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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

potential No Way Out card

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Guest Rob Edwards

I'm still marvelling at a company that depushes someone because his on screen girlfreind looks slightly overweight to a boss, hey here's an idea. PUT HIM WITH SOMEONE ELSE


God things like this annoy me

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Guest Nanks

NWO is just being used to set up WM feuds. There probably won't be many blowoffs here.

Rock v Hogan is clearly to establish Hogan v Vince.

Something will go down in Austin v Bischoff to further the GM storyline on RAW. Hopefully as early in the match as possible.

I pray that HHH v Steiner will be a blowoff, but it probably won't. There'll be interference because Cripple H can't possibly work a whole match. Nor can Steiner for that matter!!

The 6 man tag is furthering the Angle v Lesnar story, which is good to see.

Jericho v Test should be a blowoff because Y2J needs to start focussing on HBK.

Let's hope U/T v Big Show is a blowoff because it would really kill an otherwise cool WM card to have Big Show on it. I like Taker's WM streak, I've got no problem in him going over someone good, as long as it's a long match.

You can never complain about cruiser matches, but they probably won't get enough time. The Hardy losing weight story's good though

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Guest bob_barron

HBK isn't gonna show up I dont think.


He's in Toronto the day before No Way Out so I think they'll keep him there all week.


Maybe they can do Rey v. Eddy v. Chavo v. Tajiri and make it a #1 contender match for WM

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Guest Downhome

You can't blame them for not being able to fit everyone on the PPV's. If they go with the plan to have each "brand" to have their own PPV a month, alternating between the two brands, then it will not be like this anymore.


From where I sit, I think the fault lies with WWE and their lack of thinking everything out with the brand split. Of course, we all realize that.

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Guest wwF1587

Well lets see... RVD will probably be at the world because HHH is mad about the injury thing


Los Guerarros probably wont have a match since they lost the tag titles


Rey Rey will be on HeAT probably


Booker will job to Batista or Randy Orton


but hey we get Battle Of The Roids II so it all cancels out! :bonk:

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Guest CanadianChick

I don't think that RVD will be kept off No Way Out and host from the World. He will be thrown into a meaningless tag match at the very least. But then again, I didn't think that he would not be on Armeggedon...

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I have RVD/Kane vs Three Minute Warning pegged as an early contender for worst match of the year.

I guess you missed HHH v. Steiner @ the Royal Rumble.

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Guest nikowwf

Anybody adverse to adding Los Guerreros and Cena & Red Dog to the main event and making it a ten man tag?


and i think we get booker going over batista to hotshot him as HHH's mania opponent cause he has none.


no rvd is inexcusable...AGAIN...



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The RVD depush is in full effect, he is stuck in a pointless tag team with Kane, the bookers don't know how to use him, HHH knows he could loose his spot to him so he sabotages him in the booking meetings, i could go on and on but it seems that WWE hates wrestlers that were draws from other promotions like Booker, Tazz, Shane Douglas,Raven,Dreamer,Vader,DDP,..... and that's why their pushes get mishandled.

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Guest The Hamburglar
I have RVD/Kane vs Three Minute Warning pegged as an early contender for worst match of the year.

I guess you missed HHH v. Steiner @ the Royal Rumble.

I did indeed. No doubt it sounds shite as hell, but at least I could laugh at Steiner if I ever watched it. Whereas Kane/RVD vs Three Minute Warning is a match which boasts a full complement of shite wrestlers who bore me. Although I might be able to raise a chuckle at the fact that Three Minute Warning are FAT and NEVER WIN.

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Guest bob_barron
HHH knows he could loose his spot to him so he sabotages him in the booking meetings


Where did you this?



3MW v. 420 Fire was actually not that bad. It was a fun short match that I gave *1/2


I still think they're doing Commonwealth Connection v. 420 Fire at No Way Out to set up 420 Fire v. Evolution at Wrestlemania

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Maybe his depush factors into this, but RVD's work in the ring hasn't been too much to write home about over the past few weeks - especially with his matches involving Kane.


When RVD is in the ring with an Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit he can look like gold (it's a running theme for Guerrero / Benoit) but when he's stuck working with the two fat Samoans and Kane ... he looks hesitant and off balance. Perhaps I'm just being overly critical since he's the only one I pay attention to during these bouts ... and maybe he's off his step because he's making up for everyone else not being able to pull off a good match to save their life, I don't know. Just my thoughts.


And if God (aka Triple H) sees the same things I do, it's even more reason to keep RVD in midcard purgatory.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Interesting dilemma: storyline-wise, Jericho would/should have to lose to Test. But do they do that w/ the Jericho/HBK feud & WM match looming on the horizon, not to mention the crown most likely being pro-Jericho at NWO?

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Maybe his depush factors into this, but RVD's work in the ring hasn't been too much to write home about over the past few weeks - especially with his matches involving Kane.

