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Guest BoboBrazil

Tommy Dreamer Joins Raw Creative Team

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Guest Dangerous A

1 wrestling is reporting this. Until Meltz or Keller have the story, this is shit in my eyes.

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Guest MillenniumMan831
I have always read that it was Chris Kreski that wrote the love triangle. He left right after that angle died.

Wasn't he the one who used a big markerboard/bulletin board to plan out storylines and map them out so they'd make sence.

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Guest cynicalprofit

a wrestler, writing a wrestling show....WOW never thought that would ever happen again.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Dreamer's been around long enough to know what works and what doesn't, hopefully he can help out the booking on Raw, though i doubt he'll have that big a role on the creative team.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I don't believe that Gerwitz did the EnC skits either.

And I KNOW he didn't do the Love Triangle.

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Hopefully he starts giving RVD his push back since they are ECW buddies.

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Guest deadbeater

I wonder, if Gerwitz can write comedy well, why doesn't he write some good comedy routines for two of the best physical commediennes they got, namely Molly and Trish? They can do a lot more than pulling pants down.


Dreamer, all right. His material and feuds come to think of it, was a bit soap opera to an extent, but it was all about the wrestling. Now they can do wrestling angles.

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Guest areacode212

Most of the stuff involving Rock, Angle & EnC before the roster split was written by Gewirtz.

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Guest Si82
I have always read that it was Chris Kreski that wrote the love triangle. He left right after that angle died.

Wasn't he the one who used a big markerboard/bulletin board to plan out storylines and map them out so they'd make sence.

How long was he around for?


Was it January to September in 2000 or someother time period?

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Guest saturnmark4life

I'm pretty sure things that were good were written by Chris Kreski. I love tommy dreamer, and always will. This cannot be bad in any way. It also pleases me cos I was counting the days until he 'asked for his release' and ALL my markout guys would be gone. HHH will crush all his ideas though.

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