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Guest RugbyDiva

Sports Injuries and Ouchies...

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Guest RugbyDiva

I'm not really here to complain... ;)... screw it, yes I am! I was playing rugby on Tuesday night and now I can hardly move. This never happens to me. Sure there are the few bumps and bruises that goes along with the game, but my whole body feels like it's been run over by a transport truck. Then again, I suppose that's normal after a 200 pound barbarian tackles you. To make matters even BETTER, we were playing inside a gym and of course, the floor was hard as rock. Grass = soft for an easier *if possible* landing, Gym Floor = PAIN.


Sofar, I've been lucky. The worst injury I've encountered yet was loosing blood to the cleets, field and occasional set of teeth and pulling muscles in various places. No biggie. But today, I feel like shit. I can barely walk and it's Thursday. As if that's not bad enough, tomorrow I'm having 4 teeth out in day surgery. *SIGH*


Anyways, anybody else feel / ever felt my pain?



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I've had my knee made multidirectional playing football before (that's American football for all you foreigners). That's pain. A lot. On the plus side, it made me a high school hero. We were undefeated to that point, and they lost every game after I was out.

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Guest treble charged

I broke my leg playing hockey. I've also had various bumps and bruises, but besides the leg break, nothing too serious.

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Guest RugbyDiva

Oh yeah, I forgot the 'having ligaments twisted in ways I'm pretty sure God never EVER meant for them to be twisted in'... ;)

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Fractured two knuckles on my right hand while sliding into first base. Had not-so-major surgery on my right knee during my soccer (Football to the 99% of the world) career.


That's all...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Only injuries I've had are a sprained ankle (basketball) and a jammed thumb (basketball again).


I'm a bit surprised I haven't had more, since I play alot of pickup football (tackle w/ no pads).

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Guest BifEverchad

I can happily report: NO BROKEN BONES.

The only 'injury' I ever had, besides, bumps and bruises, was pretty stupid actually.

I sprained my thumb, back in the day while mimicking Bob Backlund and his silly gesture during his big push in 1994.


You know the one I'm talking about? He used to stragger around from one knee to the next while waving his arms around like a fool. Ah, maybe you do, maybe ya don't. Regardless, I was doing that at my cousins house one day while watching WWF Superstars, and it resulted in a sprained thumb.



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Guest Tyler McClelland

Torn ligament in my elbow, broken bone right next to it.


Football injuries = roq when you play through them.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Series of concussions over a span of a few weeks (playing American football). Basically all after the first happened because I'm a dumbshit, who came back too soon after each one. They've had an effect on me to this day.


Other than that, just jammed fingers acquired while playing basketball, and the occasional sprained/twisted knee and ankle. My worst sprain was on my right ankle, after some 300 lb. fat kid fell on it (again, during football).


I've also had a fractured forearm/wrist, and a thumb which required stitches, but neither were sports related.

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Guest papacita

I've never broken anything to my knowledge.


I hurt my left knee playing basketball in senior year of HS, then hurt the right one 3 months later trying to do a fisherman's suplex (tucked my leg in too far when I was trying to bridge).


I jammed my right index finger slap boxing once. That thing seemed like it was never gonna heal.

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Guest J*ingus

Badly twisted my right ankle once, when stepping off the gym mat at an odd angle. It made Rice Krispies sound effects, and has never quite been the same since. Aside from that, not much, just a few backaches from bumping and what might've been a mild concussion from a chairshot.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

I've been fortunate enough to avoid any injuries when playing sports. I've hurt other people, but i've managed to stay intact.

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Guest Sassquatch

I played football for four years when I was in high school and I amassed quite a number of injuries during those years. When I would hit the field, I played for keeps. Whether I was playing as the nose guard, D-line tackle, or as a running back, I made sure to let everyone know who got in my way that I was going to break you and that there was nothing you could do about it. I was the tallest and heaviest player on the team so I had to be extra careful when I was playing RB that I was low enough to the ground so that I could hit guys rather than let them take my knees out.


Players from other teams would always try their damndest to go after my knees because that was the only way that they could bring me down because once I got running, I could not be stopped. To this day I still hold the record at my old high school for the most consecutive 99 yard field touchdown runs with a number of 4 (which was how I ended up with a dislocated shoulder on my last run when another player from the other team hit me with all he had in my right side).


Our team won two championships during the time I played on the team and whenever I was out on the DL, the team had trouble making those winning drives we were famous for.


The list:


- Sprained both ankles (pre-season practice and game)

- Broke 6 out of my 10 fingers (practices and games)

- Broke my right foot's big toe (game)

- Dislocated my right shoulder (game)

- Broken jaw (pre-season practice)

- Split open my right hand's middle finger from the top down to the end of the nail (post-season practice)

- ACL tear (game)

- 2 concussions (game and post-season practice)

- Broken nose (game)


I feel like Foley right now after listing all of those injuries.




