Not as good as people make it out to be, but still ** ½. Really good by eighties standards, but not that amazing today.


- Jesse Ventura poses in front of the crowd. And he complains about HOGAN’S ego? He needed a special intro to POSE on PPV! What a hypocrite.


- We see Mr. Fuji in the “WrestleMania V marathon” on the boardwalk, where he “runs 5 K” in a tux to prove he’s ready for his match. Yeah, whatever. If you believe that, i got a Bridge in Thailand for sale.


- RUN DMC does a WrestleMania rap. I fast forward.


- WWF Tag Team Title Handicapped Match:

Demolition vs. The Powers of Pain and Mr. Fuji:

This came about when Fuji turned on the Demo’s at Survivor Series, and they decided to have a handicapped match for the gold, so they can get their hands on Fuji. Warlord starts with Ax, and Ax pounds him. This crowds main problem: Good heat in the entrances, but they are DEAD the rest of the way through. A minute into this, and Ax goes to the rest holds, then tags Smash for some hammering. Warlord over powers Smash, and they work him over in the corner, but Smash comes back quickly to tag Ax. He clotheslines the Barbarian, and slams him. Lots of quick tags from the Demo’s here, as they tag about every 30 seconds. Barbie comes back with a chop on Smash, but when he tags Warlord, Smash kicks his ass. A big brawl ensues, and the heels get Ax down for some triple teaming. Fuji tags in, and puts the chops to Ax, and drops a head down low. Barbie tags back in for a shoulderblock, and tags Warlord. Ax is now officially Rick Morton, as Barbie powerslams him, and Fuji goes for a top rope BUTT splash, but misses! Ax catches Warlord with a clothesline, and makes the semi-warm tag to Smash, who cleans house on the heels. I hate this crowd. Demo’s with a stun gun for two, and everyone’s in for a big brawl. Fuji tries to toss the salt at Smash, but it’s WrestleMania IX all over again, as it hits Warlord and the Demo’s hit the Decapitator on Fuji to retain at 8:54. Crap match, but the crowd liked to see Fuji get his. ½*.


- Tony Shavonie tries to talk with the Macho Man, but gets trampled down by him for just about trying to get an interview. Gorilla comments that we may have seen the last of old Tony, but unfortunately that isn’t true.


- Dino Bravo vs. Ronnie Garvin:

Can you say, shit? Walk into your momma’s room and say it. Did you get slapped? Then you said it right! Hey, Eddie Murphy should have been a wrestling commentator, face it. Weird moment here, as both guys are already in the ring, and THEN they bring out Jimmy Snuka who bows in the ring, and walks out. What? The shmuck couldn’t wait until after the match to do his little pose? He looks high anyway. Bravo jumps him to start, and delivers an elbow drop followed by some back pounding. He hooks the bearhug, as I wonder what possessed the WWF to do this feud. Dino tries a powerbomb, but Garvin does the Rey Jr. spot out of it for two. He hammers away on Bravo, to a dead crowd, as Monsoon say’s “they’re in awe.” Sure, Gorilla, Sure. He tries a piledriver, but Dino backdrops him, so Garvin uses the sunset flip for two. Atomic drop by Dino, and the sidewalk slam gets three at 3:52. ¼*. Afterwards, Ronnie gives Frenchie Martin (Bravo’s manager) the “Garvin Stomp” which is up there with the “suplex” Andre the Giant used to do in terms of finishers.


- The Brain Busters vs. Strike Force:

Oh yeah! This was like the “return” of Strike Force as they hadn’t teamed up in a long time, but got back together for this one. Tully starts with Martel, and they wrestle around on the mat. Anderson gets a cheep shot in off an Irish whip, and they pound Martel in the corner, which leads to a big brawl. Strike Force wins it with a double dropkick, as I call for a Strike Force/Rockers match NOW! Martel wrestles Arn down for some two counts, and they do a test of strength on the mat. Rick turns it into a Boston Crab, but Blanchard nails him, and tags in. Tito gets the blind tag too, and bulldogs Tully into a figure four. Arn and Martel run in too, so Rick gets Arn in the figure four as well! Ric Flair backside sequence gets Tito two, and a small package for one. Santana blind tags Martel, but they make a mistake and Tito nails Martel to the floor by accident. The ‘Buster’s work over Tito as a result, but Tito gets a flying bodyblock for two. It doesn’t help in much, however, as Arn keeps the hurt on him. In addition, everytime Tito does some offense, the ‘Busters quickly stop it. Finally, Tito slams Anderson off the top, and goes for the hot tag to Martel, but Rick refuses to tag! The crowd is pissed off at this, and Martel further upsets them by walking out on Santana! The ‘Busters, like sharks, seize the moment and kill Santana. Arn hits a spinebuster slam, but Tito tries to make a comeback anyway! It backfires quickly, and the ‘Busters calmly hit a spike piledriver for the pin at 9:13. Solid match, ***.


