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Guest the 1inch punch

Why Booker T will job to HHH at Wrestlemania

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Guest the 1inch punch

From Raw, 28 January 2002, courtesy of SlashWrestling





BOOKER TIO (with WWF Shop Zone Dot Com presents No Way Out! It may have sold out in three hours but we STILL couldn't find a sponsor!) v. THE NEW MAN - Ross: "...and still to come is Austin and Jericho - or Austin and Angle, I should say, for the right to see who'll meet Jericho at No Way Out." Oops, I think Ross just gave away our main event...not that we didn't know anyway, wink wink. I *believe* Triple H's entrance is longer than Godfather's. Staredown. Lockup, elbow to the gut by T, trying to turn the hold his way - H to a knee - muscles back up - T turns it to a hammerlock, H reverses, T with a back elbow. H decides to spear him and punch away. What a bad sport! Right hand, into the corner is reversed, H pops out with a clothesline. Kick, climbs to the second rope, Ten Punch Count Along gets to six before T brings him out and gives him Snake Eyes. T spins in with heel kick. He can't follow up - H right, right, right, T eyepoke. T right, into the ropes, H ducks, but T hits a flying jalapeno - 1, 2, no. "What?" T grabs the hair - wants the reverse heel kick but H ducks it - T blocks the clothesline - T off the ropes, but H catches him in a spinebuster! Referee "Blind" Charles Robinson puts on the count - both men up at 3. H with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," again, right, right, into the ropes, T ducks, but H hits the high knee. H ducks a clothesline - and hits the hangman's neckbreaker for HIS first 2 count. Right hand by H - right, clothesline and T goes outside. H leaves the ring and meets him with a running lariat. T rolled back in - but before H can come back in, CHRISTIAN is out and attacking from behind - SLOP DROP ON THE FLOOR!! Christian rolls H back in...and T covers - 1, 2, NO!! Christian is a little upset about this. T consults his hand - gutshot - off the ropes, axe kick MISSES - H gutshot, right, right, into the ropes is reversed, head down, H with the facebuster. T rolls out. Christian tries to hit the ring, but Robinson sees him this time and won't let him in. Well now STEPHANIE CAN'T ACT bounces out and tries to grab Christian's ankle - SHE's on the apron - slap! Christian grabs HER - she screams - H to the rescue, shoving Christian off the apron - and taking GREAT exception to his wife's presence at ringside. *T* up from behind - forearm to H, collision with Stephanie, H backs into a schoolboy with a tights pull for good measure - 1, 2, 3! BOOKER T WINS! (5:07) Stephanie...EMOTES! H walks on by, leaving her to screech two steps behind.





See, HHH has to get his job back, thats all

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Guest MillenniumMan831

That ties it up, you know HHH will have to get one more win to make it 2-1 Game. Hey, it's good for the business.

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Guest Choken One

ah more "They are getting held down" bullshit statements are to be forthcoming and I i commit suicide in about 12 hours...

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell
ah more "They are getting held down" bullshit statements are to be forthcoming and I i commit suicide in about 12 hours...

I concur my wittless chum.

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Guest cynicalprofit

you're forgetting the 3 reasons why booker will never get ahead in wwf; he's black, he's a wcw superstar, and hhh has all the power. HHH was sucked since quad tear, hes beefed up to the point where its slowing him down, he does 20 ME interview doing nothing more then trying to get himself over. Thats about as close to hogan ego levels as you can get without being hogan.

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Guest bob_barron

Yea black people never get a shot in WWE.


I mean whatever happened to that Rock guy?

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Guest Nevermortal
Yea black people never get a shot in WWE.


I mean whatever happened to that Rock guy?

I heard he was touring the indy circuit in Hollywood.

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Guest cynicalprofit

you're forgetting the more important thing, bob, rock was 100% homegrown talent, and a 3rd generation star, that outweighs the black factor. But if he wasnt able to get over, after a year or so, he'd be back to playing for the cfl.

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Guest bob_barron

What about Bobo Brazil? Ernie "Big Cat" Ladd?


Being black has nothing to do with Booker's lack of a push. It's more of the WCW thing then anything I think

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Guest cynicalprofit

Vince *heart* big white guys. Look at Paul White, a billion chances, hasnt gotten been over more then once. Brock Lesnar rings a few bells as well. And What about Steiner, guy was just as big as a superstar as booker t was, hell booker was probably more over, and Steiner is already, well probably, making more then booker, and he's headlinging. Booker headlined, what 1 ppv, and then did a handicap with shane, all while never being made to even remotely look like a threat. Steiner, we're told, is to be considered an equal to hhh, so why the hell shouldnt booker t be as well. As SK said, better to have to much ME talent then to little.


didnt both those guys wrestle back in the 50's?(honeslty i know the names, never seen them in action)

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Guest Dangerous A

Actually the reason Show gets a million chances to get over is because Vince needs to justify the 9 million dollar contract Show signed in 99. Because quite a few dollars go to Show's paycheck, he gets chances up the wazoo. Booker is getting shafted primarily because he was a WCW guy they didn't change. If Booker would've changed gimmicks and cease to not be Booker, his fortunes might've changed. As such, he is where he is. God, I fucking hate Vince's non-homegrown de-push policy.

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Booker will not main event Wrestlemania and he will be lucky if he ever gets close to the RAW belt, now that HGH is the WWE heir he will make sure that wont happen.


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Guest RavishingRickRudo

HHH won't lose at WM. Look, Jericho won his titles at the Dec PPV. So did HHH. Jericho lost the title at WM - you don't actually think HHH will allow himself to walk in the same footsteps as the man he actively buried.

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Guest wwF1587

unless your name is Nash, HBK, UT, or some older legend such as Steiner, Flair, Hogan, or even big stars like austin and rock.. you have NO shot of being put over... until i am proven otherwise.. i stick to my point

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