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Guest realsandman420


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Guest Sassquatch

Mask of the Phantasm was good but it was half-assed since Dini and Timm didn't get their wish to work on the Two-Face movie they had planned and you could tell that they didn't out as much effort into the movie as they did with some of the multi-part cartoon episodes they did. The duo themselves have said that they weren't as into the Phantasm movie as they had liked since FOX dicked them around on the movie after they had been given the go ahead to go through with the Two-Face movie.


The romance between Andrea and Bruce was very apathetic with neither character really having a solid interest in the other with mostly fleeting moments of lust but nothing else.


The movie was good but the lack of effort by the Bat team was a severe short-coming and it fell flat in certain areas.


I don't rank cartoon movies with live-action movies either since it is unfair to the two mediums.

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Guest raptor

I liked the first Batman much better than Superman, but that may be because of my general taste for darker heroes, and bias against Superman.


And I absolutely HATED Batman Returns. Didn't like Devito's Penguin, and I usually detest Pfiefer, and in this it was not exception.

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Guest Luke Cage

I went in to see DD wth an open mind. I purposely avoided overexposure to trailers or reading any hype so I could go in fresh.

I was disappointed. The movie felt lifeless to me. I did not buy most of the performances..not because of any preconcieved notion of what I thought the characters should be...just beacuse the performances seemed dull. Colin Farrell is the exeption but only because he was gobbling scenery in such a way that I laughed out loud whenever he was onscreen.

Spoilers below, maybe...

















The Kingpin was supposed to be this fearsome crimelord but I don't recall seeing him do anything to establish that. I didn't accept his performance in the climactic fight scene because the filmmakers spent no time setting up the character's physical prowess. It could have been done during the Bullseye/Kingpin confrontation.


I thought the loving shots dedicated to DD scars were repulsive. The pill popping was...strange.


The DD/Elektra fight scene in the playground was so stupid to me that it took me out of the remainder of the movie (not difficult, I admit). All that flipping around in front of people does wonders for a secret ID, eh...


Speaking of secret ID, DD didn't seem to care that Kingpin knew who he was...he should have been at least a little concerned. Maybe Kingpin won't tell the cops, but who's to say that Kingpin couldn't order a hit on Murdock or his loved ones from prison?



There were other things about the movie I disliked but I'll close by saying I really liked the onscreen depcition of DD's radar sense.

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Guest DrTom
I have always maintained that while not perfect, the first Superman movie is better than any of the Batman films put out by the WB.

Agreed completely. I tend to prefer Batman to Superman, but on the big screen, Big Blue has it all over the Dark Knight. The thing is, Batman seems like he'd be easier to pull off in a movie, but none of the four movies to date has managed to do that. Superman was captured wonderfully in his first movie. I like a lot of things about Superman II better, but they sold Superman's integrity down the river in that one, making the first film the best in series.

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Guest raptor
The DD/Elektra fight scene in the playground was so stupid to me that it took me out of the remainder of the movie (not difficult, I admit). All that flipping around in front of people does wonders for a secret ID, eh...

This one didn't bother me. When I see movies, I like to be entertained most of all, so I'm if I like where its headed. I thought the energy in this scene was so infectious that there was no way I couldn't enjoy it. Plus, it was a cute way to start the Elektra/DD relationship.


Speaking of secret ID, DD didn't seem to care that Kingpin knew who he was...he should have been at least a little concerned. Maybe Kingpin won't tell the cops, but who's to say that Kingpin couldn't order a hit on Murdock or his loved ones from prison?


Again, didn't bother me, because I'm able to reference the comics for the answer. This way, Kingpin OWNS Matt Murdock. Matt, in the comics, is almost unable to give up his secret identity because it was his father's dream. In the comics (which Johnson is a huge fan of, and was probably the inspiration for this scene) Daredevil and Kingpin grow to actually need eachother, in a sick Batman/Joker kind of way.

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Guest Luke Cage
The DD/Elektra fight scene in the playground was so stupid to me that it took me out of the remainder of the movie (not difficult, I admit). All that flipping around in front of people does wonders for a secret ID, eh...

This one didn't bother me. When I see movies, I like to be entertained most of all, so I'm if I like where its headed. I thought the energy in this scene was so infectious that there was no way I couldn't enjoy it. Plus, it was a cute way to start the Elektra/DD relationship.


Speaking of secret ID, DD didn't seem to care that Kingpin knew who he was...he should have been at least a little concerned. Maybe Kingpin won't tell the cops, but who's to say that Kingpin couldn't order a hit on Murdock or his loved ones from prison?


Again, didn't bother me, because I'm able to reference the comics for the answer. This way, Kingpin OWNS Matt Murdock. Matt, in the comics, is almost unable to give up his secret identity because it was his father's dream. In the comics (which Johnson is a huge fan of, and was probably the inspiration for this scene) Daredevil and Kingpin grow to actually need eachother, in a sick Batman/Joker kind of way.

I respect your opinion.

Having said that, I believe that a storyteller has to follow some rules of common sense while they are entertaining. I can suspend my disbelief, but don't insult my intelligence in the bargain. Why would Matt, who is engaging in dangerous, illegal vigilante activity, risk revealing his prowess in broad daylight to a crowd of bystanders...just to impress a lady? I felt that the DD/E fight scene existed for no other reason than to have some soundtrack blastin' flippy-flippy on screen.


Regarding your second point, I don't read Daredevil, so I can't reference the comics.

I was commenting on how DD seemed not the least concerned that the alleged crimelord of NY knew who he was. Maybe a quick "Any move on me and I'll be on you so fast...etc'" may have made more sense than the "Who's going to believe a blind man etc" reply.

As far as referenceing the comics is concerned, I'd wager that a good deal of the people who saw this movie don't/have never read Daredevil comics. The movie is not an extension of the comic, it is an adaptation of said material. Why should anyone have to refer to a comic to tie up a movie they've already sat through?


I'll close with something else I liked about the DD movie. I thought Bullseye's unnatural accuracy was well portrayed onscreen. :)

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Guest raptor

You raise some good points. I was just saying why things didn't bother me, not neccesarily why they shouldn't bother you.


I can see how the E/DD scene could bother some people, as well as Matt's reaction to Kingpin.


And yes, they did a better job with Bullseye's power than I thought they would.

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Guest Luke Cage
You raise some good points. I was just saying why things didn't bother me, not neccesarily why they shouldn't bother you.


I can see how the E/DD scene could bother some people, as well as Matt's reaction to Kingpin.


And yes, they did a better job with Bullseye's power than I thought they would.

Cool! B-)

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Guest Sassquatch

The Daredevil/Kingpin relationship is entirely different than the Batman/Joker relationship. The Daredevil/Kingpin relationship is more symbiotic than the Batman/Joker relationship which is more based on their desire to bring the other down yet coming up empty in that respect because neither can bring one bring himself to kill the other.

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