- Backstage, Martel says that he always carried Tito, and he’s sick of carrying such a loser. Hey, it’s TITO. Do you blame him? P.S. I always like dhearing people call him chico, and his finisher the Flying Jalapeno. (or Flying Taco by Bobby Heenan)


- It’s time for a special edition of Piper’s Pit, live in the ring! The crowd likes the idea of that, and after a long intro by Finkel for Piper, Brother Love comes out with a kilt on. Crowd doesn’t like that one. He does a special little edition of the “Brother Love show” and proceeds to interview himself, playing both Brother Love and Roddy Piper. He does a pretty good Piper impression, actually, but the crowd is not impressed, chanting for Piper. Love brings out his next guest: Morton Downey Jr., who proceeds to smoke about 40 cigarettes, and make fun of Love. After that, the real Piper comes on out and makes as ass of Love, then tears off his kilt and sends him running. This is a pretty big waste of time, really. He deals with Morton next, who seems like he’s annoying Piper in real life as well as in the show. Crowd is gone, too. He keeps blowing cigarette smoke in Piper’s face, too, which continually annoys him, but their verbal sparring is pretty funny. The end of the bit is that Piper grabs a fire extinguisher, and puts Downey, and his cigarettes, out.


- Mean Gene shills for the “new blockbuster film” No Holds Barred.” For those that don’t know, not only did it suck, but it started the crappy Hogan/Zeus feud. Just DON’T ASK. Or better yet, visit wrestlecrap.com. Afterwards, Jesse throws a major fit that Hogan is invading Hollywood, and says that if Hogan wants to come to Hollywood he can drive Ventura’s limo!


- We take a look at the Mega-Powers story line, which started the year before at WrestleMania IV, and all leads to this big bout at WM V. The whole deal is that Savage thinks that Hogan is trying to steel Liz, and wants to kick his ass.


- Gene talks with Hogan, who gives a whacked-out, crazy interview about what he’s gonna do the Macho Man.


- Okay, okay, it’s been like half an hour since the last match, so lets please get back to wrestling.


- Match with special ref. John Studd:

Andre the Giant vs. Jake Roberts:

Okay, never mind. Let’s not get back to the wrestling. Please no, I’ll watch more of No Holds Barred instead. Oh, wait. No. Actually, I’d rather see this. Andre jumps him right off the bat, and rams Jake’s head to the exposed corner (which he exposed during the Snake’s entrance.) Andre goes right to the sleeper, like a loser, and the crowd is not appreciative. He uses his ass to ram Roberts into the corner, as he talks trash to Studd. Remember, Studd and Andre battled back at the first WrestleMania, and there is still bad blood between them. The Giant continues to lumber around and use his size on the drunk, as I ready myself for a nap. I mean, Andre seems like a real nice guy, but he sucks as a wrestler. Eventually, Jake hooks Andre in the ropes and pounds away. That goes on for about a minute, but Andre gets loose and chokes him out. More lumbering. Jake gets dumped to the floor, and if you look at the ring apron, you can notice that the skirts are from WrestleMania IV, but they just tore the “I” off, to make it “V.” It’s obvious, too. Cheep-o McMahon, I guess. Andre and Studd get into an argument, and Andre nails the big Studd, then they start to fight! In the chaos, Jake finds the snake, but Ted DiBiase runs out to steal it, then runs off! Jake steals it back, and dumps it in to get Andre running. Studd then awards to match to Roberts by DQ at about 9:38. Really, really, bad. - **. Monsoon and Ventura then argue over why Andre was DQ’ed. DUH! He attacked Studd! What, are they too drunk to pay attention or something?


