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Guest Slingshot Suplex

The New Trend In the NHL?

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

Tonight...Florida vs Toronto......Peter Worrell and Wade Belak get a couple punches into a fight and in jumps Tie Domi to throw a couple jabs in at Worrell before he's pulled away by a linesman. Domi was not involved in the original play. Worrell bodychecked Belak and they dropped their gloves. Now,why would Domi not get a third man in penalty and ejected?


Now, maybe it's because I've gotten to watch more games this year (yay NHL Center Ice), but I've noticed this a lot more this year. I've seen quite a few third man in instances and not getting called. Does it just have to a total blatant double team now to get called?


And what's up with this BS hooking or tripping penalty AND calling a dive on the same play? Complete cop out.....how can it be both? Either call one or the other or nothing at all, damn it.

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Guest starvenger

That's a good question. Only rats like Nash and Fleury get away with that, not goons like Domi...

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I thought the new trend was teams declaring bankruptcy. Never mind...

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

That's so two weeks ago........although they did say the Blues lost $43 million last year and may be in financial trouble...........

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Guest nl5xsk1

The "third man in" is so arbitrarily called now it's almost laughable. Two good examples:


Bruins vs. Maple Leafs: Sean Brown and Wade Belak are preparing to fight, but someone (Tucker?!?) is HOLDING BROWNS RIGHT ARM so he can't punch ... Belak then hammers Brown with an uppercut. Brown gets a fighting major even though both his arms were held down, the other Leaf (not-Belak) doesn't even get a minor.


Bruins vs. (I forget who, maybe The Capitals ... I was a few drinks in): Glen Murray gets into an altercation, and Martin Lapointe jumps in to fight instead. Then, Joe Thornton gets involved as players from both teams join the scrum ... but Thornton gets the third man in penalty. HE WASN'T EVEN THE THIRD MAN IN! He was 4th, and even then it was a bunch of players on both teams.


The officiating this year in the NHL has been as bad as it's been in the last 10 years, and that's saying something.


And screw all the bankruptcy jokes: MLB has had more teams fold and more teams move, but no one says a word. And those Expos sure are a stable franchise, right?!?

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Guest MaxPower27

The Panthers got embarrassed again, they left Luongo out to slaughter by not playing D.


But, yeah, the fighting thing has to be paid more attention to.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"And screw all the bankruptcy jokes: MLB has had more teams fold and more teams move, but no one says a word. And those Expos sure are a stable franchise, right?!?"


I say it all the time -- MLB can fold a handful of teams, as could the NHL and perhaps even the NBA...

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Guest gthureson

Personally, I'd like to see a 25 team NHL.


There are at least a 100 players in the NHL that should have been career AHLers.



If I had to pick:


Tampa Bay






I like the Sens, but if they are going to be in constant financial trouble, fold 'em. At the Oilers have their house in order and aren't racking up the debt each year.


I don't think you'll be willing to find anyone to bite on the Sabres, so fold 'em.


Disney doesn't want a team, and can't find a buyer. Fold 'em.


Tampa Bay and Florida have been given about 10 years to build a market, and neither can get consistent fan support. Call it a failed experiment.



If nothing else, fold the Sabres. Its getting embarassing reading about how no one can close a deal on them. They are the team no one wants.

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Guest nl5xsk1

Make it a 26 team league (25 is an odd number, so the schedule wouldn't work out well)


Merge Tampa and Florida into one team (split the home games for all I care) but keep one team in the state of Florida. Enough people retire there from the Northeast to keep some interest if the team was half way decent.


Merge Atlanta and Nashville (again, splitting the home games) - if either market starts to dominate the other, move the team there on a permanent basis.


Say goodbye to the Ducks. The movie was forgotten right after it was released, so will the team.


And I'm torn between folding either the Coyotes or the Sabres. I'll choose to keep the Sabres just because they've been around longer. Phoenix hasn't done much to support that team, while the Sabres fans get into them when there is good ownership and a good product on the ice.


While I'm on a tangent, I'd like to see a little restructuring as well - either change it so there's no more mixed conference games between the East and West until the Cup. (Yes it suck to not see the Avs or Oilers or Wings here in the East, but it would increase the rivalries and that would be good for the game.) OR create a new division of either all Canadian teams or all the Original 6 teams. This would also increase the rivalries in the league, and that's good news to me.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

How did a simple question about third man in become talking about contraction again?? :rolleyes:

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Guest CanadianChris
Make it a 26 team league (25 is an odd number, so the schedule wouldn't work out well)  

They had 21 teams for many, many years. It's not like baseball where every team has to be playing most days.


I would get rid of both Florida teams, Anaheim, Nashville, Phoenix, and Atlanta. 24 teams does seem pretty good.

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Guest nl5xsk1
How did a simple question about third man in become talking about contraction again?? :rolleyes:

It's my fault for bitching about how everyone makes bankruptcy jokes. I just get so sick of hockey being ignored by most of the mainstream US media, until there is something like financial problems in Buffalo/Ottawa and THAT'S what get covered.

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Guest evilhomer
And what's up with this BS hooking or tripping penalty AND calling a dive on the same play? Complete cop out.....how can it be both? Either call one or the other or nothing at all, damn it.

The logic, and I use the term loosely, is that two fouls were commited so two penalties are deserved. Say it's a hooking call, one player deserves the penalty for the hook, the other deserves a penalty for going down from a light tug on his sweater.


This is the logic behind the double call, in actual fact, it's the biggest load of bullshit going based on how they call the game. No penalty is called until the dive, then as soon as one dives, two penalties are called. This makes no sense. If the light tug leading to the dive was a penalty then the refs arm should have been up prior to the dive. Instead, those tugs and holds are all tolerated throughout the game unless there's a dive with them.


It all comes down to the refs not having the balls to "decide the game" by giving penalties as they are deserved.



What I really want to know is how come it's only a penalty when the player goes down. An attacking player is hooked and holded, but that's ignored until he gets taken down. It really pisses me off when a scoring opportunity is missed because a player got illegally held up but fought it off to keep driving to the net.

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Guest The Czech Republic

On the contraction topic:


28 teams is good, 4 divisions of 7. You can go back to the original Campbell-Smythe/Norris and Wales-Adams/Patrick system that made the NHL divisions unique. Seed the top 4 from each division, and go from there.


I'll come up with some pipe-dream realignment later, maybe.

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