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Guest JMA

Most annoying talk radio host


27 members have voted

  1. 1. Most annoying talk radio host

    • Rush Limbaugh
    • Sean Hannity
    • Michael Savage
    • Dr. Laura Schlessinger
    • Howard Stern
    • Don Imus
    • Gordon Liddy

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Guest JMA

Pretty self-explanatory. Which of these hosts do you find to be the most annoying? Which can you absolutely not stand?

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

Dr Laura. She is a doctor, but I think she has her PhD in geography or sociology, not psychology as she would have you believe...

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Guest DrTom

Hmmm, a bunch of conservatives, and two NY guys. Nice unbiased poll there.


I voted for Dr. Laura because I despise her.

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Guest Vern Gagne



We only have Dr.Laura, Rush, and Micheal Savage in this market. I haven't heard enough of Savage to have an opinion on him.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

Imus was a close second though...

Stern doesn't fit in with the rest of those jamokes though. Maybe because his show is entertaining...

This is Baba Booey to y'awl

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Guest razazteca

Does Bill O Reilly have a show? I really dislike his interview style.


And the replacements for the Killy & Boones sport talk radio show just sound like amatures yesterday.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Why did you make it a batch of political and opinionated picks...then add in a douce like Stern?

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Guest J*ingus

I'd pick Dr. Laura, but Stern isn't too far behind in my opinion. His show is possibly the single most narcissistic and double-standardizing thing I've ever seen or heard in the media.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I love the diversity in this poll. Here was my list, from most annoying to least...


I picked Imus -- Hannity and Liddy would be next, but not anywhere near the same level as Imus. I like the others...

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Guest Ace309

Dr. Laura is on a whole different level than any of the purely political people. I may disagree with their viewpoints and find them annoying, but Dr. Laura is screwing people every day with what she calls advice.

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Guest Dangerous A

I actually went with Stern. While Stern is funny, he is the guy who kisses your ass when your on his show and trashes you the next week. Total two faced asshole. The only redeeming quality about him is he can be funny. Dr Laura is damn annoying as well.

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Guest Some Guy

I don't like Dr. Laura much but haven't heard her for a while because her show got replaced by Hannity, who is OK but nothing special but I haven't heard him for a while because he got replaced by the most annoying of them all, Savage. The guy is a dick.


I don't listen to IMus or Liddy and I like STern and Rush.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Quick rundown of my opinion of these guys (and gals)


Rush is the Man -- 'nuff said. I haven't listened to him in a while, but when I did he had so many inside jokes that I'm sure a good deal of listeners didn't pick up on.


I listened to Sean Hannity a few times on the Internet, and he does nothing for me. He's too preachy on his TV show, and I find myself siding with Colmes a lot more than I thought I would.


Michael Savage is different, and that's why I like him.


Dr. Laura gets a lot of flack, and my better half, who has a MA in Psych., hates her. Too many people take her too seriously. Whenever I tune her in, all I get from that show is some trailer-park woman saying her hubby beats her and sleeps with her sister. When Laura asks why she's still with him, she says, "but I love him." Then Laua yells at her and I get good laugh -- it's like Springer for the radio.


I have mixed feelings about Howard Stern. When he goes the "smut" route -- interviewing porn stars, lesbians, etc. -- I tune out, but when he talks about current events/politics, I have to say he is very entertaining. He also makes a LOT of good points that then are forgotten due to the fart sound effect that occurs 3 seconds later.


Don Imus is who I picked. Not only does he have one foot in the grave, but also I find him bland. I used to work at a place that did work for MSNBC, so we always had him on, and I treated his show like SNL -- I would just keep a straight face throughout because I thought his material wasn't witty or engaging.


Gordon Liddy was on a radio station in Sappy Valley, and I didn't mind listening to him opine on the news, but the time he spent with guests were usually a waste.


BTW: Does anyone get, or listen to, Mike Gallagher? Back in Sappy Valley he was on and I always frequented his chat room under my current handle. There were occasions he would mention comments we made in that room, and it was funny to hear him say “kkktookmybabyaway…”

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Guest NoCalMike

Ya know, I can't really vote for any of them. Even though I disagree with most of all of their politics. Savage is entertaining, his approach is brash, but I dunno what it is, for some reason I don't mind him, maybe because he will talk about other things besides politics every so often. I don't get Hannity here. Rush is not really that prominent anymore. Dr. Laura is pretty awful, but the sheer dumbness of her callers makes her show a comedic assault on mankind that I can't help but laugh at. Howard Stern is on here but it is so early in the morning, I rarely listen. Oh and I don't get Liddy or Imus. At least not at the time I would be listening to talk radio

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Guest Olympic Slam

I voted for Stern because his gimmick is old and tired. I don't care much for Dr. Laura's show but how can you not like her style and advice? A no non-sense approach is refreshing.


Here are my Top 3


1. Michael Savage - I NEVER miss Savage. He takes a long time to get used to but if you can stomach his style, it makes for a great political ideaology to follow. Michael tells it like it is and his message is briliantly crystal clear and precise. BTW, Savage is a REAL conservative. None of that churchy crap or George W. right of center stuff. Best of all? Michael is getting a show soon for Saturdays (5 eastern/2 pacific) on MSNBC. Be there!


2. Rush - He is of course the God of radio. I don't hear him much anymore because I have classes during his show 3 out of the 5 days he's on. Rush is a master entertainer who spends WAY too much time on Democrats vs. Republicans. Very rarely does he get into hardcore ideological discussions like Savage does.


3. Hannity - He's almost as bad as Rush when it comes down to Democrats=minions of Satan, Republicans=gifts from God. The best part about Hannity's show is that he'll mix it up with the liberal opposition for a good debate. Although I find him annoying as he's always outraged about petty religious crap. He's still A-ok though and I listen on the way home from school everyday.

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Guest JMA

Here is my take on the respective hosts.



Rush Limbaugh - The man who started it all. I consider Rush to be an ego-maniac and blowhard. I have to agree with everything Al Frankin said about him. Deathly afraid of actual debate. Mostly resorts to slanderous accusations with little (if any) proof. This loudmouth going deaf was very poetic.


Sean Hannity - Basically he's Rush Junior. Sees things in two much of a "black and white" scope. The only good thing about his show is that I don't have to see his annoying face.


Michael Savage - Another guy who blames liberals in every other sentence. Generalizes things too much and seems to have anger issues.


Dr. Laura Schlessinger - Do I even need to explain this one? She called homosexuals genetic defects. How anyone can respect her as a human being is beyond me.


Howard Stern - Ocassionally fun to listen to. Although the gimmick guests are pretty annoying (Crackhead Bob, Beetlejuice, Hank, ect).


Don Imus - Seems to be going senile.


Gordon Liddy - No opinion. He's just... there.


I voted for Rush, seeing as he made the crap popular.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

dude, Crackhead Bob hasnt done the show in years, and Hank the angry dwarf, the pride of fall river mass, died sept of 01... :(:(:(

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Guest JMA
dude, Crackhead Bob hasnt done the show in years, and Hank the angry dwarf, the pride of fall river mass, died sept of 01... :(:(:(

I haven't listened to the show in a while. I did not know that.

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Guest NoCalMike

Ya know I may change to change my mind and go with Stern. In recent years his gimmick has turned into an angry guy that claims EVERYONE remotely funny on the radio is stealing his jokes and ripping him off. He was a pioneer, no doubt, but his time has passed and he needs to get it through his head that everyone else is allowed to have any kind of format they want as well.

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