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Guest chickiesinger

Odd tales about Abdulah The Butcher!!

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Guest chickiesinger

Dear Wrestling Fans,


Has one seen any shoot interview tapes with The Butcher? I noticed in one of Abdulah's matches in the World Wreslting Council against Carlos Colon in which the fans feared the Butcher to death! The fans ran from the Butcher like people did during the 9-11 attacks. It was extremelly scary how afarid the fans were because the people were running from ringside like crazy. It looked like some sort of riot! I wish a monster heel could do this the WWE fans. It would be really fun to see. Does anyone know why Abdulah never got to wrestle Hulk Hogan in the WWE in the mid 1980's? Abdulah said "He was a outlaw and never did what the promoter wanted him to do!". Maybe this is why Vince never signed the guy to a contract? Has anyone seen the Butcher put a quarter in his forehead? That would be quite a sight to say the least! Has anyone ever ate at the Butcher Rib House down in Atlanta? That looks like a very cool place to eat. Peace out and have a nice day :)




Chickie Singer

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