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Guest TheSoleSurvivor

Big Show

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Guest TheSoleSurvivor

Again, sorry if this is in often-discussed topic. Well, here goes....


The WWE made the mistake of assuming that since Paul Wight was REALLY REALLY BIG~! that he'd be credible no matter what, and would be a huge draw. So they signed him to what seems like a 700 year contract or whatever. So far, Big Show has OBVIOUSLY not lived up to what the WWE wanted him to be: a monster who drew crowds for years to come.


Now, here comes the problem. How do you use the lug in a positive way in the current WWE landscape? And I don't mean "slice his head off and sell it off to some charity" or "rip out all of his internal organs and donate them to the 'Beluga Whale Organ Transplant fund' " either. If you had NO choice but to keep the guy, because all of your murder attempts seem to fail, what do you with him? Make him a Velocity jobber? Main-event player? Mid-card threat? Let's hear your thoughts.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

<Big Show, How do YOU use him postively?>


The Toilets in Titan Towers probably need to be cleaned.

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded



I say have Big Show lose one too many times, Paul fires him, and for the next couple months he just comes out, chokeslams the shit outa a heel, preferably Paul's boy, untill the eventful day Big Show gives Pual the biggest chokeslam ever to a greta pop...then stick him in a tag team.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Personally I'll give him a steady mid card spot.

He wouldn't have an off the wall gimmick....just something where he can be himself. He seems like an entertaining guy anyways. Like a "I'm bigger so i'm better" type thing.


I would rarely make him job for 2 reasons....

1- He's big, I want him to remain credible

2- He wouldn't have many matches to begin with.

A lot of his airtime would be used taunting people backstage and stuff.

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

Exactly, they can't overexpose Show...thats what made Andre so great, that and his charisma, and Big Show has charisma. Just not GRRRR im bad charisma, more like a funny face.

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Guest TheSoleSurvivor

Yeah, precisely...make seeing the Big Show a spectacle, as crazy as it sounds. Keep 'em caged up backstage, and when somebody REALLY pisses somebody else off, sic the Show on 'em, and have him UTTERLY destory them. But don't do this too often.


OR, just let him say/do dumb stuff like he did in his 2000 run with all the gimmicks he used...that'll make me happy.

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

He can be the 3 bean salad next to the steak that is Benoit/Angle matches

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Guest Trivia247

The only thing they can do too make Big Show at all Credible is Book him As a Giant....


in the Traditions of Andre the Giant, Andre wasn't the best Good or even Decent Wrestler Mechanically, but he was a Presence in the ring and a Awesome draw.


Big Show has more Dexterity than Andre did, and can maneuver better, but the problem is they are using Big Show as a Wrestler, and NOT a Giant. Big Show can only get Giant Credibility, and he can't do it if he faces the Brocks and Angles of the WWE. He need to do some Heavy duty Midcard Squashes to build back up. They went the right track when they had him be the reason of Taker's absence, but tehy dropped the ball when they made him such a Push over to Brock at Survivor Series.


Giants don't need Managers to screw their matches up, Andre in the Pain Filled Decline of the late 80's early 90's still was able to put in some work in without having Bobby jerk with Chairshots or anything of the Kind...



Just book him like a Giant, that sthe best you can hope.


and If he somehow wins the title again, have him face a true underdog, and not someone who can SUplex and F-5 him with BROKEN Ribs. I mean SHHHHITTTT

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Guest Quik

Cut my losses, release him and pay the rest of his contract.


Seriously.. there's no point. The whole giant thing worked in the 80's because wrestling was more fantasy back then. It just doesn't work in today's fed.


Maybe as a face... MAYBE. He just doesn't work as a heel. So... slow.

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Guest notJames
Be Funaki's enforcer.


They can call themselves the Big Sho's.

That sums it up for me. Imagine - an interviewer with a bodyguard. 'Twould be quite funny if played right.


As long as they don't do any lame nonsensical heel turn.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Nope, just have Big Show be the friendly Giant to back up Funakis innocent interviewing. Funaki has been everyones bitch in the WWF physically, and Big Show has never fully been given his proper respect storyline wise. He can identify with Funakis situation and feels obligated to protect him.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Man, forget that. Make him the exclusive cruiserweight interviewer. And make him wear thick soled boots. While the cruisers sit.

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Guest El Satanico

Big Show just can't work as a serious main eventer. The WWE roster has too much good talent that can main event to give Big Show a spot.


I like the ideal of making him a high mid carder who seldomly wrestles, but when he does he will usually destroy the guy. Make him a lovable face because he doesn't work as a monster. Used in this mannor would allow him to do the occasional main event match since he'd be someone that would even the odds for the face and people would want to see him kill the heel.


He'd also work good in a body guard type role.


As others have said the key of making Big Show useful is not letting him get over exposed.

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Guest ManKinnd

The best part of Show is when people do power moves to him. So have him as someone's manager/bodyguard who usually just kicks the shit out of people when the hit the outside, but when someone occasionally get to fight back, the do something big and grand to him.

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Guest DerangedHermit
Have 'Show sing the Star Spangled Banner. Every night.

It wouldn't be worse than Lillian Garcia. :rimshot:

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Guest edge-o-matic

I would give Paul a impersonation gimmick, like in his stint in early 2000 (..right?). At the time, he was over just for his charisma alone. Of course, it would just be recycling an old character, but it was entertaining.

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Guest gizmo

It would be a pretty hard to get fans to care about him again. He just got a push in a fued with lesnar, but after years of jobbing out over the hardcore title, and slowly plodding around the ring, it would be quite difficult.

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Guest Caliban

I don't understand why they don't capitalize on his charisma. Not his in-ring charisma - after seeing clips of him on various chat shows, it's obvious that the guy is funny, and articulate. He is capable of much more than "I'm 7 feet tall... 500 pounds" and "ARGGUGGAHHH!"

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Guest Choken One

Obviously, We all know that Paul Wright is insanely charismatic and is one of WWE's biggest and most appealing ambassadors. Why do you think they send TBS to the Talk Shows and International Promotions? Because TBS is regarded as a Charismatic Giant.


We all seem to want him to protray 911 2.0 or return to the lovable goof of 2000. It's not a bad idea...It's hard to imagine such an Lovable charismatic guy like him as a heel...he's been exposed far to much...like Kane but on a grander scale.

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He's got the charisma of a 2 year old, Big Show should be used to mate with other whales.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Bring back Tenta, Ottman, and some other fat guy, and put Big Show into that stable. They will be called, IV Disasters.

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Guest Austin3164life

How do you use Big Show properly?


You don't. Fire the fatass. He's dead weight.

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Guest nl5xsk1

The problem with making the Big Show relevant again is that he's been turned heel-face SO MANY TIMES that it's lost any luster. The best way to use him was mentioned already: he's a goon for a hated heel/manager, who finally is pushed too far and attacks him. He then befriends a small face (Funaki, Spike, etc.) and becomes a lower-card tag team. The only other option would be to replace the face he teams with to someone higher on the card (about as over as Kane, for example) and then have that person turn on the Show and go heel.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Big Show should go back to his 1998 Gimmick of Smoking before a match, then just destroying the guy. I rule. Even with Cancer.


That, and its funny to see someone with fingers as big as sausages holding a cigarette

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