Minus the sporadic bouts of anmesia.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

No broken bones here, but let's run down the list.


Very weak ankles from playing hockey

Bad knees, back, shoulders, wrist from softball

I've been hit in my elbow, ribs shins, knee from 80mph pitches

Been hit in the face from a softball (deflected off of a glove so I didn't take the brunt of the blow)

Been cross checked and then slammed into another player

Was hit in my left knee by a ball that twisted my ligaments and caused my knee to swell up the size of a softball, which caused me to be on crutches and I had PT of 6 weeks


I'm a fucking mess for 21 years old

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Guest crandamaniac

Injury wise, here's my list


Bruised the bones in my knees and elbows riding a bike

Broke arm when I tripped while running.

Broke thumb in bike crash

Elbow Bursitis playing basketball (which I tripped a couple of months ago and messed up my same elbow, and it still hurts, especially when it gets cold)

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Guest CanadianChick

Crappy knees, especially right one. There is a medical name for it, but I don't care to remember it.

A minor shoulder socket injury. Nothing to complain about

Other than that, just bumps and bruises from landing hard on the gym floor diving for the ball.

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Guest What?

Mainly just bumps and bruises, but I got my worst injury when I was out rollerblading two years ago. I fell off a handrail and landed right on my face, while at the same time, tweaking out my back whch forced me to get back surgery, which then led me to gain twenty pounds...whoo...



The injuries to my face were missing front teeth, broken nose, loss of a bunch of skin above my mouth and under my nose, a big concussion, and a bunch of scrapes.



Yeah, I'm hardcore.

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Guest Flyboy
I've had my knee made multidirectional playing football before (that's American football for all you foreigners). That's pain. A lot. On the plus side, it made me a high school hero. We were undefeated to that point, and they lost every game after I was out.

What position did you play, IDRM?



To the thread at hand:


I've broken my ankle ice skating (don't ask) and I broke my toe amateur wrestling... that's it.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
What position did you play, IDRM?

My main positions were tight end and linebacker, but I had a hand at most of them at one time or another except receivers and cornerbacks. I had the knee injury playing linebacker.

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Guest Flyboy

Damn you.


I could never catch the fucking ball, but I sure could spike that bitch.


I played center and linebacker.

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Guest Sassquatch

How big were you compared to the other guys on your team Flyboy?


I only ask so I can get an idea of how many other guys could have played center (which is not for the skinny's).

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Guest Jack Tunney

I used to be a Soccer goalie.One game I had to slide out to stop a breakaway,and the guy steps on my face very hard.It especially hurts with cleats.To this day I have this weird twitch on the right side of my face.But it allows me to do that eye brow thing like The Rock so that's cool I guess.

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Guest Angle-plex

I've never had an serious injuries while playing a sport. In hockey, I skate to fast for any of the big guys to hit me usually.

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Guest welshjerichomark

seven years of school and club level sports and no major injuries. i feel so pathetic, however, i did get a friction burn playing netball and got a thumbnail knocked of playing hockey.

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Guest mw679

Ya know, after reading about all these injuries, it makes me realize that when adults tell you when you're a kid to play sports cuz they are good for excercise, etc., etc....They are liars, lol. Sure, it's great for excercise but damn, if we all don't end up limping around later on. I've also had my share of sports injuries including: Torn up both knees playing basketball in HS, Had a bulging disc in my lower back from bowling (of all things), dislocated both shoulders(at different times), numerous times I've sprained my ankles, jammed fingers, dislocated fingers and other not so serious things. I'm 23 y/o and man, I feel those injuries everyday, my friends are the same way. Whenever I've met someone who started playing sports at a young age, they're always beat up and it seems even though they heal over time, the injuries never quite go away. Anybody ever get those slow aches, like, right before it rains? I hate that. My knees always feel it, as well as my back and shoulders. Oh well, sports injuries always are good for one thing: Good stories.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

My unofficial boxing career has resulted in a few broken noses and broken fingers. Never broken a large bone, though.

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Guest Mattdotcom

I played soccer in the third grade. After a practice, I ran into a fence post waving at this girl and then during two different games, the ball hit me in the head so hard I did a backflip.

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Guest AM The Kid

Playing soccer in grade 7, tripped over the shortest girl in the school, landed funny and broke my arm.

Bloody noses, black eyes.

Destroyed my knee in high jump in grade 6, never went to the doctor and it bothers me to this day.

Sprained finger, hurt back.

....I cant think of anymore right now.

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