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Rob E Dangerously

One interesting tidbit from an Osama/Saddam story

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Something tells me the "Liberal Media" won't be telling the world this too loudly


"Washington insists that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is linked to bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network and cites that as one reason to launch military action against Iraq.


The speaker on the tape said nothing about direct ties between al-Qaida and the Iraqi government--saying his followers only share a common interest with Iraq, even though he denounced Saddam's secular, socialist al-Baath party as ``infidels.''


``It does not harm in these circumstances that the interests of Muslims and socialists crisscross in fighting against the Crusaders,'' he said. He urged Iraqis to fight the Americans whether or not Saddam remains in power."


See.. that's the proof, Osama calls Saddam's homies 'infidels', that means they're aligned in a legion of doom.



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Guest imajackoff?

Im not sure I follow your line of thinking here. Wouldnt "liberal" media be in favor of NOT going to war? So, they would want to play up the fact Bin Laden accused Hussein's boys "infidels", thus weakening the claim of an Al Queda/Iraq alliance.

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the very fact that I put that phrase (Liberal media) in quotation marks shows that I dispute the idea that the media is biased towards liberals. You see, the media is biased towards ratings and they think that going against war will cost them ratings.


You'd think that if there was a 'liberal media', they would have also brought up the issue of the sources of the Powell UK dossier. Damn liberals. :)

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Guest DrTom

Usama bin Laden and Iraq are absolutely linked. We've known this for years. Saddam has given bin Laden money on several occasions, and Israeli intelligence is of the informed opinion that Iraq bankrolled the bulk of the September 11th operation.


Believe me, the intelligence community takes the links between Iraq and bin Laden VERY seriously.

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