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Guest Downhome

The movie/film above you thread...

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Guest Downhome

I'm currious what some of you think about certain movies, and felt this could be an interesting way to do things. It is done the same way the thread in General Chat is done, only instead of commenting on the poster, you comment on the movie/film above you. I don't expect this to be some huge ass thread, instead, simply a way for us to share our opinions on various cinematic works. Here's how this works...


...I say a movie/film, and the next person comments, critiques, reviews, blah, blah, blah, on that one. They then list a movie/film, and the next person does the same, etc... Feel free to list one as many times as you want to get more opinions on it, there are no rules here really, you know the drill. Anyhow, the first one I'm currious about what you people think of it is...


...About Schmidt.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

I loved About Schmidt, I thought Jack Nicholson had a brilliant performance. The dark comedy went over well with myself and everyone I saw the film with. I absolutely loved the subplot w/ Ndugu and all the things Jack would say to him. "If you're not sitting down, I suggest you do so. My wife, your step mother, Helen, has passed away." "I'm going to go now so you can cash that check for $22. Don't spend it all in one place." Jack was great, the whole movie was brilliant, except the Kathy Bates nude scene. Eeew.


Antwone Fisher. Go.

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Guest Gathering Moss

When I saw Antwone Fisher, almost everybody in the theater was laughing at all of the dramatic and violent scenes. Even the child abuse scene. Kind of ruined the movie for me. However, Derek Luke really impressed me in his first movie role ever. I really think he'll be a big star in the near future.



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Guest MDH257

Good movie, but a little underwhelming. The more I think about it, the more it seems like a typical cop movie (a good one though). It did have a good ending though.


BTW, how you described the audience at Antwone Fisher is exactly the same expierience as I had at Monster's Ball. It just about ruined the movie for me



Catch Me If You Can

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Guest El Satanico

A great entertaining movie with good performances from everyone. The first Spielberg movie I've really liked in awhile.



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Guest Mik at Cornell

Everyone raves about the brilliance of Chicago, but I was dragged to see it by a woman and hated every second of it. The only part that sticks out in my mind is Zeta-Jones spread eagle #17 comment. However, I will admit that I liked Richard Gere in his role (especially the courtroom scene at the end) and Zeta-Jones looked smoking hot.


Bottle Rocket.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Nobody likes Bottle Rocket? Alright, how about something more people may have seen....


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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Guest El Satanico

I enjoyed it and it's a great kids movie. I've never read any of the books, but I've liked both of the movies. I love that it's a kids movie, but still has all of these serious english actors. I hope they bring in Tim Curry as a villian at some point in the series.


I like the "evil" blonde kid the best of all the kids.



Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

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Guest Downhome

I totally loved this one, and a LOT more than the first one. The first LOTR's in my view suffered from a very slow pace, painfully slow at times. I have never read the books, and I've heard that the second book simply makes for a better film, and I suppose that's the reason here.


The first was just so slow, and had too many scenes with nothing at all going on, nothing adding to the story, just full of nothingness. I could have easilly edited out 20-30 minutes of that one and it would have been a lot better. The second one though, even though it was long, it just didn't feel that way to me. It flowed perfectly, and everything seemd to lead to something else, perfectly. Besides...


...it gave up a new voice for me to learn, "MY PRECIOUS!!!!!!!".


Bowling For Columbine

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Ooh, good one Downhome. I caught this in Australia and was very very happy that I did. I loved it, in every aspect. I felt it mixed humor and emotion perfectly. The history of the world and the "scared white guys" was classic, and the video footage of Columbine was just as chilling. I liked the part with Heston at the end as well. My favorite documentary ever.


Hmm....Gangs of New York

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Guest Downhome
Ooh, good one Downhome. I caught this in Australia and was very very happy that I did. I loved it, in every aspect. I felt it mixed humor and emotion perfectly. The history of the world and the "scared white guys" was classic, and the video footage of Columbine was just as chilling. I liked the part with Heston at the end as well. My favorite documentary ever.


Hmm....Gangs of New York

I recently downloaded Bowling For Columbine, and I just watched it yesterday. I can honestly say that it woke me up in more ways than one, opened my eyes to many things going on in the US in this day and age. I simply wasn't aware of so much that this film brought forth. If it was up to me, I would make it so every man, woman, and child had the ability to watch this film for free. So yeah, I loved BFC, it is my favorite documentary ever as well. Anyhow...


...I downloaded Gangs of New York today, and I actually just finished watching it just a few minutes ago. I have mixed feelings on this one, as a part of my wants to totally love it, really, yet the other part of my feels as if I wasted my time. The film obviously has it's flaws, and everyone knows it, even the filmmakers and the writers of the script. As it was in production, it was re-written over, and over, and over, and over. As they were making it they didn't even know where they wanted it to truly go, this is pretty much known by everyone, and this is the reason the film came off very much as lacking, and at times durring the film itself, without dirrection.


I must say that I loved the setting, the look and feel of the film, and above ALL ELSE, the performance by Mr. Daniel Day-Lewis. His performance was so outstanding, I am left with the feeling that his character, and him as a person, DESERVED a better film and screenplay to work with. I'm actually pretty dissapointed that this performance is stuck in Gangs, as it was greater than the film itself.


He just pulled off ever expression, every line, ever movement in this film just perfectly. Not to mention, he made me wish to kill him at times, and more importantly than anything else about his character, I actually understood why he acted as he did, I felt for this "bad guy", and was able to comprehend just why he thought as he did. The character actually believed all he was doing was in the right, and good, and that is the staple, of the perfect villian.


The film was very sub-par, but Daniel Day-Lewis's performance, was one for the ages, a true classic, deserving of so much more than he was forced to work around.



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Guest godthedog

i can't speak for the last half of it, cause i walked out after the first half. i thought it absolutely sucked. stupid, formulaic, not scary or even creepy in the least.


being john malkovich

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Guest Downhome

Being John Malkovich was just weird as hell, ane one hell of a film over all. I personally loved it, but I know many who didn't like it. Just the concept, John Malkovich, everything, it's just weird as hell. Not to mention Cameron Diaz pull off what just might be my favorite performance by her. In short, it was a great, tight, werid, film, lol.


American Beauty

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