- Rhythm and Blues vs. The Hart Foundation:

Bret, too, trips on the steps. Hart and Honky Tonk start off, and Bret quickly rolls him up for two. Atomic drop by Hart, and then another. He tags Greg, who takes one too, then a dropkick. The Harts work him over in the corner, and Jim hits a slingshot shoulderblock for two. I really dig the Harts, BTW. Bret with a backbreaker, but he misses a 2nd rope elbow, and Valentine hammers. R&B make Bret into Ricky Morton and pound him in the corner with the usual 80’s offense. Honky suplexes Hart, and tags Greg for an atomic drop. Honky catches Bret with the Shake Rattle and Roll, but doesn’t cover. Instead, he tags The Hammer, who goes for the figure four. Hart escapes, but still takes a stomach breaker for two, and more abuse from the heels. Jim gets the hot tag and dropkicks (!!) both guys, but can’t put away Valentine thanks to Honky. He tags in Bret, who slams Honky, and connects with the 2nd rope elbow. Bret with a great suplex for two, and a brawl breaks out between all four guys. Jimmy Hart’s mega-phone gets involved, but the Harts intercept it, and clobber Honky with it for the pin at 7:40. Solid outing here, ** ¾.


- We get highlights of the Warrior/Rude feud, including shots from the “SUPER POSE-DOWN” that went down at the Rumble. It was dumb, to say the least.


- WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude:

Warrior, ever the nutcase, RUNS down the stairs that everyone else trips on all night. Criss cross to start, and Warrior kills Rude’s back. You know Rick is CUT, but he’s such a skinny boy. I mean, his legs are freakin’ twigs. Obviously no steroids there. Bearhug city from the Warrior, but Rick breaks and hits a missile dropkick for two. Warrior goes on the no-sell streak, and slams the #### out of the challenger, then re-hooks the bearhug. Rude tries to break with another eye-poke (like he did before), but the ref. stops it. Warrior lets him out, backdrops him, then tries a splash but lands unprotected on the knees. Ouch. Piledriver for two by Rude, and a chin crusher. He tries to do the hip swivel, but sells the injury and can’t do it. Good psychology there. Rude with a clothesline for two, and a neckbreaker for two. He works the back, but Warrior makes his usual rope-shaking comeback. He shoulderblocks him down, and hits two hard faceslams to follow. He tries a slam, but screws it up, and clotheslines him instead. He misses a corner splash, however, but Rude can’t hit the Rude Awakening, and Warrior knocks him to the floor. Back in for more rope shaking, and Warrior tries a suplex from the apron, but Heenan pulls the leg and holds it down for Rude to win the title at 9:34. Okay little match, ** ¼. They’d go on to have a better one at SummerSlam. Afterwards, Warrior slams Heenan for revenge.


- Bad News Brown vs. Jim Duggan:

This is the pretty famous “snot match.” Bad News jumps Duggan off the bat, but misses a shoulderblock and Jim pounds away. Bad News bails out, and starts to leave the ring area, then thinks better of it and comes back. Duggan sure does yell “hooooooo” a lot, doesn’t he? Bad News tries to work on Jimmy’s head, but it’s no good, so he kicks him in the gut. To the floor, News posts him, but misses the ghetto blaster. Duggan hits the 3-point stance clothesline, so News grabs a chair from ringside and challenges Duggan to a duel. Duggan gets his 2X4, and they duel with the weapons which causes a double DQ at 3:47. Afterwards, Duggan kicks his ass with the 2X4, and then shows off to the crowd while he has a big piece of snot hanging out of his nose. Jim Duggan, you disgust me. DUD.

Obviously, that is the highlight of the match.


- Bobby Heenan vs. The Red Rooster:

This came about when Heenan slapped around Taylor, and Terry kicked his ass. It’s all reviewed in my “MORE Saturday Night’s Main Event” rant. Anyway, Heenan is still hurt from the Warrior’s beating, but manages to get into Andre the Giant’s wrestling tights. Back when Andre was seven, anyhow. Heenan runs away in fear, but it doesn’t work as the Rooster pounds on him. Heenan misses a corner charge, however, and Taylor quickly pins him at :29. DUD, obviously. After the bell, the Brooklyn Brawler attacks Taylor for Heenan. Why the #### is the Brawler on PPV? And at WRESTLEMANIA, no less.


- Gene talks with Miss Elizabeth to continue the hype for the Main Event. For those that didn’t have the pleasure of seeing Liz back in the 80’s, she was HOT. I mean, whoa. Liz say’s she’s gonna be in the neutral corner for this one.


- Sean Mooney is in the crowd, and asks the fans who’s gonna win the title match. You can guess who they picked.


