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Guest evenflowDDT

Bolo Yeung

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Guest evenflowDDT

Hey, rather than save up my money for Metropolis' restored authorized edition that comes out next week from Kino, I decided to WIHP OOT MAH KREDIT KARD~! and pick up The Toy Box and Chinese Hercules DVDs today.


So... since this thread doesn't focus on aliens, perverted old fat guys, murder, or sexual deviancies, it can only be about one thing - BOLO YEUNG~! I'm nowhere near as big on kung-fu as I should be, so what else is this guy in? Is he any good? I was looking up the site for Xenon Pictures, who issued the DVD, and they said they had a Chinese Goliath and Chinese Samson available as well, both of which also featured Bolo Yeung. But... these aren't in the IMDb database, so who's b.s.'ing?


PS: I haven't gotten the chance to see the whole film yet, but the DVD issue, like most U.S. hong kong releases (unfortunately), is shitty. When's Hong Kong Legends going to run out of good kung-fu movies to release so they can put out a remastered special edition of Chinese Hercules?!?!

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Guest Zack Malibu

Bolo rules, 'Flow. I actually saw the DVD in the mall and thought of you, wondering if you got it yet.


If you want some low budget rarity, search out Shootfigher and it's sequel, or TC2000, which has Bolo as the hero.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I've seen Shootfighter. It also features a personal fave of mine in Martin Kove as Bolo's arch nemesis.


I mostly know him from his more mainstream fair like Enter the Dragon and Bloosport, but he has a great presence and is a nice break from all the tiny karate masters. This guy looks like he could seriously mess you up whether he knew karate or not.

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Guest razazteca

He is in Blood Sport and other Van Damn movies. Also has a very small part as in less than a minute in Enter The Dragon.


IMDB here is the movie list

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20







"Very good, but Brick no hit back"

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Guest evenflowDDT
IMDB here is the movie list

Checking this out, I see one must see...


Bruce the Super Hero


Starring none other than Bruce Le! I'd have to say, as insulting and exploitive as it is, I crack up everytime I see him or Bruce Li credited in a kung-fu flick.

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Guest Nevermortal

Chong Li is a bad motherfucker. The leg snap kick still creeps me out to this day.


Now onto a question: Who'd win, Tong Po or Chong Li? I'm going with Chong Li, but Tong could get some good licks in with his glass covered fists....

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Guest razazteca

very interesting Muay Thai vs Ti Chi


Chung Li has better ground skills and counter attacks which alway wins in MMA :boxing:

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Guest DVD Spree

This is why I'm no good on forums - a few days off and a topic comes up, and now I'm WAY out of the loop.


Anyway, as a bigtime Bolo mark, I can assure you that all of his US appearances apart from Bloodsport are complete crap. Don't listen to what anyone else says: Bloodfight, Breathing Fire, Ironheart, Legacy of Rage, TC 2000... they're all crap.


Try and track down some of his Chinese flicks - HKFlix.com is a good place to start. Chinese Hercules is okay, and I'd recommend Bolo The Brute (also known as simply 'Bolo') as well. But bear in mind that he's been in literally HUNDREDS of flicks as a heavy that gets taken out in short order and only gets about five minutes' screen time. To be honest, Bloodsport was his finest hour, so you can't be without that.


Bolo (Yang Tze) is a difficult guy to find out about. He was successful in the few tournaments he entered in Asia, but mainly focused on bodybuilding since that was what led to his film career. He made a big impression on Bruce Lee, and he actually became part of Bruce's inner circle (with guys like Kareem and Coburn), and the two had plans for movies together down the road.


If only Bruce hadn't died, it's likely that both of them would've had decent Hollywood careers. Such a fucking pity.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Spree (or anyone for that matter)...how is Breathing Fire as far as low budget action goes? I always see the DVD for around $5-$7, and would pick it up, but I never heard anything about it. All I know is that it has Jerry Trimble (from Full Contact, which was a remake of the original Bloodfist, and much better IMO) and a kid from Head of the Class, as well as Bolo in it.


Also-can't forget Bolo in Tiger Claws...though if you see parts 2 or 3 of that, RUN. They suck.

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Guest razazteca

Is Tiger Claws a Cynthia Rothrock or Richard Nortan movie? I never really liked their movies.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

It's a Cynthia Rothrock film. She's in all three. I believe Bolo is just in the first two.

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Guest DVD Spree



Seriously, it's complete junk. BOLO GETS BEATEN UP BY TWO VERY GAY-LOOKING CHILDREN. Literally - they're about 14, and they kick the shit out of Bolo. WTF??!?


The only good thing about that movie is Bolo in drag, beating teh shit out of this guy in the bathroom and hitting a killer line: "This... is for your own good!"


But seriously, don't bother. It's shite.

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Guest Zack Malibu


Seriously, it's complete junk. BOLO GETS BEATEN UP BY TWO VERY GAY-LOOKING CHILDREN. Literally - they're about 14, and they kick the shit out of Bolo. WTF??!?


The only good thing about that movie is Bolo in drag, beating teh shit out of this guy in the bathroom and hitting a killer line: "This... is for your own good!"


But seriously, don't bother. It's shite.

Bolo in DRAG? Shit, the sheer hilarity of that one scene might make it worth it, lol.


As for the aforementioned question, Tiger Claws had Cynthia Rothrock and Jalal Merhi chasing down a killer (Bolo). Part 1 was decent enough, but then part 2 dealt with some mystic tunnel bullshit at the end, which made no sense given the storyline of the original movie. Part 3 I own, but have not watched yet. All I know is it somehow ties into the ending of part 2, and deals with 3 "ancient masters" or something that Cynthia Rothrock must do battle with.

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Guest DVD Spree
Bolo in DRAG? Shit, the sheer hilarity of that one scene might make it worth it, lol.


Yeah, that was pretty good. If I can ever figure out to capture a movie clip that doesn't exceed 10 meg, I'll put up a link to it in one of my columns to save you a few bucks.

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