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Guest Ravenbomb


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Guest Ravenbomb

***Spoilers Maybe!!!***



just got back from a Sneak Preview of DareDevil. It had some problems, but the good parts greatly outweighted the problems. The main one was the same problem Spider-Man had, the CGI people. But other than that I didn't have any real problems with the movie, and as far as Super-Hero movies go it's up there with Good Comic Book Movie.

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Guest Steviekick

I just got back from it to. It wasn't a bad movie, but they really fucked up some of the key character development stuff between Daredevil and Elektra which annoyed the living hell out of me.


Still worth checking out though. I'd give it the Scott Keith rating of "perfectly acceptable movie"

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Well, I thought Spawn sucked, but I'll see it tomorrow or Saturday anyway.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Ok, I'll put it another way. It's what would have happened if Spider-Man hadn't sucked.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Man, people certainly have turned on SpiderMan since its home release. Last year everyone was singing its praises and hailing it as the best comic adaption since the original Superman movie.


And saying something is up there with Spawn can't be considered a compliment, can it?

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Guest Lethargic
Man, people certainly have turned on SpiderMan since its home release. Last year everyone was singing its praises and hailing it as the best comic adaption since the original Superman movie.


And saying something is up there with Spawn can't be considered a compliment, can it?

Really. Damn, I totally missed the part where he said that in the original post. Now I'm not sure I want to see Daredevil anymore.

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Guest Ravenbomb

fine, I'll put it yet another way, ignore the Spawn part...

DareDevil was good, and I would recommend seeing it.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah that's better...In fact go edit the Spawn part out of your original post.

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Guest Mole

Yeah, that bugged me out for a second too.


However, I defeintly want to see this movie. I am a Affleck fan, so I'd be there no matter what.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Spider-Man ruled. I still say about 80% of the general moviegoing population still loves it, as no one but dumb-fucks on the 'Net seems to hate it. (Judging by DVD sales.) Plus, everyone seems to love it again now that news on THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes creeping in. And I havn't read a single discussion about the new SUPERMAN film without someone saying "Thank God for Raimi."

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Guest El Satanico

Well honestly i also liked Spawn, but it's kinda bad to compare a movie to another movie which is generally considered to be shitty.


Would be kinda like me comparing a movie to Batman & Robin :coughswhichisomehowenjoyedcoughs:

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Guest Lethargic

I just got back from Daredevil. When I pulled into the parking lot it was packed as hell. I figured, wow, I was wrong about this movie not having that 70-80 million dollar opening weekend. But then I got into the theater and I was wrong. I was the only person there. 3 more people showed up before it started so there were only 4 people out of that parking lot there to see Daredevil.


The movie itself I thought was great. Affleck and Duncan were both great and way better than expected, Garner was basically useless and Farrell was pretty stupid. The movie is WAY too short though. It's only 90 minutes. So the whole story is basicaly crammed into an hour after you get past the opening Daredevil as a kid getting his powers thing. If you've seen the trailer you've seen a clip from pretty much every scene in here. The only fight scene not shown in the trailer is the grand finale between Daredevil and Kingpin. People have been comparing it to Spiderman but it's nothing like Spiderman. It's a total opposite. It's dark and dreary. It's almost always black night and raining. It's got a great atmosphere. Hell, the first thing Daredevil does is throw a guy onto to the subway tracks and watch him get run over by a train. Now I see why the movie was banned in Malaysia. If there is anything this should be compared to it's Batman. It's similarities to the Batman movie slaps you in the face the whole time. It's VERY much like it. Including some of the problems. The thing is, this movie overcomes it's problems. I probably like this better than Spiderman cause I'm more into the dark supeheroes than the bright shiney ones. Though I'm not a Spiderman hater at all. This is just more my cup of tea. Plus the lack of CGI was a breath of fresh air. I'd say 90% of this is real. I only noticed one scene of CGI stunt people. I'm saying 90% because there may have been more but I coudn't tell. It REALLY needed to be 2 hours though just to give the characters and story more time to gel. But I want to see it again anyway.

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Guest Downhome

I just got back from seeing this movie, and simply put, it was a movie without a true soul. I loved the action, the performances were fine, albeit cliche at moments (but that's forgiveable in a film like this, no?), and it set up the story of Daredevil. I look at it like this, this movie is not meant to be the best in the series once it's all said and done. It was made simply to get the casual moviegoer familier with Daredevil, his world, and a few of the characters. This movie as a whole just totally fell flat once it's all said and done. If you love action, and just action, then you will love this movie. However, if you go into it looking for more than like, like true character developement (It got you familier with them, but didn't actually create that emotional bond, but like I said, this movie was simply to set up future films, and it's VERY obvious), a solid thought out story, etc... then you will leave feeling very empty.


It's not a bad movie, it's not, it's very entertaining. It simply just seemed much too short. That's ok though, because as I've said more than once already, I looked at this movie as nothing more than just action, and characters, to set up for future films. Hopefully in the future, they'll really dive into the Daredevil world, with thought out stories and the such, I'm sure they will. They have it set up, and now we just need payoffs in future films.


