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Guest Trivia247

Kevin Dunn

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Guest Trivia247

The following news is from the Torch Newsletter:


# WWE Executive Producer Kevin Dunn is said to be in favor of shorter matches and more skits when compiling WWE television.


Dunn is apparently a big supporter of the swerve-style booking such as the Billy & Chuck wedding and the Al Wilson/Dawn Marie honeymoon angles.







This is my problem with this shit....They keep hiring these people in the Creative staff who aren't even involved in the Wrestling aspects and just into the alternative crap TV writing.


This Doofus wants to Shorten the already SHORT matches to give more airtime to Soap Opera shit swerves and angles.


When we first got the Brand extension stuff started we thought it was better because alot of the better matches with the better workers seem to gotten more time, sometimes extra 10 minutes and a commercila BReak.


but if this yoyo wants to strip time from Benoit matches because he wants to see Dawn Marie 69 with Torrie or Torrie's "DEAD" Dad or something then fuck whats the point...


I think its funny he wants to shorten the wrestling Matches to Improve a WRESTLING SHOW>...



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Guest Raven_Effect01

That's it. If I notice this happening on Raw and Smackdown, I'll refuse to watch those shows for a while until they stop this shit.

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Guest AndrewTS

I blamed this asshole for the Dawn/Torrie angle, and I got lambasted because people said it was Heyman's doing.


At least I feel somewhat vindicated.


Fuck Kevin Dunn up his stupid ass with Al Wilson's rigid corpse.

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Guest Downhome

Good, it's about time they shorten those damn fine matches on Smackdown, ya know? I don't know about you but I'm tired of seeing good wrestling matches on my wrestling TV programs. Way to go Kevin Dunn, you have solved the problem with the industry today.



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Guest Dangerous A

Remember, to Vince and his staff, wrestling is a bad word. They produce AN ACTION-ADVENTURE SHOW, NOT A WRESTLING PROGRAM!


Silly smarks.

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Guest AndrewTS
Remember, to Vince and his staff, wrestling is a bad word. They produce AN ACTION-ADVENTURE SHOW, NOT A WRESTLING PROGRAM!


Silly smarks.

Since when have soap operas or bad sitcoms constituted "action," "adventure," or any combination of the two?

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Guest Dangerous A

It doesn't. I'm just quoting what Vince calls his WWE/F shows back in 99 when he would defend his product.

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Guest AndrewTS
It doesn't. I'm just quoting what Vince calls his WWE/F shows back in 99 when he would defend his product.

At least when Big Show rode his daddy's casket, it was somewhat entertaining.

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Guest the pinjockey

"Hey Paul Wight, you're a nasty bastard. And your momma said so."


That one line will make that angle live in my heart forever.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I think it is a case of big shock TVa angles not producing ratings, but lengthy, good matches on Smackdonw not improving ratings either. They are just picking one over the other. Bad choice for us, but it won't matter in the ratings.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yah I was talking to this about someone earlier.

The insanly short matches on Raw.

Damn matches end under 3 minutes.

I'm really starting to get bored with wrestling in general because of this.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Hasn't Dunn been with the WWE for a long time? Hasn't this joker paid attention in the time he was around?

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Guest wwF1587

why stop there... why not shorten ppv matches too and have lots backstage skits and SHOCKING angles you can only see on PPV!

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Hell, why not get rid of the matches completely?


It's not as if anyone watches a wrestling show for wrestling.


These days the audience demands action! And beverage holders in every seat! But mainly action!

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Guest jessecartieri

And you think Russo isn't better? That's some convincing Big Brother you all serve

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Guest Rob Edwards

Well I'd rather see Vinnie Ru than Dunn, Gewitz and co but surley there are guys better equipped for the job out there somewhere, hell at least a heavily edited Nash would book wrestling matches on these here wrestling shows

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

One of the bright spots in the WWE is production: Which Dunn is head of and Dunn grew up near the business... so he does have worth.

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Guest Trivia247

All the Smarks At the range of my Post!


We must head to wwe.com go to the Smackdown Page and click on the feedback button......go to general section and In Unisent Complain about Kevin Dunn and the shorter Matches and remind them that this is WRESTLING!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I love how people like Riki Choyshu talk about how overrated Heyman is, and how he's responsible for stuff like the Dawn/Torrie angle and the backstage skits, even when it's fairly evident it's not his style, and then when this thread comes up they don't post in it.


Reason #2,456 why Puro guys don't know shit about the WWE

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Guest Si82

Personally I'm sick of reading aboht the bunch of retared, fuckwitted "yes" men who crawl there way up Vince McMahon's pasty white old ass and fuck up the company with there moronic booking ideas.


For fuck's sake!


Shorter matches and more soap opera. Fuck you Kevin Dunn! Stick to the production aspect, you're good at that.


I would rather have Russo back than this fuckwit.


This company is fucking doomed.


I think that I'm losing all hope for it.

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Guest deadbeater

If they are going to do that, then they must get, you know, guys who can write compelling TV. Dreamer is a good start.

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