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Guest MrRant

Hippie Beatings

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Guest spiny norman

No, but it's best just to say yes because anybody who has a viewpoint against the conservative majority are stupid tree hugging hippies apparentally.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Idealism is destroyed by reality. That's one of the mottos of my life.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Watch any protest with your pals and play the "Find the Free Mumia Group." It's like playing a real-life "Where's Waldo?" game.


And for the record I don't consider most protestors nowadays to be hippies -- I consider them to be pseudo-hippies, which are, in my opinion, even worse.


* If you chastise someone for listening to talk radio, but get all your political information from Michael Moore, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


* If you protest the WTO because you want ask out the cute-looking chick you are next to in the human chain, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


* If you are sporting the same clothes to the Free Mumia march that you bought at the Gap during the grunge craze of the early '90s, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


* If you don't know the location of the country you're protesting due to the fact they employ kids to produce Kathy Lee Gifford apparel, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


* If you get back from the Spotted Owl march at 7 p.m. because your parents said if you stay out any later you wouldn't be allowed to take the Ford Explorer out to the Phish concert the following night, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


* If you attend an Earth Day rally, but leave 5 pounds of trash on the ground afterward, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


* If you travel to a Ralph Nader rally in a gas-guzzling, outdated, emissions-spewing van that your Dad and Mom conceived you in during a Grateful Dead concert, you might be a pseudo-hippie...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yeah. Police brutality. It is to laugh.


Anyone who chucks a rock at an armed cop gets what's coming to them, but when the cops start macing everyone with long hair...that's when I stop feeling sorry for the ones that get beaned. Those people have a right to be there, even if they're a pain in the ass.


EDIT: and before anyone gets uppity and posts something brilliant like "Duhh...AoO's a Deadhead..LOLZ," allow me to say this, Mumia's a dirty copkiller that deserves to hang, and I'm all for blowing Iraq off the map. I'm just not in favor of some cop on a power trip clubbing the crap out of some unarmed bystander who doesn't happen to agree with what the government is doing. I mean, fuck, this country was started by people pissed at their government, to take away the right to bitch and protest by discouraging it with senseless violence is to wad up the bill of rights and flush it.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
I will also be the first to laugh when ideological college students like yourself start protesting something only to be beaten down like a white boy in the black side of prison by cops and their trusty billy clubs.


Whack on my brothers.... Whack on.

Yes, heaven forbid someone support a different position and actually have the initiative to back it up with actions or protests of some kind. If anything, people should be glad that youth is actually showing some signs of ambition and a passion for something other than themselves or where the next piece of tang is coming from.


For every time that these protestors initiate hostility, there's a reason, like being threatened by authorities or being pretty much forced to fight their way out of a situation. If the authorities weren't up in the faces of the group demonstrating, there probably wouldn't be a problem.


And such a witty list detailing a series of contradictions, because we all know the Right never does such things either.

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Guest redneckBEBE

I'd like to take a few whacks at MrRant with a nightstick...and I'm not even a hippie. But he's so ignorant it's ridiculous.

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Guest Brian

Every time I read about police beating up people I remember my last stop in the police station. Some guy next to me was handucffed, talking tons of trash, high on something, and kept on telling the police that he could kick their ass. So one of them brings him in the interrogation room with the cuffs off, and all you hear is boom, and then "next", and three officers rush in the room and two of them get their asses handed to them and a fourth runs in with a taser and they all beat the shit out of the guy. But while it lasted, that was the best night I've ever spent in a polie station.


Police are asses. I remember smoking a bag with my friends while working on a car and the cops coming by, arresting us, and then when my friend refused to keep quiet the cop pulled out a sack of cocaine and threatened to charge us with possession of that.


Brian, who has chucked rocks at cops and hit them over the heads with skateboards and had gross amounts of fun in his days of spraypainting Seattle.

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Guest Vern Gagne
For every time that these protestors initiate hostility, there's a reason, like being threatened by authorities or being pretty much forced to fight their way out of a situation. If the authorities weren't up in the faces of the group demonstrating, there probably wouldn't be a problem.

