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Guest Plushy Al Logan

My Spoilers

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

There is a phantom wrestler that is out there, after he makes his first appearance, I will start a thread to see if you can guess who he is.


Since CWM, is no longer around, my plans for the Elvis/Cobain feud have been scrapped, Elvis will just be a factor in the down fall of "The Copnspiracy to Revive the Dungeon of Doom."


When I get to a scanner you will see my Dungeon of Doom cage, I'm also suggesting that this cage be used as a new OAOAST exclusive feature.


My Monsters will all die, except for one, that monster will then be killed by an old WWF legend, not Hulk Hogan. One monster will be resurected, my new stable will consist of him, me, my Phantom, and anyone who wants to join in the HOSStile take over of OAOAST. I have not decided on my monster who my new stable will be built upon. These two will gewt a Tag Team title push.


I need one last thing to start me up again, I need some one to step up against me. If you are a Heel, you must make a change, and be the unlikely saviour that puts an end to my tyrany (sort of).


It's been a pleasure "Taking Care of Business" with you, Thank You, Thank You Very Much! :phaser:

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

One last thing, this is very important, the no-selling will be explained, and stopped. The person who steps up against me, will know the identity of my Phantom Menace. I have changed some things above.

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