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Guest Y2BigJ

Mr.Perfect found dead

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Guest Eagan469

I always tried to mimick his "throw the towel behind you with one hand, catch it on the other side with the other hand". Friggin' impossible :)

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Guest RepoMan

Although I never really watched wrestling in his prime, I became a pretty big Mr. Perfect mark during his brief return to the WWE. I do have good memorys of his main event with SC right after Royal Rumble last year, and I saw I really good match w/ Texas Tornado when searching throught my brothers tapes this summer. His gum slap was great, and I always do it when I think of it.I just remember always playing as him on King of the Ring for GameBoy just because he had one of the best enterance themes ever.


RIP Curt

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Guest Choken One

Heh. That was also one of my quirky things I did...It didn't always work but when I did...It felt...PERFECT.

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Guest mw679

Damn, one of my all time fave wrestlers. Definitely one of the few heels I ever cheered for when I was a kid. Very Sad. You will be missed, Curt....R.I.P. Btw, my buddies and I always loved those over exaggerated bumps of his.

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Guest jester

Mr. Perfect was the first heel I loved over the faces. I loved his style, I loved the promos he cut.


"I saw your movie Hogan, and it's good. It's very, very good."


"But not perfect." GRIN.


We'll miss you Curt.

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Guest Trivia247

everyone collect Royal Rumble 2002 its now a Collectors Item, it was the best Rumble effort Hennig Did in the WWE's Rumbles. Making it all the way to the final 4.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I wasn't online all day today so I found out at the beginning of RAW.


That came out of left field.

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Guest crandamaniac

My prayers and condolences go out to the Hennig family. Thank you Curt for many entertaining years in the ring. You will be missed




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Guest Slapnuts00

I guess it's never too late to chime in. This absolutely shocked me when I saw this earlier. It left me speechless, truly a sad occurence.

NWA-TNA has posted their condolences on their website:


The entire TNA family is saddened to hear of the passing of Curt Hennig.


During the time he spent with us he touched us all with his humor and his competitive spirit. He was a great champion and someone we were proud to be associated with. He will be deeply missed by all of us. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Wow, this definatelly sucks, Mr. Perfect was always one of my favourite wrestlers.


RIP Curt Hennig, my condolences go out to his family.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I remember Curt Henning from his days in the AWA. Without a doubt my favorite wrestler in the WWE back in the late 80's early 90'.


Prayer go out to the Henning Family and Friends.


Please don't take this has any disrespect towards Curt Henning. I'm sorry to say, but I'm never fully shocked when a former/ex-wrestler passes away. I guess with the deaths of Rude, Pillman, and Bulldog I've come to the realization that death at a young age happens more in this business than it does somewhere else.

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Guest bravesfan

I was not on the 'net for the entire day...so when I turned on Raw (just a few minutes ago) I saw the graphic.... and I wept.


Condolences to his family and friends.

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Guest Dmann2000
And I had just downloaded his match with Bret at SummerSlam '91. Damn.


I think this is the first wrestler death to really really get to me. Mr. Perfect was my friggin' idol when I was little.

Me too. Even though he was a heel I loved his character, his entrance, his Exodus-ripoff music, his tights he was so cool.


Man this is not something I wanted to learn at 12:30 in the morning.


God bless you Curt!

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You know. It's so easy to forget that they're dead. You pop in a tape and watch them wrestle and think "man I wish he could do that today....oh he's dead." When Curt died I was shocked. And then people mentioned it was so close to Davey Boy's death and I was like "Oh yeah he died.....god dammit." You know it's so easy to forget that they're dead. Maybe it's the fact that I don't want them to be dead. You know what I'm saying? Like Rick Rude and Davey. You're watching them one minute and the next you see that they're dead. Even with old timers. You read about wrestling history and then you remember that they're dead. It just fucking sucks. Death is inevitable but you know.....you still don't have to like it. Now I'm nearly in tears from thinking of this. In a week I'll be back in denial watching there matches and thinking "man he is so cool.....wait a minute....." then it'll hit me hard again. I guess this is what you get when you like something more than anything else in your life.

Well Curt goodbye.

I think we should all remember to slap our gum the next time we spit it out in tribute to Curt.

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Guest Dmann2000
You know. It's so easy to forget that they're dead. You pop in a tape and watch them wrestle and think "man I wish he could do that today....oh he's dead." When Curt died I was shocked. And then people mentioned it was so close to Davey Boy's death and I was like "Oh yeah he died.....god dammit." You know it's so easy to forget that they're dead. Maybe it's the fact that I don't want them to be dead. You know what I'm saying? Like Rick Rude and Davey. You're watching them one minute and the next you see that they're dead. Even with old timers. You read about wrestling history and then you remember that they're dead. It just fucking sucks. Death is inevitable but you know.....you still don't have to like it. Now I'm nearly in tears from thinking of this. In a week I'll be back in denial watching there matches and thinking "man he is so cool.....wait a minute....." then it'll hit me hard again. I guess this is what you get when you like something more than anything else in your life.

Well Curt goodbye.

I think we should all remember to slap our gum the next time we spit it out in tribute to Curt.