Spider-Man was much better in my eyes, as it did more than just get you familier with the world and characters. It actually created true emotional bonds between characters, told a great story, and ALSO set up for the future films, very solid work in that one.


Had this one been a bit longer, then perhaps we could have had a better movie, but that wasn't to be I suppose. I look forward to the future ones though, because I am very much into the Daredevil, Kingpin, and I look forward to their encounters to come so damn much!


This isn't a classic, and isn't anything that will make you think. Expect action, a sweet looking movie, and nothing more, and you'll be pleased, just like me.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Farrell rocked the house as Bullseye, but the movie in general was flat and I felt a little boring. The fight scenes were weak. The ending got booed hardcore in my theater and about 7 people walked out half way through. I would give it maybe a 6/10 and I think I'm being a little generous.

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Guest DrTom

Weather permitting, I'll be seeing it later this afternoon and posting a review to TSM sometime Sunday. I've heard mixed reviews from people I know who have seen it, and while I like Daredevil in the comics, I really wouldn't say I'm a fan, so I don't have any predispositions going into this one.

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Guest raptor

I enjoyed Daredevil a great deal. I think it was a lot deeper than some people are giving it credit for, which I blame on Affleck's involvment.


So, yeah, highest reccommendation if you want an action movie that has a little more weight to it.

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Guest Si82

I saw "Daredevil" yesterday and I did enjoy it.


It was well acted and directed.


However, it did seem to be a bit a rushed. Particually the end.


And I love "Spider-Man".

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Guest Lil Naitch

I saw Daredevil at a sneak preview on Thursday. I liked it, but something still nags me about it, and I can't figure out what. I felt it was missing...something. And I was a bit shocked, to say the least, about thebrutality in the film. Overall, i'd give it a 7.5/10.

And I love Spiderman. When Uncle Ben died, it had me almost in tears, which is saying alot since I don't even cry at funerals.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
I thought the fights were choreographed well, but I didn't care for the camera angles at all. I really liked what they did with the radar sense, though.

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Guest DrTom

I saw it today, and my feelings are very similar to Downhome's: while it's an entertaining film, it just doesn't have a soul. It's empty. Good, but empty, and I think the emptiness actually drags it down a bit. It seemed like this was a movie auditioning for a series of sequels, rather than being a movie that was going to stand up and live or die on its own merits.


I think it did a lot of little things well, and the performaces in the movie were good overall. Affleck wasn't amazing or anything, but he was perfectly adequate in the role, and doesn't really deserve the criticism he's been getting. I don't think he makes a good blind man, but oddly enough, I liked him better as Murdock than as Daredevil.


For those who are interested, my review for TSM is available on the mainpage.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Couple of questions:


Will we see a Sequel ? (I'm thinking, Yes)


We know Daredevil & Kingpin would return.


What about Bullseye ? When he landed on Urich's Car it sounded as if he were still breathing. Would he somehow return ?


And isn't Electra killed by Bullseye in the Comic, but brought back to life. If they were to bring back Electra, how would they play it off ?


And finally...


Will the Old Lady from the Plane return?...

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Guest El Satanico
Will we see a Sequel ? (I'm thinking, Yes)

Depends on how much money it makes.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Well, it made 15.6 Mil on Fri, and I saw it twice on Sat. Both shows SOLD OUT.


I'm thinking 45-50 Mil, but big % drops will follow in the coming weeks.


50 Mil was the Budget.

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Guest El Satanico

Well there was a good chance of a sequel before it even came out, but the final test was how it did at box office.


I'm sure they already had a sequel in the works. Probably just depends on getting the actors back.

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Guest Downhome
Couple of questions:


Will we see a Sequel ? (I'm thinking, Yes)


We know Daredevil & Kingpin would return.


What about Bullseye ? When he landed on Urich's Car it sounded as if he were still breathing. Would he somehow return ?


And isn't Electra killed by Bullseye in the Comic, but brought back to life. If they were to bring back Electra, how would they play it off ?


And finally...


Will the Old Lady from the Plane return?...





















If you stayed after the movie ended, and watched the credits for a minute, it cut to footage of Bullseye in the hospital in traction, all fixed up, lol. A fly was flying around him, and it was obviously driving him crazy, but he couldn't do anything because he couldn't hardly move. He slowly moved his hand to the table nearby, and took a needle/syringe, and you heard a *twang* and then saw it stuck through the fly on the wall, and to REALLY end the movie, he said "bullseye". So yeah...


...he'll be back, thank God.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Still, the big question remains.....


Will the Old Lady from the Plane return?...

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Guest Lethargic

Kevin Smith will most likely be writing the sequel and adapting whatever that "famous" storyline was he wrote. Don't remember the name of it.


There is also supposed to be an Elektra spinoff movie.

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