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Guest TheGame2705

Truth Commercials

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Guest Luke Cage
I've never seen a commercial depicting that. I was speaking about the commercials.


I never smoke near children. I don't even like Smoking where children can see me.



and to Zsasz, I've done a variety of drugs and I'm very sure the majority of the money I spent didn't go to terrerists.


They went to my Cousin,My Doctor,My Neighbor down the block,etc.


However, there have been times when I was sitting in a public place enjoying relatively fresh air. Then someone sits down and lights up right next to me. It may sound childish, but I was there first. Does it ever occur to people to say "Mind if I smoke?". Rarely, in my experience. There are also poorly ventilated public places with sections set aside for smoking that plop smokers right next to non smokers. I'm trying to enjoy my dessert and then someone at the next table lights up. I should "just ******* move"?

I am not attacking the smoking habit. Your body, your choice.

Simply the lack of civility/courtesy(to say nothing of poorly ventilated public places).

Thanks for the reply!

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Guest BDC

I'll tell you one thing: I don't smoke anything, but those damned commercials with the "This is person X" "This is the dimebag person X bought."


Problem? The damn little girl they have reading the lines CAN'T SAY THE WORD BOUGHT! She says bogh, she says bouh, but she never does say the damn word correctly! GAAAAAAAAAAAH!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Under no circumstances should the drug trade (at least in the cases of opium narcotics and cocaine) be regulated. It should be OBLITERATED. When 85% of all crime is in some way drug-realted, it's time to do something.

It certainly is time to do something. Throw the book at irresponsible violent morons who can't control themselves, high or not. Completely obliterating the drug trade has been the goal of the American government (and many others) for decades, and it hasn't worked. It hasn't even come CLOSE. The only result has been cheaper, more potent drugs. When people on both sides, dealers and users alike, both want the same goal, the black market will persist. Why not turn that black market network of violence into a trade network that will make billions of dollars where previously billions were pissed away?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I honestly think the US Goverment hasn't been ruthless enough in the war on drugs. Education is great, and so is tougher penalties. But let's take suburban drug users into ghettos and show them what their addictions will lead to. Let's DO something. I live right near Philly and it's so bad there, that firebombing every poppy-field we find in latin America and sending the SWAT team in to destroy every meth lab, or hash garden doesn't sound that bad.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I really don't think that would help, Zsasz. If anything, that just creates more violence.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I don't claim to have a perfect solution. But legalizing it doesn't really add a huge ammount of temptation. Pretty much anyone who wants drugs now can get them. People love their drugs, there's really nothing we can do about it. Honestly, have we ever erased any sort of vice? We need to work with it instead of vainly trying to make it go away.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I've been to Amsterdam.


I don't want this country to become like that shithole. We can find a solution without giving in to illegal substances.


I also think legalization DOES add tmeptation, because there are a great many people who don't buy drugs out of fear of the police, or of the atmosphere in which drugs are sold.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I say we could legalize marijuana and it would be fine. Besides that, I can't say I fully support the legalization of any drug, but the war on drugs is not only futile, but just wrong. A drug dealer is one thing, but I don't see why a drug user should be prosecuted as a criminal. That's one of the many things about this country that doesn't make sense.

I'm not bashing the country or anything, and I'd rather live here than elswhere, but it's not perfect.

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Guest El Satanico
Actually El Satanico, I saw a special on Fox News where there has been a commercial made linking oil to terrorism.

Yeah but it wasn't allowed to air or something and was basically written off as being insane.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
What would you do? Legalize it? Tempt honest people into it?

I would, and granted it wouldn't be the best solution, but it would be better than what we're doing. Almost everyone would still avoid doing heroin for obvious reasons, same with other very dangerous drugs. Pot's no more harmful than alcohol in the long run, so there's no reason for it to be illegal. LSD and hallucinogens are pretty much a fringe-culture thing anyway. Two-beers Benny isn't going to come home from work and drop a hit as opposed to going to the tavern and having a Bud Light with his pals.


Most Americans, I think, would still stay away from drugs. A few would hop on the "woohoo, it's legal, look at me" bandwagon, but that sort of craze would die off quickly when the trend got boring, just like with anything else.


Doing what you proposed, with reacting to drug production with excessive violence, would lead to retaliations on the part of cartels, dealers, etc. More guns would end up on the streets, and things would get brutal. I say let the junkies have their junk, and let the guy taking bong hits catch a buzz without fear of the police kicking his door in.


At the same time, law enforcement shouldn't condone irresponsible behavior. If some dumb shit is all coked up speeding down the highway, throw the book at him HARD. Toughening up penalties while doing something under the influence would not only cut down on people getting fried and doing something stupid, it would cut down on drug use in general.

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