If I was RVD, I wouldn't be trying right now either. The man got left off of the Armageddon card, hardly did anything noteworthy in the Royal Rumble, is stuck in a meaningless tag team, and is having a best-of-125 series with Three Minute Warning, despite being THE most over face on Raw. If Vince and company choose to fuck you over constantly, why put in the effort ? It's not that RVD doesn't have the skill, because he was great in his matches with Benoit/Guerrero/HBK/and even HHH, but why put in the effort if it isn't recognized ? It's not like RVD is just half-assing it, but he shouldn't give everything he has for a match that just won't mean anything in the long run.

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Guest bob_barron

Hardly did anything noteworthy in the RR?


The guy lasted longer then anyone not named Chris Jericho.


About this best of 125 series- it's RVD/Kane- 124 3MW-0 right?


His depush completely sucks and is killing a lot of his momentum. I don't think a feud with Evolution will help but maybe they can break away from Kane and start rebuilding him again

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Guest jester

It’s looking like a pretty shyte PPV too.


*Rock vs. Hulk Hogan


This one will probably be entertaining for the emotion, and the possibility of a screwjob finish on Hogan. But it ain’t gonna be Flair/Steamboat, that’s for sure.


*Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff


Another emotion match. It will good to see Austin back for most people, and fun to watch him kick the shit of someone. But once again, this ain’t going to be a workrate lover’s match.


*HHH vs. Scott Steiner for Raw title


If I were Vince, I would order these two practice a match so that every detail is down, like Hogan/Warrior. HHH is just coming off yet another injury, Steiner can’t climb the ringsteps without getting gassed. I have to admit, I am hoping this one sucks beyond belief so that maybe Vince will get the message. Yeah, sure.


*Brock Lesnar & Chris Benoit & Edge vs. Kurt Angle & Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas


Obviously, this is the wrestling fan’s match. I think though there is a danger of some style clashes. It’s the only match on the card so far that is more likely to be good than not.


*Chris Jericho vs. Test


“Jericho, you got a semi-watchable match out of Steiner, now can you carry another useless lump?” Poor Y2J, the next probable victim of “talented guys are supposed to make untalented guys not suck” rule.


*Undertaker vs. Big Show


Hmm, which match will suck more? HHH/Steiner, or this one here? I think HHH/Steiner, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a little like arguing whether it’s better to get your left or right testicle sawed off by a rusty hacksaw.


*Billy Kidman vs. Matt Hardy for cruiserweight title


Should be good fun, but I don’t think the crowd will be into it.


So, thanks to the presence of Austin, Rock and Hogan, the crowd is probably going to go nuts and they will likely get a good buyrate. But holy shit this card does not look good on paper, at least as far as good matches go.

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Guest jester
I think HHH v. Steiner is gonna be very short with a Rhyno run in.

You're probably right there. That way they can have another non-finish and Rhyno can join the whhhores as planned.

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Guest bob_barron

I think they know they can't have them go out there again and do an actual match.


This way you can get Steiner out of the title picture and let Rhyno beat him like a bitch at Wrestlemania

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Guest Brian

Logically, Jericho should lose to Test with HBK intereference, then for two weeks let both guys play tweeners and that should dictate the heel/face line of their feud. Give's both guys an edge to their character and could play into a "Shawn is jealous of the younger, brashier version of himself and is trying to recapture something he doesn't have" storyline.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I don't think the PPV will be that bad. I mean with Austin returning, Rock-Hogan 2 and Mattitude in a singles PPV match plus the usual suspects, this seems like it has some entertaining value from top to bottom (less the UT-Big Show match).


I also like this PPV, because it seems like they have developed the feuds for more than just one week.


Its too bad about RVD's depush though. Kane will never be anything more than where he is but RVD's has got the goods to carry company.

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Hardly did anything noteworthy in the RR?


The guy lasted longer then anyone not named Chris Jericho.


About this best of 125 series- it's RVD/Kane- 124 3MW-0 right?


His depush completely sucks and is killing a lot of his momentum. I don't think a feud with Evolution will help but maybe they can break away from Kane and start rebuilding him again

Sure, you can say he stayed in the 2nd longest behind Jericho, but I feel that this isn't noteworthy if the announcers don't even mention it. Not once did they mention RVD being in for a long time and when he was thrown out, it wasn't "Dammit, RVD's been tricked by Kane. But he made it far and was in for maybe the longest, King." Instead, it was "By gawd ! That Kane's a hoss ! And there's Batista now ! Hoss-A-Mania ! *orgasm*" If they shit on RVD, they deserve shit in return.


And as for the best-of-125 series, what the fuck do the victories mean ? Vince puts the same god damn match out every week, but is a history between these 2 teams ever mentioned ? Fuck no. WWE expects us to view this match as being completely new and fresh when it has had the same exact god damn ending every single F'n time !!





But hell, at least we got room for HHH/Steiner and Undertaker/Big Show at No Way Out....Fuck RVD. Fuck him all the way to the World, in NYC. If we're lucky, they'll ask him who will win that epic between Roid and Roider over the "Ego Stroke" Heavyweight Title. If you can't tell, I am extremely bitter over this RVD depush.

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