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Guest Anglesault

Who is the runner up, who is the winner, + who is

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Guest Anglesault

Self explanatory. I think we find out tonight.


Runner up: Frederique.


Winner: Kathy


Mole: Erik.


Feel free to explain.

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Guest Angle-plex



On Jimmy Kimmel's new show he introduced Kathy as the mole, but I don't know if he meant anything by it.


Mole: Erik

Winner: Kathy


I just remembered Erik won that card game last week. I bet they planted that guy to prevent Frederique from getting up the stairs in time~!

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Guest Lethargic

I haven't watched the show, I've just seen commercials. But who the hell is this Erik guy and why is he a celebrity?

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Guest starvenger

If this is like the previous 2 Moles, we won't find out the winner, victim and mole until next week...


Winner: Erik

Victim: Kathy

Mole: Frederique


At this point, I'm just picking the least likely person as the mole, which is the supermodel, because, well, you don't associate a supermodel with the guile needed to pull this off.

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Guest Angle-plex

I'm changing mine AGAIN:


Mole : Kathy

Winner: Erik


Lmao at Corbin saying "I also think there could be 2 moles" on next week's preview.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I can't believe how dumb Kathy Griffin is. I mean, can she do anything besides talk?

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Guest Angle-plex

Oh, c'mon. What do you want her to do....SHE'S THE MOLE!


I hope they reveal that all the players are the mole so Corbin can get freaked out.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I don't think Kathy is the mole. Why? Becuase as Erik said, ever since the first day of the game, Erik and Kathy has had a secret alliance. If Kathy is the Mole, then Erik must have been executed a while ago since he can't still be in the game with an alliance with the mole. And why is Freddy the mole in my opinion? Because as Kathy and Erik said, they've been trying to get other celebs out by feeding them false info and Frederique was one of those people they've been trying to get out for a while, but couldn't.


Now, if I'm wrong then the only other situation I can possibly think of for who is the mole is probably Corbin's theory, of two Moles, one being Kathy, the other Erik.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I still think Erik is the mole. He's just too stupid to be this good at making me think he is and then not be.

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Guest Angle-plex

If Kathy isn't the mole than she sure as hell doesn't deserve to win, because she didn't do anything in ANY of the events.

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Guest starvenger

The amazing thing is that nobody figured it out until the last quiz. Mind you, I can't say that Frederique did a very good job, since they earned pretty much all of the pot, but still she tried, and did a good job of leaving everyone else guessing...

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Guest Mole

Fuck that shit fellas.




I was the Mole 3 years before ABC even thought of this stupid show.

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