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Guest Tim Cooke

TNA's Wrestling

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Guest Tim Cooke

Last night's show was full of numerous in ring wrestling segments. I applaud TNA for that.


But, if you look at match by match, the wrestling was about the quality of the Backyard Wrestling videos.



- Horrendous. And not just because of RnR. I have never seen AMW look so lost and confused. Blown spots, ugly sequences, bad match overall.


Harris v Chruch

- Ron, Don, and Brian Lee in the same ring = DISASTER.


Siaki v Kash

- A mess of a match. What value Kash has beyond having that redneck look is beyond me. Plus, he almost killed himself on his finishing dive. Transfering the X Title from one lousy person to another isn't the answer.


Gilberti/James/Sanders v Z/Killings/Estrada

- Actually, much better than it had any right to be. Sanders and Disco decided to do a neat little double team to actually keep the match moving. Z is pretty amazing with just one leg.


Corino v Ki

- These guys can both work. TNA seems to bring out the worst in good workers.


X Title Match

- I have seen Paul London live 3 times. He is a phenom. Easily the best young wrestler in the world today. But this match blew. Just a bunch of pointless spots.


And the final Lynn/London segment stunk. Why?


* London looked very nervous and a bit tentative

* Lynn is the MOST over rated wrestler by people today. He is not a good carrier nor does he have a good idea of how to lay out matches.



- ECW 1996, WCW 1999, TNA 2003. So I guess the WEEEEEEEEE will pick this match up for 2006.


"Jesus CHRIST"

- Goldie last night.


That explains the wrestling for the overall show.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

You gotta hand it to David Young, though. In a match that no right to have psychology, he sold his leg pretty good.

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