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Guest tank_abbott

Why did chickiesinger get banned?

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Guest tank_abbott

Other than his rambling incoherent posts in the old school posts, is there any reason he was banned?

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Guest the pinjockey

This is taken from a couple of Dames post in a WWF folder thread.


Just for the record...it was my doing.


The IP screamed previously banned poster, PLUS what this person did in this and the movies DVD folder could count as spamming and trolling.


I should crack down on stupidity as well, in this forum.




AngleSault....I type VERY fast. I type 75 words a minute and it's partially how I make a living. This person made 15 threads in about 3-5 minutes, each thread containing a VERY long post. There's no way that this person would have sat there and typed it all out. It was probably something copied and pasted from a site. Also, if you read all of the topics she made (which I deleted mostly), you'll see that this person never intended a real discussion.



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Can we ban tank for that asine fake suicide stunt he pulled months ago?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen



What was the name of the thread, and where was it posted?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I just searched general chat up to Page 12 and didn't find anything, HELP!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Started by tank abbott. this was wat back. The OAOAST was still in general...

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Guest Retro Rob

Click on Tank's name. Then on "See posts by this member". Considering he has so few, it shouldn't take long to find the thread.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The board won't let me search for his posts.


I hate this bullshit.

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Guest Anglesault

It was WAY the fuck back. May, possibly? Look for something along the lines of "Just wanted to say goodbye" or something like that. The message said how he was gonna kill himself and he wanted to say goodbye to his friends on the board.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i've looked and can't find it in general. maybe it was moved to NHB

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Wouldn't it be ironic, if we made fun of him so much over his Fake Suicide Thread...


...that he killed himself?


Tragic irony, or Poetic Justice? You tell me.

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Guest Retro Rob

I agree with CWM. Why doesn't he dig up the thread considering he pulled the publicity stunt?

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Guest evenflowDDT

Yea, hate to say it, but it makes me VERY suspicious of his claims in that "tell something most posters don't know about you" thread.

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Yea, hate to say it, but it makes me VERY suspicious of his claims in that "tell something most posters don't know about you" thread.

Oh you mean his claims about his Nazi father killing puppies with an axe because they were inbred or something?

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Guest tank_abbott

The Suicide Stuff was a "stunt" pulled by me and a unnamed partner in crime. We were testing the waters to see how people would react to this. (I did take a 2-4 month hiatus shortly after this happened)


The 21 year who lives with his Naked German Dog killing dad stories are true. Don't allow one stunt to alter your perception toward me. PM if you want any specific info.


I didn't realize you all held "grudges" for so long.


Oh well back to kayfabe memories.

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Guest tank_abbott
Yea, hate to say it, but it makes me VERY suspicious of his claims in that "tell something most posters don't know about you" thread.

Oh you mean his claims about his Nazi father killing puppies with an axe because they were inbred or something?

It wasn't an axe, he smashed their heads with a shovel, about 10 years ago, when I was 11.


He hasn't killed any of my dogs since late October of 2001.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

What is it with fathers killing dogs? I know like three people who that happened to.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

My father was thought to have killed my pet cat when I was around 6 or 7. Either that or it really did "run away." Still, my memories are hazy, considering I was so young or because of a selective memory type of thing.


I would bring it up with my mom, but my father is now, well, dead. So I figure that I shouldn't bring it up.


The Suicide Stuff was a "stunt" pulled by me and a unnamed partner in crime. We were testing the waters to see how people would react to this...


I didn't realize you all held "grudges" for so long.


But really, why do it in the first place? In my opinion, there are a rare few things you don't joke about, suicide among them.

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Guest tank_abbott

As my Sig states "Acting without thinking can be awfully entertaining. " Well I got it half right. Carry on.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Just cross out the word "entertaining" and replace "awfully" with "awful" and you hit the nail on the head

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Guest DeputyHawk

i gotta say, i laughed at the chickiesinger posts, at least the ones i read in the old school folder. i think it was pretty unfair to ban without even a warning, just on a hunch it was a previously banned poster.

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