- Main Event, WWF Title Match:

Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan:

Savage needs about 400 security people with him to get to the ring. I guess they were worried someone would attack him. Liz comes out 2nd, with as many security guys, and Pat Patterson feeling her up the whole way. WTF? She stands in the neutral corner, like she said she would, and Savage talks trash at her. Big ovation for Hogan, as Jesse complains that Savage (the champ) had to come out first. I personally don’t see what’s wrong with that, but whatever. Savage shows off the belt before hand, and draws GIGANTIC heel heat, and Hogan draws face pops as big. Hogan goes after him to start, so Savage bails and plays to the crowd some more. Macho hooks a side-headlock, but Hogan shoulderblocks him down off a criss cross. Macho bails again, and keeps threatening Liz, and getting more crowd heat. He goes back to the side-headlock, and hammers on Hogan. Hulk tries to nail him off a criss cross again, so Savage bails out, frustrating Hogan. Hulk chases, so he hides behind Liz to further piss everyone off. ####, Savage is just THE MAN for the character. Back in Savage hits a side suplex, but misses an elbow, and Hogan pounds away! He works the arm-bar, but Savage pokes the eyes and hits a double ax for two. It’s Macho’s turn now, and he hooks the arm-bar on the Hulkster, pulling the hair all the while. Or what’s left of it, anyway. Savage is one of the greatest heels, EVER, period. Hogan decides to play dirty too, pulling the tights to dump Savage out, and them kicking his ass from post to post. He drops a series of elbows, and then rakes the eyes with his boot. He puts his head down off a backdrop attempt, however, and gets kicked in the face, then clotheslined for two. He’s busted open now, and Savage hooks a headlock on the mat. Hogan powers out, and shoulderblocks Savage around for a bit, then atomic drops him. He misses an elbow, however, and Savage rolls him up (tights in hand) for two. Macho rams Hulk to the posts now, and shows off to the fans. More heel heat for that. Savage, ever the heel, even stomps the hands as Hogan crawls around in pain! G-D bless the Macho Man! Hulk no sells a shot, and clotheslines Savage into the corner, then slams him all the way to the floor! Good bump for Savage, too. Liz tries to help him up, but Savage nearly decks her, so Hogan goes to save, but Macho works on the “cut” over Hogan’s eye. It’s more like a trickle, however. Hulk powers up, however, and goes to ram Savage into the ringpost, but Liz stands in the way. See, she wants no one to get hurt here. Savage slips out, but isn’t the gentlemen Hogan is, and pushes Hulk right into her! Once again, say it with me, SAVAGE RULES! Hogan is hurt now, so Savage takes advantage of it and goes after Liz. The ref. breaks it up, however, and evicts Liz from the arena. During all this Savage hits a double ax from the top all the way to the floor. Good spot there. He works the throat with some rope choke spots, as he draws un-real heel heat. Macho elbows him in the Adam’s apple, and slams him for a two count. Savage takes off his wrist tape, and keeps the hurt on the throat by choking Hulk with it. He now gives up hiding it, and blatantly chokes Hogan in front of the ref! Hulk fades out, and Savage goes upstairs for the big elbow! Everyone is sure it’s over, but it only gets two! Hulk does his usual hulk up routine (to AMAZING heat) and hits the big boot/leg drop combo to re-gain the title at 17:38. That is one of the biggest pops I’ve ever heard. Wow. The match rocked, too. **** ¼.


- Afterwards, during Hogan’s pose-fest Jesse goes through a big fit about what kind of punk Hulk is. The crowd loves it, however.


Show is mostly garbage, save for a few matches. Mild Recomendation to avoid.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Very awesome review. But i really dont see hogan and savage at 4 1/4 stars. i'd personally say about *** 1/2 but thats just personal opinion. great stuff

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Guest nWoScorpion

Whoops, addd a 4th star accidentally, i was meant to put ***1/4. eh, shit happens.

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Guest lowavenue

I disagree with the review. I thought WM V was really underated for that era. Savage Vs Hogan is really underated too. One of my fav WM's.

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Guest Drury37

I really thought that this was a fun WWF WrestleMania,this is one of those that I could watch on a Friday afternoon after school and really enjoy it.


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Guest Jericholic82

Hey nwo, are you the same guy who was called hitman 383 and had a review website? If you are not, it sure looks like you ripped off his work lol.  


so are you?


I used to read that site all the time for some reason.

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Guest Drury37

Oh wow,I kept looking to see if I could write for that site and I just never asked and now nWoScorpion and I are buddies, that's pretty cool!!!


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Guest Deathnote

Well gotta agree with Drury37 I really liked this wrestlemania

and I've must have seen it 100 times when I was a kid.

This was a good wrestlemania and Ventura doing the comentary is a big plus (Love the way he's badmouthing Hogan). I used watch bad matches just to hear "the body" doing his thing :)

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