That's true, but when you realize how many matches, how many interviews exist of these men, they never truly die, they live forever in our hearts and minds. And we'll always see new things to love about them when we watch. Go ahead Vince, keep trying to erase history every 2 years. We'll always remmember. We'll never forget.


I hope heaven's perfect enough for you Curt.

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I was just reading the thread because I saw it on my tape of RAW (didn't get home until half an hour ago) and I seriously couldn't believe it. I always remembered him, like most others, as The Perfect One. He and Jake the Snake were my two favorite heels because they were never cartoonish, just doing what they did best. From his feud with Flair to his turn on the Horsemen to the NWO to his appearance at the RR (the image of him swatting his gum with Austin and HHH holding him against the ropes will be an enduring one with me), Hennig was one of the reasons I've been a wrestling fan for years, and I'll remember his passing when I see wrestling for quite a while.


I think I'm going to go find Exodus and listen to it, just so I can remember the entertainment one of wrestling's finest dedicated his life to giving people like me.


RIP Curt, you were one of the greatest.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I get home at 3 AM and browse a couple places and find this news. Curt Hennig is gone.


My first memories of Curt were 1985 or 86 AWA days. He was a solid wrestler...kinda bland....didn't pay a lot of attention to him. Later,he started teaming with Scott Hall and you could tell Hall had potential and to many people,Curt just seemed to be riding along with him. I remember a match he had with AWA champ Stan Hansen and Hansen worked on his back and eventually threw Curt from the ring and Curt did the hangman in the ropes. Hall came out to save him and Curt,gasping for air,did a pretty good "I never quit" promo and actually collapsed after the promo.


After he and Hall won and lost the AWA tag titles,Curt began to challenge then champ Nick Bockwinkel for the AWA title. They had a great,great 60 minute time limit match that was shown on AWA's ESPN show. With Hennig's face covered in blood,he has Bockwinkel trapped in the figure-four as the time limit expires. This is really the first match where I noticed how good Curt really was


Curt almost turns heel on Greg Gagne at one point but didn't. Then,while again wrestling Bockwinkel for the title, Larry Zybysko seemed to hand Hennig something and Curt knocks out Nick with a big right hand and claims the AWA World title. A heel turn and the seeds to greatness are sown.....


At this point,Curt Hennig was my favorite wrestler in the world. I've always been partial to the heels ,especially the ones that still use the science of the sport.When he went to the WWF,a bigger stage got to see just how good he was. The Mr.Perfect gimmick was so cool and cocky and fun to watch.


He was involved in more classic angles......the Horsemen incident where he joins up after an emotional speech from Arn Anderson.....slamming Ric Flair's head in the steel cage door.....the West Texas Rednecks and the immortal "Rap Is Crap".


It's too bad my last vivid wrestling memory of him is the match after Rumble with Val Venis. What began as an entertaining old school style match was interrupted by a completely pointless Austin promo where he went through the Beverly Hillbillies theme and "What?" I was so pissed that two people that I hadn't seen in a long time and two people I liked very much were cut off for no good reason. But I was glad to see him back.


Rest In Peace,Curt Hennig.

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Guest creativename

I am stunned and very saddened by this. I just watched my tape of last night's Raw, and couldn't believe when I saw the memorial graphic at the beginning. You don't expect something like this to happen to someone like Curt Hennig. He never had any serious health problems, and seemed clean of substance abuse, so this is really out of nowhere.


And I had just downloaded his match with Bret at SummerSlam '91. Damn.

Wow, I had just downloaded that very match myself this past Friday, off Kazaa. Was thinking about how freaky it was that I had just downloaded a match of his, and now this...it's possible I downloaded it from you, or you downloaded it from me.


Mr. Perfect was one of my favorites when I was little, easily in my Top 5. I always loved the heels, and he was one of the best. His mannerisms were just so fitting, from the towel to the gum...everything about his style was great. He will be missed.

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Guest Repo Man jr

His last interview from 1/12/03 - http://audiowrestling.com/nhb/011503.ram


Curt Hennig's final radio interview according to our records was on No Holds Barred on 1/12. It is a very fascinating interview and you can get a feel into where Curt's head was at in the final days of his life. One of the very interesting topics was Curt mentioning that he had recently been contacted by Jim Ross regarding a possible WWE return for this year's WrestleMania. Curt also went into detail on the altercation between himself and Brock Lesner on "the flight from hell" in 2002.

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Guest evilhomer

Bob Barron, just wanted to say, great pic in your sig, but I almost fell off my chair seeing it, it hit me so hard. I missed Raw, and didn't go online until now. This is truly shocking to see one of the great ones with no apparent problems to go just like that.


R.I.P. Curt "Mr. Perfect" Henning

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Guest The Mountie

A great athlete

A great entertainer

A great man


Mr Perfect


Curt Hennig R.I.P.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

More news is starting to come in regarding the death of Curt Hennig. Hennig was said to be having severe gas pains the night before his death (Sunday). On Monday morning, referee Mickey Jay invited Curt to breakfast, but Hennig declined and opted to stay in bed. At around 1PM, the wrestlers set to appear on Jimmy Hart's show in Tampa met, but Hennig was not there. Davie "The Cuban Assassin" Sierra and his wife went back to Curt's hotel room to see what had happened. Nobody answered the door so they got the maid to open the room, and then discovered Curt's body.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

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