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Guest bravesfan

Ripping themes off of the Smackdown: SYM game...

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Guest bravesfan

I have posted this program for use on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City already, so here it is again for Smackdown:


For all of those who have Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth on PS2, get the PC program "Muzzleflash". (Note: You MUST have a DVD Player installed on your computer. This is to basically have your comp recognize the game disc itself.)


1. Go to this site and download the "MF Audio" program to your computer. Unzip it, set it up, etc.


2. Insert your SD:SYM game disc into your DVD-ROM drive.


3. Open up "MF Audio" and click on "OPEN"


4. Find your DVD drive, go to the folder entitled "ADS" and click on any of the audio files within any of the "BGM" sub-folders.


With Muzzleflash, this will produce all 100+ themes in the game, including the generic rock/rap stuff. Using this program, you can hear & download the themes to your computer. Why is this cool? Because there's a few themes that are essential to "rip" off of the CD...


--The WWE's current television edits of:

-Kurt Angle (theme with/without the "You Suck"'s)

-Hardcore Holly ("How Do Ya Like Me Now?" intro)

-Chris Jericho (with the "time-warping sounds")

-Triple H (both full and shortened "The Game"),

-Edge (full & TV edit of "Never Gonna Stop")

-Hogan (Shortened "Voodoo Chile", full & shortened "Real American")

-Faarooq ("Well I'll Be DAMNED!" intro)

-Chris Benoit (without the 25 second intro the original "Whatever" theme has.)

-RVD (the Alliance intro, into the "One of a Kind" loop lyric, then into middle of the chorus.)


-William Regal

-Molly Holly


-Mark Henry.


There are also several different edits, snippets and different sequences of the "Across the Nation" and "Beautiful People" themes, edited in the same fashion of the current shows.


If you have any questions on ripping the songs off onto your computer, please PM me.


EDIT: I post a reply, when I find the program able to play the VIDEO files on this (and other) discs. Since I'm not able to reach 100 on "Slobber Knocker", this will be my only shot at seeing the Divas Video.

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cool idea. 100 on Slobber Knocker wasn't too hard for me for some reason though and I consider myself horrible at games. Although I guess I kinda cheated. I took Kurt Angle and really faught my way through the first match and then beat the guy. Then, every other match, I'd still have enough finishers left and it got to the point, when I'd hit my finisher, I'd have enough for another. It basically took two finishers to either KO a guy or be able to pin him, which counted. Some guys would even go on one. As they'd run in the ring, I'd run at that, do my running attack, pick them up and hit the Angle Slam (Angle Slam worked faster than Angle Lock). The video was a couple minutes of Lita, Torria, Ivory, Stacy, Trish and even Molly in bikinis, probably from the Diva videos, set to the RAW Theme, Union Underground's "Across the Nation". Although, my main thing is, I still don't have any memory cards, so when I do, I am going to have to do this all over again.

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Guest crandamaniac

Do you have to do anything to the settings. I used that to rip songs off of GTA: VC and when I left it alone, It was really fast and high pitched.

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Guest bravesfan
Do you have to do anything to the settings. I used that to rip songs off of GTA: VC and when I left it alone, It was really fast and high pitched.


No, nothing to tweak this time around. The themes play right off the bat.

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