You're such a god damn liberal Kotz, that you probably do believe that these wannabe hippies are innocent victims.

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Guest MrRant

I thought anytime there is a conflict with police that it just HAD to be started by the police. After all everyone is a victim. <_<

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Guest Kotzenjunge

For every time that these protestors initiate hostility, there's a reason, like being threatened by authorities or being pretty much forced to fight their way out of a situation. If the authorities weren't up in the faces of the group demonstrating, there probably wouldn't be a problem.

You're such a god damn liberal Kotz, that you probably do believe that these wannabe hippies are innocent victims.

Hey, here's an idea! Shut the fuck up!


Whenever you see a picture of police and demonstrators fighting, what do you see? You see 21st century urban sentinels with shields and weapons beating down people whose only defenses are placards and posters. Of course, you're such a fucking full-of-shit conservative bastard that you refuse to look at the other side of the situation. Go ahead, beat down those long-haired fuckers, they deserve every bruise and bump they get for disagreeing with the state! While we're at it, let's burn the Bill of Rights. Much more often than not, they ARE innocent victims. The police are out of control in much of the country. They've actually used those beanbag launchers on people around here for not leaving Market Street (the area of Charleston with a lot of bars and clubs) at 2 AM, which itself is a law brought up by bourgeois yuppie motherfuckers who thought it was unbecoming to have things open until 4 AM, as they had been for YEARS.


And no Rant, stop generalizing as the argument of the Right often is. I didn't say everyone is a victim, but the strategy of the conservative (read: mental invalid) is to make sweeping generalizations and listen to only what they want to hear, even if it entails making things up. See that story Bob posted in CE about the intelligence agencies in Britain and the US for an example of this when fucking lives are at stake.

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Guest DrTom

Jeezy Creezy, the whole "Hippie beatings" thing was a joke. At least, I took it as one, and responded in kind. IMO, as long as people are peaceably gathering and not disturbing and disrupting things overmuch, then they should be allowed to gather and make their voices heard. However, the police have a responsibility to be there, in the interests of keeping the peace in case something happens and the event turns violent. They certainly shouldn't have carte blanche to beat people for no reason, but if they issue lawful orders to the protesters, they shouldn't get rocks thrown at them in response, either.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I wasn't going off on you, I was going off on those other two. I don't take kindly to being called a god damned liberal and being subject to some sweeping stereotype. No beef with you, Tom.


For now... (shows shifty eyes)


("The dog has shifty eyes! That's how you know he's evil!")

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Guest Vern Gagne
Of course, you're such a fucking full-of-shit conservative bastard that you refuse to look at the other side of the situation.

Don't say I don't look at both sides, when you don't know even know me. It might shock you but I'm one of the most level minded people around, and yes I am a conservative, I do watch and read what the other side says.


As for my g*d damn liberal comment. I apologize, using the Lord's name in vain is never appropriate. Sorry. but I still think you're a liberal, so I won't apologize for calling you one.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Jeezy Creezy, the whole "Hippie beatings" thing was a joke.

Yeah, a spectacularly unfunny one. Wakka wakka, Rant.


EDIT: ...and dont' call me Jeezy Creezy, Tom.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

It was probably around before, but I'd feel comfortable crediting it to Izzard.

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Guest MrRant

Was it a joke now? I can tell you I am all for GreenPeace members being beaten within an inch of their lives. Fucking terrorists.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Rant has a point. Too many people automatically take the protestors side. Some of them deserve to get their ass stomped.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

And I've got no problem with some dumbshit brick-thrower getting his clock cleaned and arrested, but when the cops are running helter skelter, beating up anything that isn't wearing a blue uniform, and waging small-scale chemical warfare on a streetful of American citizens, that's a whole different story.

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Guest treble charged

Am I the only one who finds it funny that Verne refuses to apologize for calling Kotz a liberal?

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